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25wol - getting that brain thinking

posted 3-6-2009 @ 07:44 PM www
25wol - getting that brain thinking

I've never been great at them but I used to attempt them anyway and would occassionally win small prizes. But lately I've been looking at 25wol questions and my mind has been going blank, can't think of a thing to write sometimes. Writer's block?

Any way to get my mind to try and think creatively? I've read the tips in that comp book but even that hasn't got me movitated.

I do tend to leave the 25wol comps towards the end of their entry period...maybe the thought of trying to come up with something quickly isn't helping

posted 3-6-2009 @ 07:47 PM www

I'm hearin' ya sista!!

Hate 25wol. Enter them but find it really hard to come up with anything a lot of the time and some I totally give up on.

Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an
attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one
hand, wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming
WOO HOO what a ride!

2006-$23411 + 2007-$69842 + 2008-$38712 + 2009-$20781 + 2010-$25344 = $178090
Jan-Oct - $8995
Nov = any minute now......
posted 3-6-2009 @ 07:51 PM www

I'm not even coming up with anything lame! so I'm just not entering at all. :(

posted 3-6-2009 @ 08:53 PM www

I have the same problem! Some questions I'm fine with but some I cannot, for the life of me, think of an angle or any kind of answer. Do you use rhymezone? I can't do wol without it.
posted 3-6-2009 @ 08:55 PM www

know what u mean. with my sleep deprived brain and being time limited at the moment i would hate to think what soet of dribble i have written LOL
posted 4-6-2009 @ 07:41 AM www

If I don't have an idea the first time I read the question I mark it to come back, if I still don't have an idea when I come back I cross it off. If its something I desperately want to win I put the question in a word file "25wol to do" and print it off with the other tricky ones, then I carry that piece of paper around in my bag and look at it when I'm doing the sport "waiting" every day.

posted 4-6-2009 @ 08:46 AM www

Im a brainstormer and a rhymer. Eg. The garnier footy comp I won last year. I spent 2 days (on and off) making a list of every footy related word I could think of. Then I spent a day putting together an answer that incorporated as many footy terms that i could get away with plus the product name. I use to help me with my rhyming. Then I spent a further day tweaking until I was happy. Because that was a big prize I spent longer than usual writing it.

Sometimes Im in a final countdown mode trying to do as many worders I can before the close date. In that case I refer to my saved list of 25 worders. I can often read a question and think I've done one before that would suit it so I just rejig an old 25 worder. I keep my answers in a word document.

There are also times that I do the off the cuff answer and this sometimes wins. My last win was Ok magazine. I think the question was "Whats your favourite photo" and I simply said it was a photo of me with my Nan because not long after it was taken she passed away. No rhyming just a simple answer.
posted 4-6-2009 @ 09:22 AM www

I do my 25 wol on Friday evenings after 2 glasses of wine. Works wonders! Also helps me understand really heavy sociology papers too :mad:
posted 4-6-2009 @ 11:48 AM www

I think the best advice I've received is to not fall into
the dull trap, to keep the slogan vibrant and witty
with double meanings between the lines. The first line
will either capture the judges eye, or it's doomed to
the discard heap. I think most of mine end up there.
posted 4-7-2009 @ 02:34 PM www

Try as I might, I cannot seem to come up with a winner o WOL. How do you all do it? It seems all the really good comps have WOL, even comps for a movie ticket have WOL. I joined Lottos in the hope of winning a holiday as I cannot afford to pay for one and want desperatley to go away with my girls, but how to win on them? I am not a wordy person and really am just floundering with this, can anyone help?
posted 4-7-2009 @ 09:31 PM www

They can sometimes be so tricky, just thinking what to write. Ive had 2 of my biggest wins, and a lot of small ones with 25wol, but the last few months none. I all of a sudden struggle with them too.

I find I can go weeks with crappy ones, and then I may have a week where they just come to be so easy and I love doing them. I save those ones and think there great, however they havent exactly won me anything of late, so they cant really be that great LOL.:):)

Just depends on the judges on the day I suppose. I love the rhymes and poems, Im just so so so so so over the "WHY DO YOU DESERVE TO WIN THIS" :mad::mad:
posted 7-12-2009 @ 10:30 PM www

Does anyone have an example of a winning wol entry?
posted 7-12-2009 @ 10:40 PM www

GeoRhi....some very generous lottos have contributed on this thread.
posted 7-12-2009 @ 11:09 PM www

These are my favourite comps because everyone finds them hard and there is less competition.

I have had luck with clever word play as much as rhyming things

I can't remember the exact things but lines like

"hair necessity" won me a mason pearson hairbrush

"BOOTylicious" won me some boots

and then there are the old chestnuts like SCENTsational but I am sure these have been done to death.

like the others, I brainstorm and come up with as many associated words as I can and then see if I can come up with anything clever. If any of those words rhyme with positive words like "fantastic" "excellent" etc

strangely, the entries I thought were fantastic rarely have won anything, but others I have just thought up and entered quickly do well..

oh and edit edit edit - keep taking words out. The fewer the better
posted 8-12-2009 @ 07:44 AM www

Sometimes the questions are worded in such a way that you just know the promoters already have an idea what answer theyre looking for, and that makes it hard.

Most of my wins are from wols though, but strangely Ive never won from a rhyme, yet everyone else seems to - weird!
posted 8-12-2009 @ 08:20 AM www

I have spent hours and hours getting them "just right" for no wins- so now I am going to not stress about it and just write down the first thing that pops into my head and see how that goes!!:D-
posted 8-12-2009 @ 09:08 AM www

I break up the 25WOL question. Example:
"How Duracell charges up your creativity in the classroom?"
How ?
Who ?
Why ?
Then I add in the company, google info. on it and take something highly recognisable for that company.
Duracell (Coppertop battery, Duracell bunny)
25 WOL to me means 5 lines of five words ... approx. or a 4 line, to the point verse.

1. Line
2. Line with end word to rhyme with line 4. end word.
3. Line
4. Line with last word rhyming with line 2. last word.

Our teacher ‘Gadget guy’ Mr E.
Resembles a highly charged COPPERTOP D.
Full of life, durable and quite compact
His creativeness keeps our classroom rapt.

Companies like being recognised, show you understand what they are asking and show product knowledge when possible. Works for me (getting the brain working I mean, not winning) JD
posted 8-12-2009 @ 09:43 PM www

I find the bigger the prize, the bigger the writer's block! :( Ah well, that's when I rely on my quick wit for a one liner. lol if only!!!! :P:P:P
posted 8-12-2009 @ 11:55 PM www

I remember the comp, jed dog, it was eariler in the year.
My entry was;
Study and drive are right on track,
From inspiration I used to lack,
Duracell keeps me 'motorvated',
Charge my mind, I'm straight 'A' rated!

It didn't win :(
posted 13-12-2009 @ 01:43 PM www

I've read tips that say make them rhyme, don't do rhymes etc but have had success with both.

Here's my thoughts & a few examples;

If it's an emotive issue (or you can make it one) just make it honest, clear & endearing. For example one in homespun magazine (quilting) asked something like why you love the garden, my answer was how I had spent so many years gardening as a kid with my uncle & even now it makes me think of him - that won.

Last week I did one for Fitness First for Janelle Blooms Cookbook. It was 50 words, so much easier than 25. Being a heath club I fugured the answer shold be ablout good health. This is my answer & I won.

Janelle Bloom is such a dynamo,
her health & vitality shines right out of her,
if her recipes can give me energy & radiance like that,
I can't wait to start cooking & start living life to the fullest again!

Another winner is below;

Geography of Love Comp – Harper Collins

Just a little romance,
would make me giddy with delight,
or maybe that's the champers,
either way, both feel so, so right!

Prize is Champagne & Chocs $60 – WON

If it's a topic where humour fits, I go for it & do ryhmes. So far my only win (& my biggest) was last year from 3 Mobile (enter their comps, they are very generous & great to deal with) that asked why I wanted to go zorbing in NZ?

I didn't keep my answer but did a funny rhyme about how at the ripe old age of 42 I wanted to do something daring. The prize was a trip for 4 to NZ, Zorbing & other fun stuff in Rotorua, including accommodation, hire car & 4 lovely mobiles.

Try to find something to make you stick out from everyone else, ie with the zorbing, I was the old(er), timid one wanting to get daring, rather than just another person who would love an adventure holiday.

I use rhymezone for helping me rhyme things or find an alternative word that ryhmes & fits the senario.

Good luck & just enter, you never know what will win :P
posted 13-12-2009 @ 01:58 PM www

I've won with rhymes and non-ryhmes - basically it has to stand out from the others in some way and be the best!!!! :P:P:P:P Easy!!!!:D:D

posted 15-12-2009 @ 11:45 PM www

I'm fairly new but most of my wins have been WOLs, the non-rhyming type, but I like doing the rhymes. One good win showed product knowledge, one was a bit cheeky and my biggest win so far, aan $800 handbag was almost begging - think they felt sorry for me :-)
The thing is, you never know who's going to be doing the judging.;)
posted 16-12-2009 @ 01:31 AM www

And when they say original, I've often thought that it not only means that it hasn't been published on a forum before, but in the actual pool of entries for the comp, if you have an entry similar to someone else, or even a line of your answer like someone else, then it's not original in that pool of entries, and probably won't win. I think they are looking for something different from all the other entries that stands alone. It's hard to do.
posted 6-1-2010 @ 03:14 PM www

I love 25wol questions, but yeah sometimes I do get stuck and have a mental block but other times I think of something funny or unusual.
posted 6-1-2010 @ 03:32 PM www

Oh Man I hate 25wol questions.
I am a real analytical mathematic person more than a creative one. In the 5 years I have been comping now I have only won 3. 2 for movie tickets and my biggest in september was for 3 DVDs.

I never win with rhyming ones.

The first one was a question about best friends and i wrote a truthful answer.

The second win the question was: Who is your favourite Harry Potter character and why? I wrote "Harry Potter, because he has a big wand!"

The third one was what everyday item would you like to turn into a transformer and why? I wrote the wheelie bin, becasue it could put itself out and bring itself in and wash itself out ......or something like that. The only reason I thought of that ....... I was sitting outside with a glass of wine and my stepson was putting rubbish in the bin. Also the wheels are broken on our bin and i thought it would be much easier if it could walk itself outside.

I think it was the wine that did it!!! :P
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