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I won chance to win a million! Any advice? pls!

posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:40 AM www
I won chance to win a million! Any advice? pls!

Hi everyone,
After comping for a few years on and off I finally settled on store comps, as try as I might winning WOL seemed to elude me,
Much to my delight I received a call last week advising me I'd won the Solo Kick for cash competition. After running round like a lunatic for a week, thinking all my financial worries were over and deciding how I'm going to spend the money. I suddenly came down with a thud when I realized the enormity of the task. Never having really kicked a ball before I have to muster the skill to kick a ball at a target during half time at the socceroos v Indonesia match 3rd March (scary) . Target, distance, height etc- all the really important information unspecified and according to T&C - up to the promoter. I've asked for more info, but have a feeling it wont be forth coming.

So fellow lotto's I'm appealing to you for any advice. Has this competition ever happened before? Does anyone have ANY info on the type of target and finally how do I remain calm and perform in front of potentially 20,000 screaming fans.

Thanks in advance :P
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:43 AM www

The pressure!!!!!

posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:43 AM www

no advice - but congratulations!!

Don't know how you are getting any sleep - I would be a wreck

Good luck, hopefully someone can help
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:44 AM www

Wow congratulations! :)
You have to remember that your no a pro and everyone in the stands know that, so don't worry about them, just concentrate on kicking that ball. Get off the computer and go practice is my advice :) prepare & conquer my friend :)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:47 AM www

wow! I wonder if they will have a goalie trying to block your ball and it won't be so much a distance and target type thing, as trying to get past the goalie?? After all that's what soccer is?? I guess psyching yourself up to stay focused will be the biggest hurdle. I hope they give you some kind of "hint" before you have to actually perform!
Good luck with it whatever it is you have to accomplish!! :)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:48 AM www

Wow! Scary and exciting... why don't you look at getting a bit of training before the event, even get a couple of lessons, it will be worth it if you win! Use the power of the mind and go to sleep each night picturing yourself kicking it into the target and tell yourself "I will do this". You can do it! Good luck, and happy practising!
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:51 AM www

I would be heading down to a local club and getting tips from those who actually play the game. I'm sure if you explained the situation they would be more than happier to give you some coaching!

Good luck and well done :)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:52 AM www

Get onto your local soccer club (if there is one!) and ask them to help you with a bit of training. For this sort of event, I'm sure they won't say no!
And find a pair of footy boots that fit you:) You'll need them to kick that ball further. I don't think your runners are going to do it without hurting your toot toot tootsies:)
Congrats & good luck!

EDIT: SNAP antbann:P:P
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:53 AM www

Does the T&C state anything about someone else filling in for you? If so, you could use a relative to kick the ball for you?
posted 10-1-2010 @ 08:56 AM www

Help, I lost my whole post except for the smiley!
Oh well, bear with me and I'll type it all again....
posted 10-1-2010 @ 09:03 AM www

OK hear goes.....I won a chance at a million too and was very scared about making a fool of myself and letting my family down. I had to compete in a treasure hunt around Darling Harbour with four other teams. I'm a bit big, and very unfit and worried about what I would have to do. I even wondered if I would turn the prize down. In the end, I took my three teenage sons (prize was for me and three others) and we had flights and accomodation for three nights in Darling Harbour over easter. Apart from the hunt, which I didn't win but didn't come last :) we had free time to do the tourist thing. We were guarunteed $2000 consolation prize so that counted for spending money, and we had a great holiday and memories to keep forever.
So do whatever training you think you may need, try not to stress, don't let anyone put pressure on you to win the big one but enjoy a little daydream about the possibilities, and enjoy the experience.
posted 10-1-2010 @ 09:27 AM www

Enjoy the experience and have fun

make sure you get someone to take photos - probably of the large screen that will probably show you.

Here's a bit of a picture of the Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane.
posted 10-1-2010 @ 09:43 AM www

Thanks for all the advice,, it's greatly appreciated.

Upon hearing the news my first question was" Can I nominate someone with a better aim then me?" Unfortunately not, it has to be little old me.

Thankfully, it's not against a goalie, that was my second question.

I've looked on youtube and found a similar comp where the guy had to get it through a hole cut out of a piece of wood. I've got my fingers and toes crossed that I wont have to do anything that precise,,, but just in case I have a board with a hole in it set up,,,,,,,,and printed targets all around my house with the ball hitting the bullseye! I believe positive thinking sent me this opportunity,,, why stop now.

And training,,,,,OMG I'm so sore!!!!!I have muscles in my bum I never knew existed.....

And your right Suecat17, the experience of being flown to Brisbane, staying in a hotel and the $1000 spending money will be gr8. I'm a winner already,,,,the million would be nice though.

posted 10-1-2010 @ 09:51 AM www

T & C state:
Unless previously arranged with Promoter. winner cannot nominate a replacement to Kick for Cash.

What does the unless previously arranged mean then?
posted 10-1-2010 @ 09:52 AM www

Sounds like you are already doing everything you can :)

Practice, practice, practice and good luck!

posted 10-1-2010 @ 09:54 AM www

Ditto to what RAD said, its sounds like you're doing all the things you could be doing.

What a fantastic opportunity and I really hope that you nail it, keep up with the training!:)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 10:42 AM www

congratulations and good luck.

I hope they make it easy for you, in front of a crowd I think the promoters would want to have a winner.
posted 10-1-2010 @ 10:49 AM www

Congratulations!!!!!! Wishing you all the very best and have fun practising!!!!!:):):):)

posted 10-1-2010 @ 11:11 AM www


congrats hope you are a millionaire. wowww:D

can you kick it along the ground? That would be easier to get a goal.;)

Good luck you will have lots of lottoers cheering for you.:)

posted 10-1-2010 @ 11:15 AM www

Wow Looloo.. great opportunity and some great advice in here...
I'd like to add some practical advice for ya also...

Our brains are pretty complicated but easily trained with 'positive affirmations'.

Pick out something that you like to eat... a healthy little tiny snack like mmmmaybe half an apple or a carrot stick dipped into something nice.....

eat it 3 times a day and straight after eating.... say the following out loud.

"I'm enjoying being able to kick a soccer ball successfully at the target each time i try"

"I feel so relaxed and comfortable in front of a crowd, and I really enjoy the sensation that goes with this."

"I'm enjoying the sense of achievement that i feel from hitting targets with a soccer ball."

(say them with enthusiasm, pep and lots of conviction)

your brain will like this :P and with the practise you are doing, the improvement with your kicking accuracy will be really noticeable within a week..

When you get there on the day, and 5 minutes before you walk onto the ground, eat your small healthy snack and say your 'affirmations' aloud.... then march out with a smile and

You're not their to win a million dollars.... you are simply there because of all the great personal rewards you feel from 'hitting targets with a soccer ball, and this makes you really happy by the sounds of it :) hehe :P :P

I'm sure you'll do a great job, and enjoy doing what you simply love to do :) ;)

BBbbb....oooooooooooooooooooooot!! :)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 11:28 AM www

What an opportunity Looloo,

Congratulations on getting that at least,
enjoy the experience and the little break away, :D

Best wishes for a successful shot at the target whatever it may be.

Positive thoughts are with you for this adventure.:):)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 11:28 AM www

Considering the prize amount, I dont think they are going to make it easy.
posted 10-1-2010 @ 11:41 AM www

Wow congratulations, what a prize. I hope you have a great time and try to relax an enjoy the whole experience.

I'd maybe try and practice soccer kicking, but I don't think I would take it too serious as it's 1 in a Million chance that you would hit the target and if you do then it's meant to be, then you can worry about how you're going to spend it lol.

So just relax and enjoy yourself.;)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 11:45 AM www

I have no practical advice to give you. I just wanted to say:

"GOOD LUCK!" :):):):)
posted 10-1-2010 @ 11:46 AM www

You can do it mate! :)

Maybe go to your local footy club and see if someone can coach you twice a week until the comp??
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