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How To Win Competitions...

posted 19-1-2010 @ 09:58 AM www
How To Win Competitions...

Hi everyone,

I was just reading an email from Telstra Big Pond and noticed what I thought was an advert button titled:


So, of course I had to look...and this is what it had. Nothing really new in there for most of us I know, but thought some may find it enlightening! :)

How to win competitions!
Write the perfect winning answer, easily!

Entering competitions can be a great source of fun, especially if you win! But what exactly sets one entry apart from all the others? Find out here.

The tone and approach an entrant uses in their competition entry counts for a lot when it comes to judgement time. Although the winning entry may take a formal tone, more often than not it's the quirky, funny, and entertaining entry that really wins the judges over.

If you've still not won a competition in your lifetime then you should pay close attention to these winning tips.

1. Be witty.

Competition judges often read hundred, if not thousands of entries per competition. Not only do you need to stand out from all the other people who have sent entries, but you need a hook that will make your entry stick in their minds long after they've rated your article and kept reading other entries. Making witty, original comments is one way to do improve your chances of doing this.

2. Be entertaining.

Most written competitions offer to publish their winning entry, so remember that you're writing as much for the readers of a website, magazine, or other publication as for the judges. By knowing who their target audience is, and writing to that audience, you make it easier for them to publish your writing and declare you their winner!

3. Follow directions.

Anyone who has multiple submissions to review is not going to want to sort through entries that don't follow directions as a result the reviewer is far more likely to be looking for reasons to cut down on their own workload. Don't let a careless typo, lack of correct information, or other simple error prevent your entry from winning the prize it deserves!

4. Pick competitions that are right for YOU.

Not every competition is right for every person. It may not be a good idea to spend time entering a competition and working on your entry if you simply don't have the necessary expertise to put together something insightful and well thought out. Remember there are thousands of competitions running in the world at any given time, so at least a few will be perfect for you!

Following these guidelines is sure to help you win improve your entries for online competitions - which in turn can help you win competitions no matter where you enter them!
posted 19-1-2010 @ 10:04 AM www

Thanks susanmundy... appreciate you posting this....need all the help I can get :)
posted 19-1-2010 @ 10:09 AM www

thanks. I have a question that probably nobody would know the answer to but here goes. when a competition has three different ways to enter ie sms, free online or phone I wonder which is the better way to enter. if you have to buy products and pay for sms or phone call does it give you better chance than someone doing free online entry? If not we would be wiser to enter for free.
posted 19-1-2010 @ 10:14 AM www

Not 100% sure, but I think all of our entries end up online anyway. If you enter by mail or sms, I believe that staff manually enter your details on line. If that's the case, we're better off doing it ourselves for free. :):):)
posted 19-1-2010 @ 10:21 AM www

so insightful and well thought out while quirky, funny and entertaining - no problemo
posted 19-1-2010 @ 10:35 AM www

sapphire27 I have read in terms and conditions before where entries all end up on a database to be drawn OR rarely they do a draw to decide where to draw the winners from, or if there are multiple draws then they sometimes say 15 prizes so 5 winners each from mail in, sms, web entries. I try to spread entries across the board but if I am only entering once then web entry is free comparred to sms or mail in and it is extremely convenient LOL !!
posted 19-1-2010 @ 10:52 AM www

Originally posted by Bigam
so insightful and well thought out while quirky, funny and entertaining - no problemo

My thoughts exactly Bigam! ;)
posted 10-2-2010 @ 04:11 PM www

Now all I have to do is be all those things...
posted 10-2-2010 @ 04:56 PM www

plus if you could mention the product in a flattering way and do a small montage as well!!!

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