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Tracking entered comps

posted 1-2-2010 @ 06:00 PM www
Tracking entered comps

Hi All

I'm new to all this, and so far I am keeping a spreadsheet of all the comps I enter, such as, date entered, who is running the comp, draw and result dates, my answer and the prize. In addition to using Comp Tracker. Is anyone else doing this????

It's slowing me down, but I am still not sure if it's worth it or not?

Any advice would be great.
posted 1-2-2010 @ 06:15 PM www

I only use comptracker & that's it.

I used to keep my own list of all the WOL answers I'd entered, but now I just rely on the Personal Notes section of Lottos - saves HEAPS of time.
posted 1-2-2010 @ 06:15 PM www

I'm new to this too but I'm just using the comp tracker. For me, I can't see myself using the details on a spreadshett like that worth the time it takes to keep it up to date.

The only additional spreadsheet I use is one to help me keep track of what I've won (prize, value, date entered, date prize received, promoter etc). I don't win very often so keeping those details is not a distraction from enetering more comps.
posted 1-2-2010 @ 09:41 PM www

Thanks, i'm beginning to think i'm just being too organised.
posted 1-2-2010 @ 09:52 PM www

I just go to Comps Entered and Comps Entered (closed) in the User Control Panel and all the information is there. All the comps I've entered since I've joined are there and the ones I'm currently in.
I might enter 20 in one day and it would be too time-consuming to record it all myself. The User Control Panel is in the top right-hand corner and you can also record the competitions you've won, prizes you're waiting for and comps you've marked that you want to go back to.
Hope this all makes sense. Good Luck. :)
EDIT: I do write out my WOLs in an exercise book which I find easier for me personally than using personal notes. It's a personal thing. I like to cross out words and rewrite sections etc so this is useful for me for future competitions and also to see what hasn't won anything.
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