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Those MAZDA CX9 comps...what did you write?

posted 4-3-2010 @ 03:38 PM www
Those MAZDA CX9 comps...what did you write?

I notice a lot of people are winning the subscriptions which were runner up prizes in the series of Mazda CX9 comps which ran in various magazines.

I was hoping some of the winners could share their 25WOL entries? I was absolutely stumped with this comp.

The questions were along the lines of what feature of the car would change your life and why?

I would love to see what people wrote so I could learn! If anyone is generous enough to share their knowledge....
posted 4-3-2010 @ 04:53 PM www

"CX-9" has room for ALL our family,
parents, kids, plus the pet!
So it's my bet we’ll NEVER hear,
"Are we there yet"?

posted 4-3-2010 @ 05:39 PM www

Love that kismet

Great answer :)

posted 4-3-2010 @ 06:23 PM www

Fantastic kismet! Sorry Tarsh, I'd happily tell you my answer but it wasn't memorable enough to remember, (nowhere near as good as kismets for sure) lol!!! :):):)
posted 4-3-2010 @ 06:23 PM www

Had a few cracks at it and one was a winner but not sure which one lol! ....None are very good though:

SEVEN seats in the Mazda CX-9,
Is what my family needs to get by,
I can drive in comfort and style,
Pretending it’s just I!

Backing out in the Mazda CX-9
Is never a pain in the neck.
The reversing camera does the job,
Safety features get a big check!

Saving green house emissions
Is one of my passions.
In a “Seven Seat Sensation”
We’ll combine transportation!
Car pool to school?
Mazda CX-9 ….Cool!!!

I’d love to upgrade the common Ford,
To the sleek styling of the CX-9,
Exterior features deserve an award,
Easier to tell which one’s mine!
posted 4-3-2010 @ 06:57 PM www

thanks everyone. it seems the rhyming ones did well. I can't remember what I wrote but it was similar.

bum, I actually wanted a mag subscription more than the actual prizes since I hate the idea of travelling east without my kids!
posted 4-3-2010 @ 10:54 PM www

I didn't save mine as a note but wrote how the ipod/aux connector would change my life because I'd plug in the ipod and tune out the noise of the kids arguments.
posted 5-3-2010 @ 01:55 AM www

oh I love that!
posted 5-3-2010 @ 12:20 PM www

Something about the airbags and hoping to never actually see them.
Can't remember exactly what though.
Didnt win!

posted 5-3-2010 @ 12:33 PM www

Mazda's now got seven seats
The family's happy, extremely upbeat
Grandma and Grandad can now come along
Which helps our family stay really strong
posted 5-3-2010 @ 01:03 PM www

I had a really crappy answer, something about the seven seats to fit my ever growing familiy. Surprised to get a win.

posted 5-3-2010 @ 07:47 PM www

I wrote:

'The sophisticated design. I'd have to get used to the stares of people trying to work out who the famous person behind the wheel is.'

and won the Inside Out subscription.

So lame! Goes to prove you really can't tell what they're looking for!
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