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Winning SMS comps

posted 11-3-2010 @ 10:14 PM www
Winning SMS comps

I've entered quite a few of these and have had no success. Has anyone here won big with these comps?

I have a few questions:

1) Does it matter what time you enter to win i.e. are you better off entering early or later or the day before they shut?
2) Does anyone know how they are drawn?
3) Do you need to include commas between your data?
4) If you leave something out e.g. your phone number does that disqualify you, after all they have your mobile number that's how you entered the comp it must be logged!
5) How many entries do you reckon they get e.g. for those sms comps advertised on tv channels - would it be fair to say they get 4000 entries or do you think more?
6) How many times do you think you need to enter to win just once or multiple times e.g. 4?

It is expensive to enter these so not sure how much longer I will bother if I don't get a win soon. After all web entries and WOLS are SO much cheaper!!
posted 11-3-2010 @ 10:26 PM www

hi globalchick,
I think its pure luck, hubby recently won a trip for 2 to New York (we are going in May....yay so excited) with channel 10 and he had less than 20 entries over the period of the comp.

so dont give up hope and keep entering......Good Luck
posted 11-3-2010 @ 10:36 PM www

Terms and conditions all differ, best to read them for each separate comp. regarding commas, what info. to text, etc. There is no secret way to win these comps. I would think that big comps would literaly get thousands upon thousands of entries, depending on how big the prize is. They are all selected using a random data selection process (ie computer generated draw) so its more luck than anything else. As for any other tips and hints, I don't think anyone will give them away if they know any....good luck:0)
posted 12-3-2010 @ 08:50 AM www

Id say the tv ones attract a lot more entries because a lot of people will see it advertised and pick up their mobiles and enter (when they dont normally enter comps at all), I won a comp once and they told me there was over 200,000 by phone and sms from a tv show. But then I entered a kerianne one, once and won also???? do what you can afford I think of them as raffle tickets look at the prize if that prize was offered in a raffle how many tickets would you buy???? (55 c each of course)!!!
good luck

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 12-3-2010 @ 08:54 AM www

A couple of years ago, a big comp run by Coca Cola was reported in the news to have had 22 MILLION sms entries, 6 MILLION of which were incorrect.
posted 12-3-2010 @ 09:49 AM www

I won a 50 inch plasma with two or three entries via SMS to the Today show. This was before I joined lottos, I was already in love with comping!:)
posted 12-3-2010 @ 10:01 AM www

I don't believe there is any pattern as such, well not from comp to comp. It's all random. I once won a trip to Egypt, back in the good old days of Optus Turbo and I'd done about 500 sms's. Another arvo did some ring'n'wins in House & Garden magazine and scored 12 prizes, over $10k worth, just one phone call after the other. Having said that, I've entered a gazillion comps since, just with the odd entry these days and have had many more 'losses' than wins. Just do what you can afford.
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