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How I Won Over $33,890 In Prizes (12 months)

posted 31-5-2010 @ 03:57 PM www
How I Won Over $33,890 In Prizes (12 months)


I just want to say that comping is not as easy as they make it out on ACA. It seems that these guys win everything they enter. I can say that is pretty much a big NO NO. Most of these guys work hard, and enter lots of stuff each day.

I have to be honest with you and say there was a lot of trial and error and many hours spent before I become good at this whole comping thing and won up big. 2 cars now, holidays to China, Las Vegas, Disneyland, Ski Fields and the list goes on.

but here are some of my secrets to success.

FIRST USE A STRATEGY THAT I CALL "THE MAGNET!!!" This is what I did in my tests / experiments which helped me big time! It is not just about being lucky.

1) Before you start you day, Sit down for 5 minutes in a quiet room, slow your mind right down.... and simply visualize the following.

- you winning lots of stuff. You favorite car, toy, shopping voucher, gift card. Actually visualize yourself going in and spending all that money or collecting your prize/s.

- Visualize the postman struggling to carry all your prizes, and you running out to collect them from him. Would you plant a big kiss on his cheek...LOL What would that feel like, visualize and pretend like the prizes are already on their way. Feel the feelings of joy and happiness of what you are about to receive and wallow in this. Have some fun and fantasize.

I try to do this each and every day. Heck even if you win nothing you sure feel better mentally and physically. Sort of like a mini meditation, but anyway Its a WIN WIN SITUATION.

2) Next as you start to search for the comps you are going to enter each day. Think positively and let the positively in your 5 minute session carry forward. If you do step one properly, this will not only be easy but FUN as well.

DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT let negativity come in. I know, at times you will have a bad run. Maybe a week, or a month sometimes longer without winning a free toothpick. I know cause I was there a few times. That is the nature of this hobby. ACCEPT IT, Let it ride, stay focused and keep that positivity flowing.

As you are enter competitions online, offline, instead of thinking thoughts of "oh what the hell, im never gunna win this!" "why bother!" "God imagine all the people trying to enter this!" "OMG I wont win this knowing my luck!"

STOP RIGHT THERE.... remember what I said. Stay calm, and positive no matter what. Instead of this negativity say this as you are filling out WOL or forms etc........ "wow cant wait to win this!" "this is simple!" "IM so excited with this entry!" "I have such a good chance!"

I don't think people realize the true power of this, and the powerful attributes we hold as humans. And also the power of positive thinking.

Remember back when I said I have tried and experimented with lots of this stuff. Well get this. For a whole 2-3 weeks, I entered everything. Small comps, big comps, and everything in between. As I went through the steps to enter these comps I thought bad thoughts, negatively and reasons why I had no chance in hell of winning what I was after.

GUESS WHAT!!!! no surprise to me, but suddenly I found that there was a big difference in my results. It was something like a 44% decrease in the stuff I was winning. Yes I saw a reduction by about almost half. Insane. :o

I thought this theory was bogus until I did this. And when I saw the above results I knew I was onto something. So I wiped the slate clean and started again with my MAGNET theory and guess what, yes. Small and big wins started to come almost daily again. INCREDIBLE!!! YES, it did take a while to get rolling, but soon enough the wins starting coming in again!!!

3) Enter every competition that interests you. I MEAN EVERYTHING! Even if you have to buy something or fill stuff out and hand it in. Or do something out of the usual. I have won stuff that takes a few hours to fill out and hand in, because chances are others dont bother doing the hard yards. What do you think this does to your chances of winning. They go up 1000%. TRUST ME.

ENTER.... ENTER.... ENTER!!!!....

You have to be in it to win it. If you dont enter anything you still have 0% of winning. The only thing You have gained by doing this is nothing but plain old skepticism. ENTER, ENTER and ENTER some more. You dont have to be Einstein to figure out sooner or later you will have a win. MAYBE EVEN A BIG ONE!

Thanks for taking the time to read this. AND.....last but not least I say to you MAZELTOV!!!! (my username) which simply means, GOOD LUCK, WELL WISHES, WIN HEAPS!!!! See what I mean ;););)

Try this and come back HERE and post your results. I'M SURE YOU WILL BE PLEASANTLY SURPRISED!!
posted 31-5-2010 @ 04:07 PM www

Wow congratulations mazeltov, I'm in awe!!!! :)
posted 31-5-2010 @ 04:19 PM www

Sorry not convinced at the strategy.

To each their own of course and if it works for you, that's great.

I generally wake up thinking of my wins that will happen, and have many a time ironing in this daydream and in the shower in those few precious moments I am left in peace!

When I enter I'm dreaming of the winning p/call and the prize.

So far nothing much to write home too, and I've been comping since I was about 16 (I'm over 40 now) when I started to earn an income from employment.

While the wins are good of course, overall comping - whether or not I win, is my hobby and for which I thoroughly enjoy my time doing this hobby.

I believe once I move back to civilisation, my wins will grow (as before I moved to this remote area I won quite a bit (nothing major - but lots of little wins) - here I win next to nothing - and I think it's the huge freight costs that would follow any win to be honest.

Anyways congrats on your wins, and it's always nice to be able to have some pleasant time to yourself to motivate yourself and/or others.

I wish you many more wins.
posted 31-5-2010 @ 04:29 PM www

What a wonderful dream, to sit in a queit place with peace and quiet and no disturbance and to clear my mind ... this would be a win in it self.

Dawn1004 - I totally agree. I spend a couple of hours a fortnight when I can. Just a bit of creativeness and luck. More luck in Phone ins, sms and random stuff. More creativeness for 25 wol etc..
I have won less since shifting to where i am in the sticks and its due i am sure to postage. If I use my sisters city address I win heaps.
Good luck Mazeltov with your theory. In the end it all comes down to
2009 I won $35000 - $40000 worth, all creative and heaps at the old postcode!!!!!

posted 31-5-2010 @ 04:31 PM www

Originally posted by mazeltov

1) Before you start you day, Sit down for 5 minutes in a quiet room, slow your mind right down.... and simply visualize the following.

Chance would be a fine thing, before my day starts I think OMG the dishes/washing/lunches/dinner/kids

5 minutes to myself would be a pure pleasure a quiet room would be an absolute miracle!
posted 31-5-2010 @ 04:50 PM www

I certainly do believe in the power of positive thinking.
I sometimes do the visualisation in the morning before I get out of bed, if I get the chance, or in the shower.
Last year, there were a few small items that I really wanted to win, and I visualised myself getting the WPC or the parcel itself.... and I actually did win those things.
I have never won anything as big as a holiday overseas or a car, but truthfully, they have never really been on my radar.... I tend to skip the overseas holiday comps because of the trouble I've had getting my passport. I keep telling myself though, if I get off my butt and get my passport, THEN I will win a holiday.... so, maybe one day. ;)
Congrats on your wins, mazeltov, and keep up that positive attitude!

posted 31-5-2010 @ 04:54 PM www

Originally posted by rpolly
I certainly do believe in the power of positive thinking.
I sometimes do the visualisation in the morning before I get out of bed, if I get the chance, or in the shower.
Last year, there were a few small items that I really wanted to win, and I visualised myself getting the WPC or the parcel itself.... and I actually did win those things.
I have never won anything as big as a holiday overseas or a car, but truthfully, they have never really been on my radar.... I tend to skip the overseas holiday comps because of the trouble I've had getting my passport. I keep telling myself though, if I get off my butt and get my passport, THEN I will win a holiday.... so, maybe one day. ;)
Congrats on your wins, mazeltov, and keep up that positive attitude!

WOW, good for you rpolly. I try to be as focused as I can with my visuals. It seems for me the more focused I am with my mental visuals the better chance I have of getting a win. Best part is that it is sooo easy.

I love your plans rpolly, I am sure that BIG win is not too far away. Stay positive, and keep up the great work. :cool:
posted 31-5-2010 @ 04:57 PM www

mazeltov, congratulations on a wonderful post. You obviously took a lot of time to share your thoughts.

I know it works!!! but there's some other little ingredient thats part of the mindset, I had it for a while then I lost it. I think, and hope I know how to get it back.

I'v done all the hard yards on a few things I wanted. I even went to a car dealership, sat in the car, had my photo taken, believe me, I did everything I could think of for this one and I couldn't believe it when I didn't win. Maybe if I had I would have driven too fast and written myself off.
posted 31-5-2010 @ 05:00 PM www

Thanks, I will definately try this as I really do believe in positive thought. Even though I haven't had a win in ages I never give up,I'm in it for the long haul - win or lose!
posted 31-5-2010 @ 05:06 PM www

Brilliant!!! Tried this and got all excited as I saw postie struggling with 2 boxes to my front door this morning. It was my neighbours wine order lol but tomorrow it's ALL MINE YEEHA!:P:P:P
posted 31-5-2010 @ 05:08 PM www

Originally posted by stargazer
Thanks, I will definately try this as I really do believe in positive thought. Even though I haven't had a win in ages I never give up,I'm in it for the long haul - win or lose!

wow it is normally people like you that make it big in this game.

I have friends, and others in here that have won massive prizes. Alot bigger than my ones. I know these people very well, and they dont seem to treat this to serious. But keep a sound mind and not get discouraged. Most the people that do well at this are all the, calm and collected....but most important GRATEFUL!!!!

I have seen a saying that says "being grateful for things we have, only brings more things into our lives to be grateful for" so true, yet so poweful.
posted 31-5-2010 @ 05:38 PM www

Being positive and grateful is a wonderful way to live our lives. I will definitely try your visualising method and I'll let you know how I go. Thanks for sharing :):):)
posted 31-5-2010 @ 05:45 PM www

Originally posted by Lady-Luck
Being positive and grateful is a wonderful way to live our lives. I will definitely try your visualising method and I'll let you know how I go. Thanks for sharing :):):)

Mazeltov to you Lady-Luck!!!. Being grateful even for the small things makes a big difference.

Anyone can try this MAGNET method, it is as simple as A B C. Simply follow the steps and come back and share your AWESOME experiences.

Good Luck:cool::cool::):)
posted 31-5-2010 @ 05:47 PM www

Thank you for sharing your thoughts mazeltov :)
I'm also a big believer in positive thought & positive perception.
Most things in life are neither good nor bad, it all comes down to how YOU perceive it.
I like to believe that if I don't win a competition that I was really trying to, then it just means someone else needed that prize more than I did at that point in time.
Good luck to you & keep on enjoying this wonderful hobby.
posted 31-5-2010 @ 06:00 PM www

My fourth day at this thing and I am totally addicted. My husband thinks its menopause madness!!! he he he ... I've cleared a big space for all my winnings to be stored in the rumpus room so I can sit back and show off (and share my winnings) Yah hooo this is better than working (i've just retired too). Visualise ... visualise .... visualise
posted 31-5-2010 @ 06:11 PM www

Originally posted by SusieC
My fourth day at this thing and I am totally addicted. My husband thinks its menopause madness!!! he he he ... I've cleared a big space for all my winnings to be stored in the rumpus room so I can sit back and show off (and share my winnings) Yah hooo this is better than working (i've just retired too). Visualise ... visualise .... visualise


Here is a great little WOL to help you SusieC

Time to Enter
Then Enter Some More,
Lady luck comes visiting
bundling big prizes GALORE!

posted 31-5-2010 @ 06:12 PM www

I really enjoyed reading this thread and will try to be more positive. It can't hurt. Good luck to everyone. i see tonight on Today tonight there is another segment on competitions so will watch that too. Knowledge is power.
posted 31-5-2010 @ 06:26 PM www

Hi Mazeltov,

Thank you for your comments. I believe that any positive attitude is a good one - in and out of the arena of competitions.

My mother, now 86, loved to do competitions. She won 10,000 pounds about 20 years ago and it changed her life. They moved to a decent house and still lives there today.

She used to always say "I'm waiting for the big one" which I also say now so wish me luck. I must admit that I feel lucky everyday to have a happy healthly life with my husband and 2 children so whatever happens is ok with me - come on the BIG ONE!!!!

posted 31-5-2010 @ 06:30 PM www

Originally posted by jeanthebean
Hi Mazeltov,

Thank you for your comments. I believe that any positive attitude is a good one - in and out of the arena of competitions.

My mother, now 86, loved to do competitions. She won 10,000 pounds about 20 years ago and it changed her life. They moved to a decent house and still lives there today.

She used to always say "I'm waiting for the big one" which I also say now so wish me luck. I must admit that I feel lucky everyday to have a happy healthly life with my husband and 2 children so whatever happens is ok with me - come on the BIG ONE!!!!


Jumpin Jahosephat!!! 10,000 pounds back then!!! :o:o:o thats alot o' green!!! ;) for back then anyway. An amazing story.

Your mummy definatly understands this theory. DREAM, THINK BIG, TAKE ACTION...... you know the rest!!!

Jean, sounds like you have sealed the deal. Bet you the BIG ONE is on its way. GOOD LUCK TO YOU.... and of course MAZELTOV!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:):):)
posted 31-5-2010 @ 06:57 PM www

Positivity wasnt behind all the wins, entering was ;)

There is no secret to winning or secret to life.

People should do what works for THEM.

Being apart of lottos is all anyone needs to win prizes :D
posted 31-5-2010 @ 07:03 PM www

every morning as soon as i open my eyes i say positive affirmations to do with winning and having a happy healthy family.I truly believe in positive thinking.:)
good luck all:)
posted 31-5-2010 @ 07:41 PM www

also a couple of glasses of wine before doing 25wol can be inspirational too

posted 31-5-2010 @ 08:11 PM www

I have been known to use a free friday night and nice glass of merlot for some inspiration.

I remember back to 2009 It has actually helped me win a trip to Fiji. So shhhhh dont tell anyone of this sneak tactic. :P:P:P:P
posted 31-5-2010 @ 08:45 PM www

I'm a big believer in the positive thinking thing too :) I've watched the secret and although I find myself slipping into negative thought now and again i find when I'm in the positive frame of mind and feeling grateful for everything in my life is when I win the biggest things. Coincidence or not :)
posted 31-5-2010 @ 09:03 PM www

Good on you mazeltov, just in case you can't tell by my user name I'm into positive thinking too! lol

I'm a jump out of bed and get going type of gal in the morning, so I do my affirmations at night before I go to sleep. I find just acknowledging all I have to be thankful helps balance my life/thoughts and push worries and negitivity away (so I sleep better), then I like to pick a couple of things to focus on whether it be wins from comps or jobs/health for loved ones.

I have a very close relative who is so negative it just saps me of energy and unfortuate really because I find at times I can't wait to get away from them. they never have anything good to say and will even try to out do other people's 'bad news' stories. I think they get what they think!

I don't consider myself to be 'alternative' or into airy fairy stuff but this works for me. Not saying I've won massive prizes like you but better than prizes it makes me feel good.

I agree with a lot that has been said, yep, still lots of hard work, committment and I believe an element of obsessive behaviour is required but everyone will do what works for them. But for me I'm going to take the visualisation a bit further like your suggestion mazeltov.

Funny, really 'cause I was just giving my eldest daughter the positve thinking talk leading up to a job interview about a week ago and suggested that she visualise herself working in the job etc, just like athletes do. So time to take my own advice really! Cheers & thanks for the interesting thread.
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