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How I Won Over $33,890 In Prizes (12 months)

posted 31-5-2010 @ 09:04 PM www

Thanks for sharing your visualising method and congratulations on all your wins.:):)
I am a positive person and I am grateful for every win I get, even all the movie tickets. Family and friends are happy.
This is my hobby, it's my relaxing time and I keep saying the big one is around the corner. (now I will visualisize, can't hurt)
You have to be in it to win and it just takes the one entry!!!

posted 31-5-2010 @ 09:50 PM www

I totally believe in positive thought and try to be positive throughout my life. I also believe in good karma :) :)

Good luck to us all !

posted 31-5-2010 @ 10:31 PM www

Congrats on your success mazeltov and finding a method that works for you.

I believe in positive thinking too and l attribute some of my success as fairly new lottoer to my mindset. I never ever think that l cannot win a competition, ever. I expect to win, l know l will win and thus l do. I'm talking comping in general and not specific comps or prizes. I'm not fussy on what comps l win but l am very selective as to what comps l enter to begin with. So when l do win, it is always an awesome thrill and gratitude is always heartfelt :)

Actually when l first started l used to obsess over specific comps and the prize involved. Visualising winning it etc etc but l found that the more l wanted it the further l pushed it away. The universe always gives you what you want something, well thats what you'll literally get....wanting it!! So now l just try to enter and forget, enter and forget.

I always without fail everyday thank the universe and my heavenly helpers for the winnings that l receive and more importatly for the ones l am soon about to receive. Works for me :)
posted 31-5-2010 @ 10:45 PM www

Originally posted by luckykat71
Congrats on your success mazeltov and finding a method that works for you.

I believe in positive thinking too and l attribute some of my success as fairly new lottoer to my mindset. I never ever think that l cannot win a competition, ever. I expect to win, l know l will win and thus l do. I'm talking comping in general and not specific comps or prizes. I'm not fussy on what comps l win but l am very selective as to what comps l enter to begin with. So when l do win, it is always an awesome thrill and gratitude is always heartfelt :)

Actually when l first started l used to obsess over specific comps and the prize involved. Visualising winning it etc etc but l found that the more l wanted it the further l pushed it away. The universe always gives you what you want something, well thats what you'll literally get....wanting it!! So now l just try to enter and forget, enter and forget.

I always without fail everyday thank the universe and my heavenly helpers for the winnings that l receive and more importatly for the ones l am soon about to receive. Works for me :)

Such a nice post. I know some people will come in here, and call bogus. But I know this works from the experiments I conducted, so I urge all people to try it.

Reading some of these replies gives proof of this.

Infact some of my biggest wins came when I felt that more balanced emotionally and physically. It is hard to explain, but I believe when are more in tune with our self and the universe we are more open to receiving things we want and need.
posted 31-5-2010 @ 11:02 PM www

congrats on your wins but you really haven't told me how you won them?
posted 31-5-2010 @ 11:51 PM www

some sort of psychic ability? i think? but hey whatever works!
posted 1-6-2010 @ 01:15 AM www

I've got spiderman's balls helping me Kibby
posted 1-6-2010 @ 01:24 AM www

Oh Bigam ... I thought Spiderman's balls only came out during the holidays ... just shows how little I know :o:P:P:P

posted 1-6-2010 @ 01:35 AM www

Actually, I am more interested in HOW you have won your wins?
posted 1-6-2010 @ 08:41 AM www

Jeddog and dawn1004 - I have only been comping since March (love it!) but also wonder if living in a regional area is against me??? Like for trips the fares are from your nearest capital city and ours is almost 1500k away - know what I mean?? Hmmmm, I do wonder.....

Not to worry though...will soldier on! Much better than playing games on Facebook!
posted 1-6-2010 @ 08:49 AM www

Yes I'm with eva7 I too would love to know just HOW you win them (apart from postiive thinking which I am a great believer in).
posted 1-6-2010 @ 09:07 AM www

Here are my steps for entries.

I take Sundays off. But on Monday - Saturday it is not uncommon for me to enter 50 - 150 comps. Don't think it is impossible, you will be surprised at how many comps are out there. Even some that are not advertised on this wonderful forum. Like I said it is not easy work. But well worth it if you are willing to put the time in. I spend at least 4 hours a day doing this. I always try to enter at least 50 comps PER DAY but it all depends on my schedule.

1) I will go to the entries closing in 10 days. Fill out all the comps before the close date.

2) Then I will go to the magazine section and store comps that are closing and find out what I need to buy when I am down at the shops. Sometimes if there are store competitions I will fill these forms out and put them in the barrel. I find that I am most successful with Take 5 magazine entries for some reason. Have won heaps with these. Even $1000 money wins too.

3) Next I get my other phone (only used for comping) and enter all the SMS comps. Even if you watch the news, or sunrise / channel 9 morning shows there are heaps of stuff to enter. Then there is the SMS comps right here on lottos.

4) Also and if I have time LOL, i will go to the pop out menu to find the daily comps. I do this by going to "Web Comps Highest - Lowest Views" read them and enter them each day. The nice one going at the moment is the Rimmel makeup kit. You can enter that every 24 hours. I have won this about 3 times now. But there are other daily comps that you can enter. I have about 7 to do at the moment. But others are saying there are more. hmmmm.

5) Then If i still have time I go hunting for other bigger comps, for cruises, cars, shows, even boystown houses. They normally make it hard to enter, and you have to go out of your way to get involved but the prizes are big, and it is well worth the effort that you put in, if you are willing of course. You will sometimes find these are shops, other sites, on the back of food packets tins. They are more hidden at times, but if you are in the right comping frame-of-mind you just have to keep a keen eye open.

6) The other thing to do is that when you start signing up for lists, they will give away specials, vouchers, and most importantly prizes to their lists only. So check your email each day and enter those the comps they advertise. Sometimes they are small. Other times they are big. I think this is how I won a car once. So just check emails each day and see what comes through.

7) Then keep entering, stay positive. ENTER, ENTER then enter some more. For me the more I enter and stay positive the more I win. Never give up....I will tell you now. Some months will be better than others. Just keep doing what works for you. Once you have a strategy and find things that always give results....keep doing that. Like the saying, do more of what is working and less of what isn't.....SIMPLE.

That is a quick summary of what I do each and every day and it gives big results. Remember to take a day off and relax. Use this to think about all the wonderful things coming your way. It helps alot. The real secret to this is that there really is no secret. A POSITIVE FRAME OF MIND and LOTS OF ENTRIES WILL GIVE RESULTS....THAT I CAN PROMISE YOU.

PHEW....are you still with me!! That will keep you off the streets for a good while LMAO!!! so MAZELTOV TO YOU ALL......May lady luck shine down on your from above.
posted 1-6-2010 @ 09:24 AM www

debcairns- I live in Townsville and the only drawback for living in a regional area is that we can't enter comps that involve musicals, or movie previews etc that are showing in a capital city- sometimes store promoters do "forget" to send specially marked items up here- but generally I don't feel we are any worse off! :):):) I guess if trips are involved it is up to the promoter if they pay for our airfares to get to a capital city- which could be a drawback for us! it is certainly one that I would be happy to find out about when I win! (thinking positive!:P)
posted 1-6-2010 @ 09:38 AM www

We WILL find out one day heldige1 - think positive!!:) I reckon the next lottos meet should be up here!;) Happy comping!
posted 1-6-2010 @ 09:52 AM www

I agree with you there- big time! there is a few of us here that meet regularly too- so why not bring everyone up here to the most beautiful spot in the world! :P:P:P We are on a winner by just living here!;)
posted 1-6-2010 @ 09:52 AM www

Thanks mazeltov! I'm very much enjoying reading your posts. I am already using more positive visualisation. :) There's only one thing I love better than winning a competition - that's telling the man I love! He loves my bizarre hobby and all the different things we get to do - even if it means just seeing a movie we wouldn't normally go to. So that's my favourite positive visualisation - imagining calling him with the good news. :)
posted 1-6-2010 @ 11:15 AM www

I am to enjoying your post, I love reading about how others win so much, especially lots of big wins.
I am to a positive person and yet to come across the big win, but I know my time will come and I really do enjoy all the small wins I get.

The other day I gave a work friend who is going through such a terrible time free movie passes, and to see her face the next day and the amazing time she had just to get out was priceless, I love giving like that and know that is what is so much fun about this amazing hobby.

Keep up the amazing tips they are such a good read and thankyou.
posted 1-6-2010 @ 11:42 AM www

Thinking positive is not just some weird phsycic power to magically get more wins. If you think positive you're more likely to persevere and enter more whereas if you think negative you will enter less, thinking you have no chance so why bother.
posted 1-6-2010 @ 12:09 PM www

Mazeltov you appear to be a guru with your winning and positive advice given so freely, and you appear so gracious and kind.....but methinks there may be more to you than meets the eye after your comment on this wasn't very positive or gracious methinks and appears out of character with your positive attitude to life and the mysteries of comping?

posted 1-6-2010 @ 12:45 PM www

How long have you been comping for mazeltov?
posted 1-6-2010 @ 01:09 PM www

I've also won a HUGE lot of prizes since joining in november but Im not claiming to be a guru- I dont think your "method" is any better than mine.. anyone i dont think il say any more shall bite my tongue
posted 1-6-2010 @ 01:10 PM www

i live in a regional area and still have big wins.I have won a car, a trip to melbourne,a years supply of pizza,lots of movie tickets,dvds,giftcards etc.I donot feel like i am penalised for living in a regional area.
good luck everyone:)
posted 1-6-2010 @ 01:13 PM www

i live regional too and no probs here!
posted 1-6-2010 @ 01:22 PM www

i have to say you are very right ! before i have read your message today... i have always thought positve and I've been winning something every month since Janurary
......................Mind over matter ! postive thinking ! godd luck everyone.

and win win win !
posted 1-6-2010 @ 04:12 PM www

Originally posted by Bigam
How long have you been comping for mazeltov?

For a little over Eight years. But only on this site for a little while.

But it is only in the last 5 I have really knuckled down and sorted out my complete strategy. Most of which I have shared here.

I gotta say, Lottos is an awesome place filled with lots of positive fun loving people.....It makes it much easier to find the comps I would normally have to go searching for. I do know some google search tricks though.

Time for the beach. Enjoy and have a fun day.

MAZELTOV to you. :):cool::):cool::):cool::):cool:
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