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How I Won Over $33,890 In Prizes (12 months)

posted 1-6-2010 @ 05:43 PM www

There's a lot more than "positive thinking" to winning because people have lots of blocks against winning for starters e.g. do I deserve this? I don't deserve to win? Lots of money is evil? I never win because of this that or the other. etc etc etc yes, starting to change our thought patterns and attitudes is useful. I just think it's more complicated than you've outlined.
I still think people win DESPITE their thinking too however.

I've been to some teaching recently about feeling our feelings fully.
If we have anger, fear, guilt etc about a whole range of issues...mainly back to childhood and we don't deal with it, identify it then feel it (anger & fear) and release it then it affects our whole being.

Just being positive all the time can mask our other problems and we never deal with them, we just "put on a happy face"- & that is unhealthy in the long run for mind, spirit & body. Fine of course if you're completely well-balanced, healed & whole!!! ;)

So as much as I agree in principle with this Mazeltov I think that it's just a little simplistic to winning big on a consistent basis but thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, it's great to know how others think.

posted 1-6-2010 @ 07:11 PM www

Thanks for sharing mazeltov.
posted 1-6-2010 @ 08:39 PM www

Reading everyone's comments I just wanted to share my experience.

I'm one of those people who saw ACA one night about comping. Noticeably all the store comps. Previous to seeing that segment I hadn't even notices the leaflets hanging off the shelves.
The next day I went shopping and true enough there they were. So I bought the items with the comps. One happened to be a Continental Cuppa soup one to win a 4WD. Entered on the internet and pinned the receipt to my notice board.

At the time I was on a save the planet buzz and had no car and was catching public transport. My plan was to do it for a year. Working nights not everyone was happy with me doing this and would say "When you gonna get a car?' My response was (positive about my new hobby!) "The next car I'm gonna drive I'm going to win"

Time went by, and nothing had materialized in the mail, checked the leaflet and found the comp had finished. Thought I'll just check my email,,,,and there it was CONGRATULATIONS. I'd won the Toyota Hilux 4WD and $1000 Rebal voucher.

Luck, positive thinking or coincidence? Who knows, but the people I'd said that I was gonna win a car to, remembered.

After that I thought I was onto something,, so I was after a million $. And I told everyone that was my next win.

One day at work I got a call from the Solo Kick for a cash promotion. I'd won! the chance to kick for $1 million!!. The weird thing about this was that I was reading an inspirational book about being positive and as my bookmark was the leaflet for this very promotion. I'd never used them for this purpose before. .

Even today I was feeling really discouraged about WOL comps and have been thinking all day,,,why oh why can I not seem to win?? whats the knack?? Then I get home and I'd won $500wish voucher for a WOL....a sign maybe that I can win and that I should persevere.

I'm a firm believer in balance, energy and positive thinking and drawing to you everything you desire. I believe we have to grateful for everything we already have and be open to new experiences.

I have so many other stories about how I have thought and believed in something and it has happened.

Obviously being a comper I enter lots of comps, most without even a second thought that I don't win, but these instances stand out to me.

I wish everyone good luck! and many happy wins!

I'm going to win a holiday next!!
posted 2-6-2010 @ 01:42 PM www

Wow LooLoo that's awesome! I'm very envious...(oops, may have just jeopardised my chances of winning with that
admission!). I've been comping for a little over a month now and have entered hundreds of competitions, most being 25 WOL. Ironically the 3 small prizes I've won to date (a book, DVD and make-up) have all been from random draws! (Should I interpret that as the Universe telling me that I suck at WOL and should just stick to random draws?? lol!!) Thanks for generating such a stimulating discussion Mazeltov!

posted 2-6-2010 @ 02:01 PM www

Unfortunately, thousands and thousands of people all feeling positive about winning a prize, can't all win!

How does the Universe decide then???

I'm sorry, I think it is more random than that.

I would also be very interested to know how much some people spend on entering comps. I've seen people mention huge amounts of products they have bought for a comp, which would cost hundreds of dollars.

I personally can't afford to do that. But I suspect some people may spend thousands to then win thousands each year and for them, at the end of the year they win more than they spend so it's okay for them.

So, if someone says they won $50,000 in prizes - how much did they outlay for those comps and what is the actual value of the prizes, as opposed to the promoter's value? What happens when you win a $5000 piece of jewellery that you can't sell for more than $800?

Of course, there is nothing wrong in being positive and trying to be a magnet. But there is a danger in then feeling inadequate if the wins don't come.

If you don't win, you're not a failure!!!

Just my thoughts. I don't want anyone to feel well, I must be negative because the wins aren't coming.
posted 2-6-2010 @ 02:17 PM www

I tend to agree with SuzanneR. Yes, being positive is a good thing, and as others have pointed out, probably helps you to handle it when you don't win. But there is more to it than that, because there are a lot of positive people out there and they don't all win the big prizes!

Having said that, last year I was talking to hubby about how I haven't won anything big and I need to win a car or holiday. Got home to find a message on the answering machine telling me I'd won a trip to Canada! That was wonderful, but I think the timing was more coincidence, as there are plenty of other times I have talked about the things I want to win (big and small), and haven't won them.

So, in my opinion, thinking positively helps you to perservere and to cope, but it isn't the be all and end all of winning competitions.
posted 2-6-2010 @ 03:03 PM www

you are all entitled to your own opinion. I dont want to let negativity weasel itself around like a buzzing misquito.

So i will clear a few things up.

1) Go back and read my first post!!. It is not all about being positive, airy fairy and hoping you win all the comps. I will reveal why in a minute!!!

I Have done a few test on this and it does work. Go try it for yourself even if you are non-believer. You will be pleasantly surprised.

2) In my second statement, I said that I enter 50 - 150 comps a day. Yes as I am typing this I am SMS'ing, getting envelopes ready, working on some big WOL *touches nose* and also ripping coupons off bottle. I put in the hard yards, and it sure does pay off.

I have made it very clear that this is not an EASY wipe on, wipe off method. You have to put in some good hours, and stay positive, and act like everything you enter you will win. Thats what keeps you going. Positive thoughts and ACTUALLY TAKING ACTION will get you far. PLus when you start having smaller wins, it will egg you on to go and start enteriong more comps. And after a while you will become obsessed, like YOURS TRULY !:P:P:P:P

Sometimes I have to stop myself if i think i am not doing comping work that is getting a little sidetracked. I am sure you know what I mean.

3) I am averaging about 2% of winning comps this year. i.e. This means that for every 100 comps that I enter I will either have 2 small wins or 2 GIGANTIC ONES. I know some really good compers that it is not uncommon for them to get up to 5% wins. WHOA!!!

Yes it is a numbers game and this percentage will be different. Sometimes I can get more than 2% and other times it is less. But When I focus on what i want to win and enter without that whole loser mentality, and become a magnet that is when I have better comp wins. For sure. ;)

There is no need to discourage others reading. We are all here to help eachother.....regardless of winning or not!!!. It just takes time to get good at this game and make good use of the hours in the day.


posted 2-6-2010 @ 04:08 PM www

Mazeltov, it is great that you are getting lots of wins and that your strategy is working for you. I don't think anyone was saying anything to discourage others, merely pointing out (as you also did) that a lot of hard work is involved and that many people have different strategies and different ideas on what works for them.

In the end, as long as we are having fun, supporting each other (and hopefully picking up a few wins along the way), that is all that matters.
posted 2-6-2010 @ 04:36 PM www

when i won my car i purchased 3 products
most of the other were off 1-3 sms i am on a tight budget so not a lot of products purchased per comps for me.
posted 2-6-2010 @ 04:46 PM www

Thanks for the reminder.

I do thanks the Universe for finding even 5c but for two months haven't won anything.

Need to get back to being more positive and watching my speech.

I like Louise Hay's thoughts on what you say and gratitude.

The cliche "kill two birds with one stone". why would you want to kill two birds?

Be thankful for everyone's wins. That means there's lots out there for everyone.

Thanks again:D
posted 2-6-2010 @ 05:11 PM www

I have really enjoyed reading this thread "mazeltov" and really like hearing about different strategies, at times I wish I had heaps more time to enter more comps but just trying to keep a day ahead is a mission at times.

So glad you and others have had some fantastic wins, I to am grateful for any that I have, but just really enjoy this as a hobby and reading about everyone else's ideas and wins.
So do you use strategies for you wol? or are more wins from random.
I often try different ways with wol and really not sure what works but hey keeps the brain going LOL
Thanks again for this interesting read, keep it up because it seems lots others are enjoying it to
posted 2-6-2010 @ 09:23 PM www

Originally posted by SuzanneR

I personally can't afford to do that. But I suspect some people may spend thousands to then win thousands each year and for them, at the end of the year they win more than they spend so it's okay for them.

So, if someone says they won $50,000 in prizes - how much did they outlay for those comps and what is the actual value of the prizes, as opposed to the promoter's value? What happens when you win a $5000 piece of jewellery that you can't sell for more than $800?

I've always worked out my own totals for winnings. I never ever go off RRP for a comp prize. I do take a note of what I've won and if I sell a $500 prize for $200, then $200 is what is added to my yearly total. Trips that are presumably worth $30000 have worked out to be more like $18000, but that's ok, I like to know what I really am ahead by. I also deduct any purchases and my mobile bill.

Very interesting thread and I do appreciate some of the ideas in here.

In regards to 'luck' in comping I think Oprah summed it up well with "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity"
You know we are all 'luckier' than the average joe - how many people say "How do you win all this stuff?" well derr, I enter and I persevere, so sooner or later I am going to reap some rewards!
posted 3-6-2010 @ 04:12 AM www

I swear I didn't visualise or have positive thoughts about winning a listerine bottle cover- but I STILL won one! :D

2005 total:$1,130-
2006 $5,500 app.
2007 $2,000 approx.
2008 $1200
2009 $930
2010 $4,200
2011 $1,473
2012 $675 :(
2013 $462 :(
2014 $2,150
2015 $120 :(
2016 $1150
2017 $210
2018 $210 at least I'm consistent!
2019 $115 still waiting for the big one!
2020 $550
2021 $3,000
All I want ... is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy! And 2024 is the year to do it!
posted 6-6-2010 @ 11:30 AM www

I believe the harder you work the luckier you are.
Work hard at comping and you will win.
Several years back in my first year of retirement I decided to spend 5 days a week working at comps. I employed myself in a fulltime comping job. My part-time winnings had been at LEAST $30,000- $50,000 each year for 10 years. Then in my full time year I won well over $100,000 including a car, $5000 and two holidays.
So for me it is the harder you work the luckier you become. I think it is a numbers game with a lot of karma and know how thrown in.
I've also learnt not to brag about my wins. Hence you do not see my name on the winners list because all it does is arose bad feelings from a lot of jealous people directed toward you. (not our lovely lottos people) My wins make me, my family, friends and charities very happy. However I choose to get the balance right and work at it part-time.:D
posted 8-6-2010 @ 09:28 AM www

pamscott MAZELTOV TO YOU.....congrats!!!

People had to share this........So excited today!!!!.

WPC today won a Kelly Slater personally autographed surfboard today. Surfing mag comp.

Est Value : $2000

YEY YEY YEY!!!!!! WHOOHOOOOO bit cold to surf though....LOL.

Mazeltov to all readers here.....and good luck!
posted 8-6-2010 @ 10:23 AM www

Originally posted by SuzanneR
Unfortunately, thousands and thousands of people all feeling positive about winning a prize, can't all win!

How does the Universe decide then???

I'm sorry, I think it is more random than that.

I would also be very interested to know how much some people spend on entering comps. I've seen people mention huge amounts of products they have bought for a comp, which would cost hundreds of dollars.

I personally can't afford to do that. But I suspect some people may spend thousands to then win thousands each year and for them, at the end of the year they win more than they spend so it's okay for them.

So, if someone says they won $50,000 in prizes - how much did they outlay for those comps and what is the actual value of the prizes, as opposed to the promoter's value? What happens when you win a $5000 piece of jewellery that you can't sell for more than $800?

Of course, there is nothing wrong in being positive and trying to be a magnet. But there is a danger in then feeling inadequate if the wins don't come.

If you don't win, you're not a failure!!!

Just my thoughts. I don't want anyone to feel well, I must be negative because the wins aren't coming.

SuzanneR poses as interesting question. If thousands and thousands of people are feeling positive, how does the universe decide? In my opinion, we'd all win...obviously we can't all win the one prize but what a wonderful world it would be. When people feel positive, opportunities arise, good will thrives etc. etc. etc. :):):)
posted 8-6-2010 @ 10:28 AM www

Mazeltov, i'm glad being positive works for you, but for me, entering and forgetting is the best way. After reading your initial thread I was focusing my positive thoughts into winning something that we need at the moment, in fact, for a couple of weeks I have been focusing and having positive thoughts and entering like mad, what happens, I open up the paper to find a big picture of the person who did win:D:D:D. EVERY time I focus on a prize I REALLY REALLY want or need, I never win it. I can go hard at it and buy buy or sms but I find I never win. Only when I am not expecting does the odd win dribble through. Good luck with your comping but for me, if i'm meant to win it will happen, regardless of my good luck charms, jade plants at the front door, visualisation cards etc:):):)
posted 8-6-2010 @ 10:58 AM www

Originally posted by SaffyRose
Mazeltov, i'm glad being positive works for you, but for me, entering and forgetting is the best way. After reading your initial thread I was focusing my positive thoughts into winning something that we need at the moment, in fact, for a couple of weeks I have been focusing and having positive thoughts and entering like mad, what happens, I open up the paper to find a big picture of the person who did win:D:D:D. EVERY time I focus on a prize I REALLY REALLY want or need, I never win it. I can go hard at it and buy buy or sms but I find I never win. Only when I am not expecting does the odd win dribble through. Good luck with your comping but for me, if i'm meant to win it will happen, regardless of my good luck charms, jade plants at the front door, visualisation cards etc:):):)

no good luck charms or visualization cards needed!!! ;)

Just hard work and stay will win more.

Enter more until your fingers and hands feel like they will fall off. Stay positive, put out good vibes and the universe will give you what you want.

THis doesn't just apply to comping. I have used it to get jobs and have better relationships with people.

ANyway....GOOD LUCK to you all. May you blessed with lots of prizes!!!
posted 8-6-2010 @ 11:17 AM www

just posted this question on another thread but one of you might answer. When a member says they enter 100 or more competitions a day is that different competitions or do you include multiple entries in same competitions as i find it difficult to enter that many.
posted 8-6-2010 @ 11:24 AM www

Originally posted by catbat
I swear I didn't visualise or have positive thoughts about winning a listerine bottle cover- but I STILL won one! :D

LOL! - Those listerine covers are all still lurking out there somewhere! :P
posted 9-6-2010 @ 01:09 PM www

I'm a great believer in positive thinking - I got my boyfriend that way!! :D

I think that if you "positive think" you are opening yourself up to opportunities, you see things you never saw before, take chances you never would have before, and thus end up fulfilling your own prophecy.

One thing I HATE is exercise. I finally got around to buying myself an exercise bike, and I couldn't manage more than 5 mins - soooo.... boring! So, for the last four days, I've spent 10mins on the bike every morning - visualising wins. The time speeds by, I'm enthused, I have more energy and I have been entering over twice the number of competitions I usually enter.

And when I say visualising - I don't believe in visualising winning a particular prize (you then want it too much, start thinking about "what happens if I don't win" and then the negative thoughts push it away). I picture money floating down and lots and lots and lots of letters which say in HUGE letters "Congratulations You have Won!" :D

I love the idea of the postie struggling in under a weight of parcels :D - I'm going to be adding that to my morning meditations. :P
posted 9-6-2010 @ 01:13 PM www

I recall mentioning something on a previous thread about doing a mood board....after seeing something on Oprah about laws of attraction or whatever it was called.

anyone have a mood board centred around prizes and things they'd like to win/attract?

I agree with what people have said though - we can't all win, so how does "the universe" allocate prizes to all the positive thinkers? And I've had comps where I felt really positive, and too hopeful, that I would win, and I didn't.

I think the good thing about being positive is that at least you're not letting your hobby become a chore and get you down if you don't win.

Ultimately I think it comes down to a lot of hard work and time invested into the hobby.

posted 9-6-2010 @ 01:31 PM www

something very interesting happened recently that i thought i may mention... i dont want to be too prize specific incase i am seen as ungrateful as we truely are not... we are so blessed, and beyond grateful for the prize we have won, but this has got me asking myself questions...

we have won an amazing prize, from a comp that had several prizes on offer... i have spent time commenting on the competition to friends, telling them that i am going to win it.. they are used to this though and i think they simply tolerate such ramblings with slight amusement... they think im a little mad...

now everytime i mentioned winning the comp, i have said "i dont care which one i win, just not ****".... i think i would have said this exact line atleast 10 times!!
would you believe we have had a wpc to say that we won the comp and have taken **** prize!!! everyone is now saying i drew myself to it!!!

i believe the laws of attraction state that the universe doesnt here like or dislike or want ot dont want... it only hears what you are refering to or thinking about ie. the car, the place, the debt, the sadness, and this is what is drawn to this case, the result is definitly food for thought!!!
just thought i would add this little story to this thread as it certainly has got me thinking and all of my buddies commenting!!!

again, we are truely blessed and extremely happy with the prize we won, so please dont think that it has gone to an unwanting or undeserving winner...

adding to this, i dont know what the answer is to winning or if mazeltov's comments are right or wrong, i just know that i work damn hard at comping!!! i am often seen as rude because i have the earpiece in one ear listening to the radio, or i am tired from staying up late searching for wol inspiration or people think its slightly odd when i rip out a notepad and write down a line that would be good for the wol that i have been working on...but my family and friends also enjoy the fruits of that craziness!! we have been on amazing holidays, been to priceless events, seen many many movies, have a massive dvd collection, and been lucky enough to give away more prizes than we have kept (to both friends and charities)... so i am happy to keep at it with all the hard work and allow others to think i'm slightly odd, after all, it works for me!!!

ps... i spent all week last week focusing on the trip to florida with the highlife comp, imagined us there, imagined us on the plane enjoying harry potter world, even got myself into the draw!!! sadly, they didnt ring me on friday afternoon, so the scottish lady who won must have sent a better message to the universe than i did... i wonder what she said??? :P
posted 9-6-2010 @ 01:53 PM www

Originally posted by mazeltov
but here are some of my secrets to success.

Originally posted by mazeltov
I will reveal why in a minute!!!

This sounds like an infomercial? hahahaha
posted 9-6-2010 @ 01:56 PM www

Originally posted by HecticTurtle
This sounds like an infomercial? hahahaha

But wait there's more!? :D

Be the first 15 to call to receive a set of steak knives!?
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