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How I Won Over $33,890 In Prizes (12 months)

posted 9-6-2010 @ 02:05 PM www

I visulise myself winning prizes all the time and convinced I am going to win but every big prize i have won 3 being cars were all comps I had forgotton all about and are usually only one or two entries. So my theory is if I completely forget about it I have a much better chance of winning.
posted 9-6-2010 @ 02:23 PM www

I have been spending more time this week focusing and being grateful for the prizes that have been coming my way.

Guess what...having a very good week. Bring it on I say.

Lots of prizes are just rocking up this week, I would say over $2600 worth. Which included a Kelley slater surfboard EST $2000 they drove all the way from the gold coast here to give me. WOW!!! That is the true power of this.

WOW I am blessed. BRING IT ON I SAY. I feel a big win coming on now.


And like I always say MAZELTOV !! :cool::cool::cool::D:D
posted 9-6-2010 @ 02:25 PM www

I certainly believe in positive thinking, not just for comps, but life in general- it as helped me through some traumatic times in our family.
I sometimes visualise winning a comp, but more often, just enter, see comping as fun and a hobby, and if I win a prize, it's a bonus. although on saying that , have won a prize every month except two, since joining lottos 18 months ago, not big, big prizes, but DVDs, movie passes, books, etc, and have made some friends and family very happy, wile some prizes myself.
Mazeltov, as you say, it is hard work, too.
Remember the saying" Only in the dictionary, does success come before work":)
posted 11-6-2010 @ 10:50 PM www

I thought for sure I'd win one of the 400 prizes in the Auspost comp...

well I didn't!

and on the other hand I'd thought I was a total loser in the gatorade comp and got an unexpected WPC today. who was it that said above to enter and forget. Hmm maybe that should continue to be my strategy, and not get too hung up on when comps are drawn.

posted 13-6-2010 @ 10:59 AM www

What I believe is that if you focus too much on winning a particular prize - you are really focusing on the fact that you don't have it. And the Universe sees that fact - You Don't Have It - and it gives you more of that.

Positive thinking only works generally - not specifically. Focus on the fact that you are lucky, that the Universe (God/whatever you believe in) is generous and wants you to succeed, and be grateful for every prize that comes to your door (even the ones you didn't particularly want). The Universe will reward that gratitude with more wins.

If you REALLY want something - tell the Universe - enter the prize draws - but then forget about them. Have faith that the Universe will come through for you (in it's own time) without you worrying too much about it.

It really does work - or perhaps we're all delusional - either way - it's fun, keeps you excited about winning and motivated to enter even more competitions. :P
posted 13-6-2010 @ 12:19 PM www

Originally posted by Veritas
CONGRATS on your recent wins, mazeltov!! :):)

I am impressed by your wonderful attitude and generosity. You have shared your winning strategies openly. Thank you! You have obviously also learned to avoid energy-draining negativity. ;)

I learned long ago that it is much harder than it seems to 'be positive'. It requires focus and work to develop a positive mind set and then maintain it. Being negative is comparatively easy.

I wish you many wins and I'm sure that your spirit of generosity will continue to make you a winner in all areas of your life.


Thanks. This comes with disclaimer and past results are not indicative of future results.

I use to get hung up about not winning stuff. BUt now it is different as I know the more I enter and stay positive the better prizes I seem to win. The universe decides the rest, so I totally agree.

I know there will be skeptics out there, and that is fine. Infact if there wasn't I would start to wonder. But in all the testing that I have done this works a charm. Over the last 2 weeks I have brought in $3000 worth of prizes... ... INSANE maybe even more I think????.....but I always tell myself no matter what you win, just be thankful.

BEING GRACIOUS for the things we already have increases the chances for more of those sorts of things to come into our life.

No need to be greedy, your comp wins will come. Trust me. Have some fun, enter heaps of stuff, not only a matter of IF but WHEN.

I am trying for another car this year. Just thinking about it makes me excited. I have won 2 before....and you would be suprised that not much was involved. I have been entering every comp I can find....simple but I know that this works.

Hope my little tips are helping this great lottos family we have.

Good luck to you all....keep up the hard work. IT DOES PAY OFF.
posted 13-6-2010 @ 12:50 PM www
careful y'all


Sorry if I sound offensive, but it all sound like a sales hoax to come, to me

If it sounds too good to be true, it almost always is :o
posted 13-6-2010 @ 04:09 PM www

your not offering anything different other than think positive- its not a method, I wouldn't say you have had more luck than me or countless other cant proffer to offer a universal panace when you don't have can think positive all you like but thats not whats winning the prizes it would probably have more to do with you entering the competition in the first place....
posted 13-6-2010 @ 04:56 PM www

Originally posted by finnagain

Sorry if I sound offensive, but it all sound like a sales hoax to come, to me

If it sounds too good to be true, it almost always is :o

You didnt offend me, I agree with you :)
posted 13-6-2010 @ 05:01 PM www

Originally posted by catbat
I swear I didn't visualise or have positive thoughts about winning a listerine bottle cover- but I STILL won one! :D


You're just naturally lucky catbat! ;)

posted 13-6-2010 @ 06:50 PM www

Originally posted by mazeltov
Originally posted by Veritas
CONGRATS on your recent wins, mazeltov!! :):)

I am impressed by your wonderful attitude and generosity. You have shared your winning strategies openly. Thank you! You have obviously also learned to avoid energy-draining negativity. ;)

I learned long ago that it is much harder than it seems to 'be positive'. It requires focus and work to develop a positive mind set and then maintain it. Being negative is comparatively easy.

I wish you many wins and I'm sure that your spirit of generosity will continue to make you a winner in all areas of your life.


Thanks. This comes with disclaimer and past results are not indicative of future results.

I use to get hung up about not winning stuff. BUt now it is different as I know the more I enter and stay positive the better prizes I seem to win. The universe decides the rest, so I totally agree.

I know there will be skeptics out there, and that is fine. Infact if there wasn't I would start to wonder. But in all the testing that I have done this works a charm. Over the last 2 weeks I have brought in $3000 worth of prizes... ... INSANE maybe even more I think????.....but I always tell myself no matter what you win, just be thankful.

BEING GRACIOUS for the things we already have increases the chances for more of those sorts of things to come into our life.

No need to be greedy, your comp wins will come. Trust me. Have some fun, enter heaps of stuff, not only a matter of IF but WHEN.

I am trying for another car this year. Just thinking about it makes me excited. I have won 2 before....and you would be suprised that not much was involved. I have been entering every comp I can find....simple but I know that this works.

Hope my little tips are helping this great lottos family we have.

Good luck to you all....keep up the hard work. IT DOES PAY OFF.

mazeltov, I was prepared to accept that you were being genuine (even though it sounds like a sales pitch) but this has me concerned:

...This comes with disclaimer and past results are not indicative of future results.

I don't understand why you would need a disclaimer if you are only offering friendly advice and support.
posted 13-6-2010 @ 07:18 PM www

Sounds like a Danoz Direct add to me :P:P:P

I agree with the sentiments of enter enter enter - and then you win.:)

posted 13-6-2010 @ 07:41 PM www

There's no secret peoples, strip it all back and it always comes down to......

enter, enter, enter

For some being in a positive mood makes them work hard and therefore enter. For others it could be the exact opposite. It doesn't really matter what gets you going, it's the action of entering that actually wins the prizes :)

As for the Universe I'm reminded of String Theory ..... stringing people along :D:P:D

posted 13-6-2010 @ 08:15 PM www

Mazeltov, can you tell us if you are selling a book or program about winning competitions?
posted 14-6-2010 @ 10:47 AM www

Originally posted by SuzanneR
Mazeltov, can you tell us if you are selling a book or program about winning competitions?

Nope. I am merely giving back to the forum. I dont need to sell an ebook. I just want to help. I have given most the stuff I need to say right here.

BUT IF YOU ARE ONE OF THE NEXT 5 Callers.....:P:P yeah yeah .....whatever....I say "so what" to the tall poppies.

I know there are a lot of naysayers and negative nancies in here, that take it upon themselves to ridicule, like I said there would.....who cares....I am merely giving back to the forum that has been soooo good to me over time. And this is where I started. Its a damn gold mine in here literally.

To all the others...dont lose faith, just keep working. It does take a little time to get good at this. But once you do, the wins will come. That eggs you on even more.

posted 14-6-2010 @ 11:21 AM www

Who said anything about an ebook?

Im still confused LOL
posted 14-6-2010 @ 11:52 AM www

I'm with Tye and RAD, the "successful" comper's secret is Enter Enter Enter. I have proved it time and time again over the years. If you don't enter you can't win.

My personal strategy is enter and forget...because I LOVE the thrill of a surprise when I win something!

posted 14-6-2010 @ 12:25 PM www

I don't consider myself a tall poppy at all Mozeltov - I am saying it like it is.

My biggest winning year has been over 100,000 in one year, and I know there are HEAPS in here that leave that total for dead. We obviously just haven't felt the need to make out it is anything more than what it is.

There is no great key - it is simply as we have stated -entering! If you aren't in it - you can't win it! Of that - I am positive! :P

posted 14-6-2010 @ 12:54 PM www

Ditto Tye.

I keep entering, entering, entering, entering and then enter some more. One day I will get that WPC or WEM or even better a MWPC.

I just have fun and keep trying.:):):):):)
posted 14-6-2010 @ 02:06 PM www

whatever works for each individual I say! But in the lean times, I like to have something to believe in! :):):)
posted 14-6-2010 @ 02:22 PM www

I use both methods! enter enter enter, focus & believe. I don't care which one wins.

There have been many times when I've entered a comp "knowing" I would win and have. Many more "wanting" and sometimes I have, sometimes I haven't.

apologies for not giving credit with whoever came up with this one and I'm paraphasing -

when you're stuck out on a lake in a boat in a storm pray for help but keep rowing the boat

I'll see if I can find it but
EDIT here we go -googled it - a Russian Proverb

“Pray to God, fine; but keep rowing to shore” – Russian Proverb
posted 14-6-2010 @ 02:41 PM www

I love it Clover - so true! :)
posted 14-6-2010 @ 04:14 PM www

I think mazeltov's basic premise is true...if you're positive then you will eventually win. Because in positive, is a deeply held belief that if you stick at it, and love to win, and you never quit, then you will win. That's true...but there's been probably 1000's of people on lottos who've never won. Why? Because they never had that basic positivity that they could win and they threw in the towel. They QUIT!
They say..."others are luckier than me", "I never win anything", "I'm too busy to enter", "I live in the wrong area" etc etc etc.
So then they quit. When you quit you NEVER win and then you've proven your theory about yourself.

I think mantras and positive thinking etc...serve to help us keep going, those who are already committed to winning. So yes, KEEP ROWING and do whatever it takes, within the bounds of integrity, to get to the shore.

posted 14-6-2010 @ 04:30 PM www

kismet- you have summed it up perfectly! ;););) love it!
posted 28-6-2010 @ 02:00 AM www

I started seriously comping in february last year. People used to laugh at me, spending so much time doing them, spending money on products, SMSíng, that sort of thing, but I have always been a very positive person, I have never liked negativity. I said to myself "When I win a big one..........."

Well so far this year I have won 3 overseas holidays and no one is laughing anymore ;););) :)!!!!!!!!!!!

And what is truly great is that I can treat my dear mother, who has sacrificed so much for me during my life, and believe me I am a very headstrong person and being my mother has not been easy for her, and now I can take her to Europe and the UK as part of a prize - she has always wanted to visit London (I've been there twice) and now she can see it. It is my fave city in the world, now she gets to experience it too!

I try to be positive in life, I believe I can accomplish my goals, I'm hoping to attend university next year and study nursing. Because I foolishly left school before Year 12 I am doing tertiary prep at Uni of Newcastle, from there I hope to apply to do an undergraduate course. I've also applied to the ambulance service to become a paramedic. If these things don't happen I will be disappointed but it will not be the end of my world, for at least I am trying and have aimed for something! You're not a loser if you try and fail, but if you fail to even try, well that's a different ballgame.

I love comping and spend many hours doing it, it is my chief hobby. I seldom drink, don't smoke, co-own my home, don't have kids, and seldom go out as I live in a semi rural area. Even though I am yet to meet any of you face to face, I count being able to come here and interact with a bunch of friendly, helpful, happy people as being the greatest positive of all. Lottos got me hooked on comping, but even without the comps, I am hooked on Lottos and love visiting this site!
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