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How do you know if you win?

posted 21-3-2010 @ 03:23 PM www
How do you know if you win?

A question for all those wizbang compers with their combined experience ... I have been entering competitions from last October and have won about $1,000. Yes I am very happy with that.

Last month I entered about 100 comps and again this month about 100 comps. But zip - I haven't won anything.

I have been at home from work on extended leave so I am able to check my email every day and have my "comp phone" with me all the time. I have had no WEM or WPC's.

I was wondering - do people check back at the comp website or check the Australian Public notices every day? Has anyone ever won a competition that they needed to check about and not wait for a WEM, WPC or Wletter???

Cheers M :)
posted 21-3-2010 @ 03:40 PM www

I found my name on a winners list in February for a comp that closed in November last year. I emailed them and they got straight back to me and sent the prize fairly quickly. So yeah, I guess it can happen they they don't contact you at all. You can get a nice surprise in the mail sometimes. It's funny how some places don't bother contacting you, but I guess there's only so much they can make the Work Experience kid do! :D
posted 21-3-2010 @ 03:40 PM www

i check the public notices every day and the the regular winners list posted on lotto other wise i just stop thinking about the comps ive entered and hope some turns up and i usually win something most weeks.
posted 21-3-2010 @ 04:19 PM www

They email you. They phone you. They write to you. Sometimes they don't do anything at all & the prize just arrives on the doorstep or in the mail.
I look at the PN's every day.
I only knew I'd won a Fairfax comp recently as it wouldn't let me enter as it hadn't been 30 days since I'd won the previous turned up eventually but they never officially informed me in any way.

posted 21-3-2010 @ 05:00 PM www

I haven't won much, but l did receive a wem recently from Missy Confidential, which was very polite and exciting. The rest have just landed on my doormat or in letterbox. I always check in Winners Circle here. Hope you win some goodies from all those comps!!!
posted 21-3-2010 @ 06:00 PM www

I get the occasional e-mail, the WPC eludes me bit I also find out about a few by googling winner and my name and checking the winners list people post the links to on here :)
posted 22-3-2010 @ 10:09 PM www

Thank you very much for your hints.

I am just cleaning up after incredible storms in Perth. Never seen such water come down. Huge hail stones 'chucking' out of the sky. Only 2 panels of my car not damaged! Hope insurance will cover it. Apparently more to come tonight so hopefully it will not cause any more damage.

posted 28-6-2010 @ 06:50 PM www

I just did what Alamandarose suggested and googled 'winner+my first name+my last name and found out I won a comp!

I had previously just googled my name.

Just going to find out what I've won!
posted 28-6-2010 @ 11:26 PM www

I found a trip to Florida when I googled my name once
posted 18-12-2010 @ 11:49 PM www

I know of 'Competition Winners' here but... Where are the following found?

1. Australian Public Notice (posted by mariaflozza)
2. Regular winners list (posted by doosic)
3. Winners circle (posted by flamingo22)

posted 19-12-2010 @ 12:23 AM www

100 comps in a month isnt really that much compared to other members on here. You could enter 1000 in a month and still not win a thing. Prizes usually just show up, as not all companies ring winners for the smaller prizes.
Googling your name is a good start, and also very helpful is do a seach of the "competition draws" section on here and if your name is listed in the PNs it will come up.
posted 2-1-2011 @ 08:53 PM www

Most of the time I have received a email for smaller prizes. For my weekend away I did get a phone call.

I got my first no idea prize on Christmas Eve, a pack of DVDs so was nice - when I went to check out the names on their web site I wasn't there - who knows what happened there.
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