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How I Won Over $33,890 In Prizes (12 months)

posted 28-6-2010 @ 08:47 AM www

good onya dobbylupin!
posted 28-6-2010 @ 09:40 AM www

What does MWPC stand for?
posted 28-6-2010 @ 09:45 AM www

major winning phone call
posted 28-6-2010 @ 09:48 AM www

Mega Winning Phone of all our wishlists!! :D
posted 28-6-2010 @ 10:07 AM www

Thanks clover and rosita!
posted 28-6-2010 @ 03:18 PM www

First of all dobbylupin, congrats. I can tell you are someone who never gives up. So you will go very far in this game.

I have had 7 WPC this year. These prizes range from $100 to a Trip to South America which I will be taking in AUGUST this year.

I have also won a car in the last 2 years, and I nearly fainted when I got that call.

Just keep trying. People don't realize that just when they are about to give up the big win was hiding in waiting.

I have just realised as I type this I am currently entered into 490 comps that are currently running and about to close. Exciting!!!

Sprinkling some of the good luck dust in this room. GOOD LUCK Too all.

posted 28-6-2010 @ 03:24 PM www

Mazeltov how do you find the time, I struggle with an hour hear or there and battle to get over the 50 mark in comps entered.

In saying that I have 2 kids, hubby who works away, I work part time and about to study at uni, but I am definately going to continue my favourite hobby, it is the best and keeps me motivated every single day.

I have loved reading this thread well done Mazeltov for the inspiration.
posted 1-7-2010 @ 09:52 PM www

I can see the premise behind being positive all the time - and the main benefit, i think, is that you don't take the whole thing too seriously.

I havent won anything enormous since I joined 3 months ago- my biggest win has been $500 westfield voucher, with a 2 hour styling session and 12 months mag subscription. I continue to *know* that the big win will happen by the end of the year tho!!:P
posted 29-10-2010 @ 05:42 PM www

Originally posted by amity31
Mazeltov how do you find the time, I struggle with an hour hear or there and battle to get over the 50 mark in comps entered.

Not Mazeltov, but I find for me if I can get ahead in the competitions then it's easier to keep up. I try to spend a good block of time once or twice a month and then in the mornings and after work I spend a little time (no more than half an hour usually) to keep up with what's new or expiring soon that I'd avoided before lol. Also a good time to do the daily entries. I find for me it's best if I work in a I do all the sms comps then all the web entry without wols, etc. I always save the tricky comps for last..and wols tend to go like this too, those I like doing when I'm tired because I get through them quicker lol.

As for Mazeltov's positive thinking idea..I think it's rubbish. The two things that will help you win in my opinion are simply entering, and spending more time on comps that have good odds. :)

Luck plays it's part, and it may also be helpful to think of moving LOL. I did lots of comping when I lived in Hawaii and never won a trip because Hawaii was always ineligeble!

Now, in the NT there's less big prizes to win, but often better odds on some of the smaller ones...*shrugs*
posted 30-10-2010 @ 10:35 AM www

I agree ArdentWhispers. Only this week my sister and my self made a purchase. I entered the comp she couldnt be bothered, so I won the big cash. Then she says she never wins anything.
You can only win if you enter and do it correctly. And I have found its hard work and hassle and even a bit embarassing when you have to keep asking for forms etc.

One thing though now that I have had that one big win, I am alot calmer with my comping, enjoy it more and dont go running around madly entering things quickly to get wins. I just feel more relaxed about the whole thing.
I can also say I now feel genuine in my congratulations when others win. Good luck everyone I am now going to work on my special WOL file I have made.
posted 1-11-2010 @ 10:35 PM www
Ardent whispers luck? Or hard work

Okay yep I agree with ardent whispers sure it helps to
stay positive but work putting in the hours that's the key...
And inspiration well I'm about to move soon tropical north qld
looks amazing... Well Hawaii does 2.. Inspiration sure helps god bless...
And may luck shine on u starlilyx
posted 1-11-2010 @ 10:51 PM www

Well if positive energy and attitude is what you need, my husband is sure to win a car before the end of the year LOL His energy and focus is 100%! He's so positive he'll win, even asking if both our cars will fit in the garage :D

Fingers crossed! (hmm no 'fingers crossed' smiley! I think we could use one :))
posted 2-11-2010 @ 02:27 PM www

When I wake up my immediate thought is what to give everyone for breakfast or put in lunch boxes, doing household chores before checking homework and transporting kids to school and hubby to work. If lucky I can get to my computer for 1/2 hour am and if terribly lucky, another 1/2 hour at night. Love Lottos but wouldn't change my lifestyle as how much does one need?
posted 6-11-2010 @ 02:40 PM www

By being a thief Mazeltosser, sorry to stir up trouble but you should be ashamed of yourself, I just noticed your still online, GIVE THE POOR LADY HER MONEY BACK......

I had an iphone to sell too that week, noticed how cheaps yours was and decided to use Ebay as I felt I would ripping people off putting it at $500 after your bargain. So I sold mine on EBay , promptly posting it off that day registered post to one very happy customer. SHAME ON YOU.:thumbdown::thumbdown:
posted 6-11-2010 @ 02:45 PM www

There's compers on Lottos that win over $300K each year - they are the elite compers.

And no, I am not one of them ................. BOO HOO!
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