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How long to wait to see if you're a winner?

posted 8-7-2010 @ 02:13 PM www
How long to wait to see if you're a winner?

When you enter a 25 wol comp and the judging is done say, 7 July, how long should you wait before you realise you haven't won? Do they generally call you the same day or the following day? The terms state winners are notified by phone and mail.
posted 8-7-2010 @ 02:22 PM www

Some promoters call on the same day, I've heard of someone getting a WPC 20 days after the draw date.
posted 8-7-2010 @ 02:24 PM www

It's along agonising wait isn't it? I agree with Kelster it can be at any time!
posted 8-7-2010 @ 11:36 PM www

I think MAINLY it's next day or within a couple at the most. Don't look and don't take note! Just keep entering.

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