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lovely prizes with bodgey packaging

posted 3-8-2010 @ 07:35 PM www
lovely prizes with bodgey packaging

It was so exciting to receive the Nivea Erase the Evidence prize today - lots and lots of lovely silver Nivea for Men products but they were sort of just stuffed in a box. Wouldnt you think that promoters, who are spending a lot of money on these promotions, would carry it through and put some thought into presenting the prize artistically - just some cellophane and a pretty box thats all! I will be singing Nivea's praises for sending me such a great gift but it could be even better for them as tomorrow I will take my prize to my school and show my staffroom - what great publicity that is but it would be even better if it was decoratively presented. Also I sometime receive a lovely book or CD or the like stuffed in a post-it bag and I cant even work out where it came from. It sort of seems like the promoters say "ok that comp's over, thank God! lets just get this stuff out!" Please dont think I am whinging I am not - I am over the moon - not a day goes by without some little prize being in my mailbox even if its just a little freebie I just dont think the competition posters are thinking enough about what a wonderful 'word of mouth' tool they have in their prize winners.

Anyone else got a stuffed in a postit bag story
posted 3-8-2010 @ 07:39 PM www

Count yourself lucky you actually got your prize from Nivea. I waited 6 months for a camera I won from them. Didn't care how it came..just that it did.
posted 3-8-2010 @ 07:40 PM www

i receieved a fully signed cricket shirt literally stuffed in an envelope and sent regular mail... when the postie shoved it in my letter box the paper ripped too...
no letter or anything, so lucky i knew where it was from!
posted 3-8-2010 @ 07:43 PM www

As I said I am reaaaaally happy I won the prize please dont think I am not grateful I am I just think these companies marketing departments are not using their competitions to their full potential:D
posted 3-8-2010 @ 07:52 PM www

Hi Willow77:)
I received the same prize today from nivea for men and still trying to work out where it came from and tend to agree:)

I also won the Mrs Mac pies hamper:)

It was presented in a beautiful white box, with a lovely green ribbon with bow and congratulations from Mrs Mac's sticker on the outside and when you opened the box, it was presented beautifully. Although at the time I thought that it was not worth $100:) I suppose taking into account that they sent it express post etc:)

I think I can understand where you are coming from:):):)
posted 3-8-2010 @ 07:59 PM www

I once received a Woolworths prize, various items, that came by courier in a cardboard carton, but the $1000 wishcard which was part of the prize was in an unsealed envelope stuck on the side of the carton with about 3cm of sticky tape!! Yikes!! You'd think they'd have sealed it in the box or at least put a bit more tape on it!!

Have also had broken coffee cups (just floating around in a too-big box), expensive sunglasses posted in an envelope (too bent to be worn) and numerous occasions where liquid products have not been sealed properly and leaked all over other stuff in the package.

Sooo disappointing!
posted 3-8-2010 @ 08:05 PM www

I agree Willow77 it's just about companies following through with excellence in everything they do...some will care & some just do an inferior job.
It's about attitude and whether you want the company you run, whatever area it's in, to be known for stepping up to another level or just being an also ran who does things the same as everyone else or worse.
Maybe the companies who employ marketing/promotions companies should actually check on the job they do. They obviously don't care most of the time either.
I think to receive stuff in the mail without even a note from whence it came is just shoddy and as pirate mentioned to send stuff that will break & leak without care is poor.

Perhaps excellence is not in the budget!


posted 3-8-2010 @ 08:15 PM www

I received a Sex in the City box set about 2 years ago. The packaging was no good and the box ended up with dints and the broken. I emailed the company and one of their reps was coming to Melb, so she came to my place with a replacement one and took the damaged one. They were really nice about it and was a very pleasant experience.
posted 3-8-2010 @ 09:32 PM www

A few years ago I won a $10,000 diamond ring. They posted it to me to my work address for some reason and by ordinary post although previously they had assured me that it would be sent registered post :(:mad:

That wasn't the only problem I had with the jeweller who was also the promoter so I didn't feel able to promote them. The reason they ran the competition was to promote their company and their services in jewellery design :o:o

posted 3-8-2010 @ 09:49 PM www

My Cougar town pack came in a box with fragile tape around it and it looked like it had been used in the local footy match.. I know the postie well and he said it got to them like that. Everything inside survived but it must have been one wild ride :)
posted 3-8-2010 @ 11:03 PM www

I once won a men's cologne. I thought woohoo that's my brother's present sorted.
The cologne had no box, no lid and a 'tester' sticker on it. It looked like it had been swiped off a store shelf somewhere. :(
posted 4-8-2010 @ 01:03 AM www

I've won so many CD's over the years & yet to get 1 that didn't have a crack in the case by the time it reached me .Totally agree a little more time & energy should be put into seeing a prize reaches it's destination fully intact .
Have also had some that took ages to get to find what was in all the wrapping & usually it's been an unbreakable item .

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posted 4-8-2010 @ 01:29 AM www

Isn't it strange? I've never had one prize broken/damaged or whatever. Only the occassional soggy envelope, because it rained in the direction of the letterbox slot:D
posted 4-8-2010 @ 01:30 AM www

I won a QV skin care pack that came with a book. They were all together in a box and a bottle of bath wash leaked through the box and soaked the book. It was from Vibe and i told them how it arrived. Today i received another copy of the book and a bath oil. REALL REALLY surprised and thankful to Vibe.
posted 4-8-2010 @ 09:35 AM www

I had a $1500 diamond and pearl necklace delivered regular mail, left in my letterbox and the envelope was ripped!
posted 5-8-2010 @ 11:27 AM www

My experience is sort of the opposite of this, but annoying none the less. I received a courier card in my letterbox and wasn't able to redirect the delivery to my work address so I had to go to the out-of-the-way depot to collect my mystery delivery. I was thinking hmm it must be something good if they've forked out for a courier... the woman hands me a A4 sized package. I open it and it's a book. Sigh. I don't understand why they wasted their money on a courier for 1 book! I would have been happier if they sent it normal post so I could just get it out of my mail box!
I got excited for nothing! :(
posted 5-8-2010 @ 11:48 AM www

I had a $500 gifcard sticking out of my letterbox, unregistered, anyone could have taken it, then I had a Platiunum Express bag delivering a movie ticket....go figure, the platinum express would have cost more than the ticket.

I've won 3 different Nak packs, two have all leaked out and sent in post satchels, but one had the initiative to send it in a box and tape down the last a bright spark.
My worst packed parcels have been taste hampers, all the loose food in a much too big box. The cardboard boxes have been so thin they crush and tear, one was torn open.

The best was a lovely gift pack from Maybelline, the box was lovely and it was wrapped in clear cellophane with ribbon. Just this simple touch made it feel really special like it was a gift, or birthday present.

Most CD cases arrive cracked. I have on the other hand received parcels the have been packed so well that there was no way in the world they'd break.
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