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What type of people are 25wol judges?

posted 12-8-2010 @ 03:30 PM www
What type of people are 25wol judges?


I have been wondering lately about what sort of people are judges for 25wol comps.

Are they work experience people, marketing department staff, receptionists, managers?

The reason I ask is that I am having no luck with wol entries. About ten years ago I used to enter a lot of wol comps and I used to win lots of prizes. Now, I find I am not winning anything! I think I would find it easier if I knew what type of person is judging these entries.

Also, does anyone think it is harder now to win 25wol comps than in the past? Are more people entering them or are people getting better with their answers?

Anyway, these thoughts have been on my mind lately. I feel like I am spending a lot of precious time coming up with entries and and obviously they are not what the judges are after!

Any thoughts/ideas would be helpful :) thanks, and good luck everyone :):)
posted 12-8-2010 @ 03:34 PM www

Well perhaps some of the companies on lottos can enlighten us please.


p.s. I still win with 25WOL answers by the way...other than sheer luck with draws it's my most lucrative entry method. I win little or nothing actually with Supermarket purchases, occasionally an SMS comp but mainly 25WOL.
I don't think it matters who the judges are, your answer just has to appeal to them at that time if it's judged & I believe most of them are when they say they are.

I also estimate that about 10 years ago there was vastly less competition re numbers of people entering comps.

posted 12-8-2010 @ 03:39 PM www


If I win they are FANTASTIC people

If I lose then they are [censored] %&+#@ [censored] [censored] people

posted 12-8-2010 @ 03:47 PM www

how long is a piece of string?
posted 12-8-2010 @ 03:51 PM www

There are hundreds of entries is most competitions sometimes thousands...think about how you can make yours stand out above the rest in any way :):):) good luck
posted 12-8-2010 @ 03:52 PM www

What one person likes may not be liked by someone else! That's just life.

I hardly ever win on WOLs, but that's just because I am crap at them :)
posted 12-8-2010 @ 03:57 PM www

Thanks for your answers, guys. That's the thing though...I used to win all the time, so I know my answers can't be that bad.

Its just need to keep entering I suppose.
posted 12-8-2010 @ 04:00 PM www

Originally posted by psych
how long is a piece of string?

LOL sorry had to laugh at that

well alots changed in 10 years with comping!
posted 12-8-2010 @ 04:03 PM www

I've found most 25wol judges are illiterate, unaware of their T&C's, can't count to 25, and have a very limited sense of humour :D

Seriously though, it could be someone who works for the company running the comp, it could be the guy who delivers their printer paper, it could be their janitor. Just look around when you're next shopping - it could be ANYONE! :o:)
posted 12-8-2010 @ 04:14 PM www

I think it is someone without a sense of humour, they never seem to like mine and i think they are hilarious :):):)
posted 12-8-2010 @ 05:00 PM www

I often wonder if all WOLs are actually read. They must receive an awful lot of entries in some comps, and I could imagine that when someone comes across one that appeals - that's it.
posted 12-8-2010 @ 05:08 PM www

Crazy because some of the winners their answers are so off the beam some are so lame some are good .some i just think are not read just first picked.Over all the years of comping i have seen quite a few that were really bad and yet won. and i have seen some really good ones and know why they won.some i have seen well over the 25 words when there was a 25 word limit and i protested to the promotor about a few of them with some terrible answers.So i have seen all when it comes to 25 words wanted.
posted 12-8-2010 @ 05:52 PM www

I'm totally crap at 25 WOL. but on the odd ocassion when I think I have written a good answer, it never wins anyway!
posted 12-8-2010 @ 06:14 PM www

Ive only just realised my 2 nice wins in the past year have been from 25 WOL comps. The last one I wrote for the coverall Ellen promo I thought was great but didnt win, so in a quick few minutes just changed a few words to suit another comp and it won! So if you,ve got a good one and it doesnt win the first time round, keep it written down somewhere so you can use it again until you strike a judge that thinks its good too.
posted 12-8-2010 @ 06:18 PM www

i hate WOLs, I actually think quite a few of mine have been funny, clever and GOOD, but ive never won. Personally I think the majority are drawn anyway
posted 12-8-2010 @ 06:28 PM www

I disagree about them being drawn...the answers I have seen from lottoers that have kindly shared their answers with us from WOL wins have been in the vast majority outstanding entries.

posted 12-8-2010 @ 06:44 PM www

I won a trip to Rotorua with a 25 wol answer. I met one of the judges who was a photographer in Rotorua - the comp was run by Destination Rotorua and he did their photography. He said there were over 2,000 entries he had to go through. Unfortunately I didn't interrogate him as to how many judges there were or how they picked the winners but it does show that they did read the entries.

posted 12-8-2010 @ 06:49 PM www

not sure what type of people they are but would hate to be one and have to trawl through thousands of entries.

I actually think most of them are judged though as the entries I thought were pretty lame have never won but the ones I felt really confident about have. :) :)

You just gotta hope that whoever it is out there love your answer :)

posted 12-8-2010 @ 09:13 PM www

I have doubts that those comps that are unlimited entry wol are actually judged, I mean, who wants to read every entry when you have thousands. There are some promoters who I believe, actually do read and judge their entries. I guess you get a feel for them after a while.

I used to agonise over my answers, sometimes for weeks before I entered but now mostly, I think of something spur of the moment, enter and forget about it. The ones that I really work on and love are usually doomed to failure.

You take a chance every time you enter and just hope that the judges have a brain and a sense of humour, but in the end just enter and forget and go on to the next one. Sooner or later your turn will come along if you hang in there long enough. :)
posted 12-8-2010 @ 09:16 PM www

good advice christinamaria - im about ready to give up wols, but will persevere for a little while longer :P
posted 12-8-2010 @ 09:17 PM www

Originally posted by Christinamarina
I have doubts that those comps that are unlimited entry wol are actually judged, I mean, who wants to read every entry when you have thousands. There are some promoters who I believe, actually do read and judge their entries. I guess you get a feel for them after a while.

I used to agonise over my answers, sometimes for weeks before I entered but now mostly, I think of something spur of the moment, enter and forget about it. The ones that I really work on and love are usually doomed to failure.

You take a chance every time you enter and just hope that the judges have a brain and a sense of humour, but in the end just enter and forget and go on to the next one. Sooner or later your turn will come along if you hang in there long enough. :)

totally agree!
the only time i will agree they have been read when the promotor actually says that they loved your answer. alot are way they read them all
posted 12-8-2010 @ 09:26 PM www

Kibby, but even if they say they love your answer, they might not have read all of the entries. It's possible they pick 100, 200, whatever...and just read those, and they've loved yours the most of the ones they actually read. :)

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posted 12-8-2010 @ 11:11 PM www

Ive won on quite a few WOL and I know with 3 of those, 2 being for holidays, they on both occasions quoted my answers and pointed out parts that they loved about them, so that makes me happy in just knowing that they are reading and judging them.

Mind you the other 35,000 Ive done, who knows....:P

Any I will also add, when I had lunch with Bryce Courtney, Im sure most was done by his publicity and penguin books, but he reckoned that he had a major hand in reading them all, and made a point of telling me exactly what he liked about my answer, and did so with the other guests at luncheon, so that was nice too.
posted 12-8-2010 @ 11:43 PM www

Originally posted by kismet
I disagree about them being drawn...the answers I have seen from lottoers that have kindly shared their answers with us from WOL wins have been in the vast majority outstanding entries.

In the 6yrs Ive been on lottos Ive seen many wols that were so obviously drawn. They werent members posting their wol on here, but published wols of winners. They either dont answer the question, arent creative when they are supposed to be as per t&cs, or go way over the word limit.

My first WOL win of a 1st prize Im pretty sure was read, as I asked them to send me a copy of my wol, which they did promptly, and the type of comp it was there would of been heaps of entries.
posted 13-8-2010 @ 02:30 AM www

Some of them are drawn because they don't want to pay the fee to register the comp as a straight draw. If they have a prize worth $100, why pay $150 to register the comp when WOL's are free?
A good guide is the frequency, once only's are most likely to be judged and unlimited most likely drawn.
Big prizes that are once only are the ones to target. The judges divide the entries and judge a section of them each. They select a short list of entries that catch their eye. The short list is usually 10. i.e. - if there are five judges, they will short list two each. Then they all get together and select the winner from that 10.
They wade through mountains of entries and look for any reason to knock them OUT rather than keep them in. To be short listed, an entry has to be sharp, witty and DIFFERENT to all the ones they've been knocking out. Often the first line is crucial to catching their eye. A clever play on words in the last line will then do the trick.
Remember, the answer must ANSWER the question.
Good luck! :)
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