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Slow start, eventually successful?

posted 8-10-2010 @ 02:35 PM www
Slow start, eventually successful?

Just a question for all those successful compers out there.

I am in my fourth month and have received ZERO prizes so far. Not through lack of trying! I was just curious to there anyone out there who had a very unlucky start and then found that they started to win prizes eventually?

I guess I am just after some hope. I am starting to think that if i haven't won anything by now maybe I should give up trying so hard.

Anyone been in the same boat?:spin:
posted 8-10-2010 @ 04:01 PM www

Hi vanjane,
I haven't been as long as you but still waiting for that prize to rock up but not for lack of trying , but while I am here try to enter as much comps as I can
Good luck hope you win soon just thought I would write and say you are no alone

posted 8-10-2010 @ 04:07 PM www

I would stick at it, you never know when you will get that fabulous prize. The first few months I started comping I got a few little prizes like movie tickets which were exciting in themselves.

Been doing it for just over a year now and my answers are getting better, have more of a system in place with purchase comps....have been getting heaps more wins now. Still waiting for that huge prize but the excitement of POSSIBLY winning something keeps me going.

Also you need to enter, enter and enter....I think the odds are 1 win per 100 comps entered or something like that I read.

Good luck and hope the postie brings you something special soon.
posted 8-10-2010 @ 04:09 PM www

My luck ran the other way! Got most of my prizes early on and nada for ages now.....:sniffle:
posted 8-10-2010 @ 04:21 PM www

My best advice is to keep entering!
I know it's a cliche, but you DO have to be in it to win it.
Try and spread your entries out i.e enter WOL's, daily/weekly/monthly comps, Purchase required (if you can afford it) Sms's, again if you can afford it, mail in and unlimited entry comps.

Try and enter comps that have quite a few prizes and/or runner up prizes - I personally have more luck with those than any other.
(always the bridesmaid, never the bride!).

It can take a while to achieve a 'win' as some comps don't draw winners or send out prizes as quickly as others - some months!!
Sometimes you'll just have a 'dry' spell - there may be thousands of entries (or more!) for one or a handful of prizes.

Just stick with it - perserverence is the key and it will happen.
A nice surprise may be just around the corner...

Hope this helps and GOODLUCK!
posted 8-10-2010 @ 04:28 PM www

my first months took until the end of the month and they started rolling in.

8 yrs later I am lucky to win one every two months....

Still waiting for the MWPC or MWE

The way I see it an why it takes longer now is all the new members (no offense) but back at the start there were few people entering so your chance of winning were alot higher.

Now it is just enter and hope for even a little prize.

but remember you have to be in it to win it
posted 8-10-2010 @ 04:33 PM www

Before I joined lottos (and comping) I spent a lot of time reading the forums and I found that especially useful (Eg Winning Competition Entries and Competition Discussion). It gave me tips about answering WOL, what promoters might be after and tips for keeping organised.

ENTER ENTER ENTER and keep at it... !!! I understand that you are down about not winning but you certainly won't win anything if you don't enter.

ENTER competitions big and small (but avoid Wyndam competitions). Enter WOL as a lot of people hate doing them (try to be original and creative- they don't want the same old answer over and over).

Stay positive, get informed, get creative and ENTER...!!!

I am not raking it in (mostly smaller prizes) but it has been steadily getting better as I enter more and think more about my answers.

And most of all may lots of luck be on your side because that helps too... ;)
posted 8-10-2010 @ 04:47 PM www

Also you need to enter, enter and enter....I think the odds are 1 win per 100 comps entered or something like that I read.

That's really interesting. This is my second time around with comping... I tried it last year for about 4 or 5 months, pretty ad hoc, and won a jar of face cream and that was it.

This time I have been at it since mid-August. I've got a better system and I'm tracking things on a spreadsheet (which I didn't do last time). As of last night I have entered 572 competitions that have CLOSED (there's hundreds more that haven't finished yet) and I have won 5 prizes. Mostly smallish things. 2 lots of movie tickets, a cookbook, a book, and a baby carrier. But that is pretty much a 1 in 100 strike rate.

Are you tracking everything you go in? I really think that's where I went wrong last time.
posted 8-10-2010 @ 05:30 PM www

carried77, I am tracking (logging things in my user control panel as entered, using personal notes etc) Is that what you mean?

Thanks so much everyone for your words of encouragement and advice. I used to enter lots of wols 5-10 years ago and won things pretty regularly. Now its as if every entry I send is going into a big black hole!:P

I will let you all know as soon as I win something, I can't wait to finally post something in the winners circle. I don't care what it is anymore!!!!

Thanks again :spin:
posted 8-10-2010 @ 05:59 PM www

Hi vanjane :)...

Aside from the lucky few that score big in their first month or two, I think it's a real learning game as you go along, and it felt like an initiation of sorts for me, as prize values seemed to steadily change as time went on. Still lots of room for improvement and bigger prizes though :)

Having said that, be sure to enter big and small prize comps and treat them with equal importance......,

Have 'Big Eyes' for learning and put as much personality into your wols as you can. It'll hit the mark at some stage, as there's only a certain amount of personality groups on our big wide earth and sooner or later someone's gonna like you in what you write :):) :thumbup:

And seeing that you haven't won anything in your latest comping efforts here's a special 25 wol comp for anyone that has the nickname 'vanjane' for a triple dvd pack. :P

In 25 words or less tell us why you know that a good win is just around the corner?

Good luck and winner announced soon :P:D
posted 8-10-2010 @ 08:17 PM www

Hi there!

The advice I was given and I def agree is enter everything that you can if you can afford it. I dont do multiple entries I enter everything I can once or a couple of times if permitted.

I have won in the last month 3 double movie passes and a double pass to a concert, they were all online and 25 words or less answers, I tried to make clever answers and try not to answer the same kind of thing as everyone else.

Havent won any big prizes yet but I hope to one day haha.

I just look at doing this as a hobby and If I win something then its a bonus, if I dont then at least Im improving my brain coming up with some answers! :) keep at it and dont stop! your time will come xoxo
posted 8-10-2010 @ 08:23 PM www

Hi vanjane, I think there are lots of highs and lows in comping. Sometimes it's hard to hear about others with multiple trips or multiple big wins when you can't even win one!!

I admire your dedication as it's understandable you would be disheartened after putting in four months of effort with no result. It's only normal to want some return for lots of hard work.

All I can say is try and enjoy it for the enjoyable hobby it is (take a break when it's getting to you) and as you will read on other posts, some people have their first big win after years.
I actually spend less time now on lottos than I used to but with about the same success (more of a hobby, less of an obsession!!)
Good luck to you, hope you have a win soon! ;)
posted 8-10-2010 @ 08:51 PM www

Hi vanjane :)... Aside from the lucky few that score big in their first month or two, I think it's a real learning game as you go along, and it felt like an initiation of sorts for me, as prize values seemed to steadily change as time went on. Still lots of room for improvement and bigger prizes though :) Having said that, be sure to enter big and small prize comps and treat them with equal importance......, Have 'Big Eyes' for learning and put as much personality into your wols as you can. It'll hit the mark at some stage, as there's only a certain amount of personality groups on our big wide earth and sooner or later someone's gonna like you in what you write :):) :thumbup: And seeing that you haven't won anything in your latest comping efforts here's a special 25 wol comp for anyone that has the nickname 'vanjane' for a triple dvd pack. :P In 25 words or less tell us why you know that a good win is just around the corner? Good luck and winner announced soon :P:D

Thank you Maccinote! I'm not sure if your 'special 25wol comp' is really real or not, but at the risk of embarrassment - here is my entry!!! :P

When I joined lottos my husband whined,
'A waste of money', he said,
I need to stop receiving bills,
And win some stuff instead!

posted 8-10-2010 @ 09:46 PM www

Woohoo!.. we have a winner :):)

Yep!... it's real :D... see we all knew a win was just around the corner for you :thumbup:

I'll just go and send you a ... wait for it.... a 'WU2U' :P woohoo!
posted 8-10-2010 @ 09:47 PM www

Good on you, humour is always great! :thumbup:

And good on you, Maccinote, that's really lovely! :thumbup:
posted 8-10-2010 @ 09:50 PM www

Haha, Good work Maccinote ;)
posted 8-10-2010 @ 10:45 PM www

You will be winning prizes sure enough I reckon with answers like that... I give that a :thumbup:
posted 8-10-2010 @ 11:03 PM www

Maccinote, I have sent you a U2U.

Thank you so much for your kindness. You deserve to win all that you do.

My months of hard work have been worth it just because of your lovely gesture.

Thanks again.

Have a fantastic weekend, and best of luck.

posted 18-10-2010 @ 08:52 AM www

That just made my morning...:thumbup::spin:
posted 18-10-2010 @ 09:16 AM www

Aww... good on you Mac! Ain't Lottos a great place to be? Enjoy your first 'win' vanjane, and keep up entering!!!
posted 18-10-2010 @ 12:12 PM www


Maccinote your awesome:thumbup:
posted 18-10-2010 @ 12:42 PM www

That was a REALLY GOOD 25WOL vanjane by the way!

posted 18-10-2010 @ 01:03 PM www

worthy wins :thumbup: Maccinote:thumbup:
posted 21-10-2010 @ 03:48 PM www

Originally posted by LuckyClover
That just made my morning...:thumbup::spin:

I had a similar feeling on Tuesday when to my surprise and upon sorting through my hopeful mail :D... there was a great 'thank you' card from vanjane with some scratchies :):) :thumbup:

it was hard to get the smile off my face as I scratched away in anticipation for my retirement :P

and I won enough to head on down to the bakery where I stuffed my face with a big greasy croissant... :D

Wowee, I felt rooly rooly spoilt and it made my day with bells on too :thumbup: ... thanks vanjane :thumbup: rooly nice of ya and an unexpected gesture :):)
posted 21-10-2010 @ 03:56 PM www

Hi vanjane, the same thing happened to me when I first started but hang in there and don't give up, If you enter on a regular basis I can pretty much guarantee you'll win something, even now I can go for months without winning a thing.
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