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Random Instant wins - what's the best time to enter?

posted 16-10-2010 @ 10:22 PM www
Random Instant wins - what's the best time to enter?

Many times I've brought products from a store with one of those comps where you have to enter online and then various people win randomly.

I gather from discussion here that the promoter selects random times of the day and the first person to enter after that time will win.

Question is this - Do those preselected instant win times tend to be from 8am to 6pm? Or can they also be at 10pm at night.

Often I like to enter comps in the evening e.g. 9pm or 10pm. But I've noticed that alot of people who post wins enter during normal work hours.

What do you guys think?
posted 16-10-2010 @ 10:26 PM www

I think it is totally random ;)
They use computer programs to randomly select the times so your guess is as good as mine as to when to enter.

posted 16-10-2010 @ 10:32 PM www
great question

It totally bamboozlles me is it computer selected or random
drawn out of a hat like a rabbit???will we ever really know??
posted 16-10-2010 @ 10:32 PM www
great question

If we all knew we would be daily winners!
posted 16-10-2010 @ 10:33 PM www

I've won late at night with the BH&G ring in comps, so yes, they do give away later in the day.
The Eclipse Mints one seems to be mainly going off earlier in the day.
The Rimmel one went off at all times.
The Macarons one seems to be any old time.
It's completely random. No rhyme or reason at all.

It's computer programmed starlily and it would be random between selected time parameters.

posted 16-10-2010 @ 10:35 PM www

Along the same lines - I was wondering about SMS messages on Sundays and after hours. I also think - and hope - that they are random times but not sure.

It was interesting last week on the Today Show that the lady who won ($15,000 I think) on Thursday or Friday had entered twice on Sunday. That was good to hear.

So globalchick I think hat they must be random. Let's hope so.

Good luck. :) :) :)
posted 16-10-2010 @ 10:59 PM www

As someone answered in a similar thread a while age- how long is a piece of string? All I can suggest is just not to worry about it- and just keep entering!:lol::lol::lol:
posted 17-10-2010 @ 12:47 AM www

I remember a cadburys comp about 5 years ago where I won 7 mobiles instantly and all were in the early morning hours (midnight to 5 am)

posted 17-10-2010 @ 10:39 AM www

they're called "random" for a reason
posted 17-10-2010 @ 10:41 AM www

obviously every minute of the day that I don't enter cos I never win them haha :P
posted 17-10-2010 @ 11:14 AM www

never works for me i enter all different times for instant wins but have ever win only won once in all the years of doing instant wins and nearly fell off the chair
posted 17-10-2010 @ 03:35 PM www

good question and some very insightful answers - you would think the "one win only per day ones" like eclipse would go off late in the day so they could maximize the number of people buying and entering their comp - or maybe they are unaware of sites like this one who tell other potential enterers when they have won. I have had a packet of eclipse for two weeks that I never get to enter as by the time I get around to it the prize for that day has already gone off!
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