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Question on winning SMS contests

posted 4-11-2010 @ 08:27 PM www
Question on winning SMS contests

I have noticed a few people winning SMS contests lately - namely KAK and Today show contests.

My question is probably geared towards those that have won (but would love comments off all) - if you enter numerous times a day do you spread them out or do you do a block eg one after the other.

I usually spread them all out but then I thought maybe you've got a better chance if you do a block. And are there any certain times that you SMS - eg straight after they announce the contest or do you wait.....

And yes the answer to this is probably just enter and it all comes down to luck but I'm just curious because I've NEVER won an SMS comp..........
posted 4-11-2010 @ 10:59 PM www

Noticed no-one has replied so thought I would. Though I have no idea either and have only won one SMS comp. So I can say it was to win an iPad every hour. In the first hour I went all out for me and entered 25. (Normally I'm a one or two entry girl) Didn't win. So in the next hour entered twice and won. So that was purely luck. Wish that came my way more often. Still the SMS drought is broken. Hope yours is soon!
posted 5-11-2010 @ 01:02 AM www

I used to be a member of a hard copy competition newsletter years ago and it was noted that instant SMS wins are far more frequent after 2am. Also instant wins occur more frequently towards the end of the comp. This info was tried and tested many times at great expense to see if it was right.
Good luck. :)
posted 5-11-2010 @ 07:26 AM www

i won a holiday ONCE on SMS (lol considering i've been entering 4 years now my advice might not be all that good )
any how it was Austar / one of the tv networks and i entered 40 + times throughout the entire promotion just every where and any time i felt like it, if there is a good phone in i write it on a big white board, so every time i see it i think about it and enter ! so what ever intices you.
good luck !!
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