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RooBoy is now fighting "The Big C"

posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:25 PM www

Incredibly sad news Peter, so very sorry to hear.

Sending heartfelt best wishes, strength & healing power to you. Stay strong & draw on the support and friendship from all your Lottos family & friends. As everyone else has noted, you have a fantastic, positive attitude and are an inspiration to us all. We're all wishing you the absolute best.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:29 PM www

oh hunni...even though I haven't ever met you myself alot of my friends have and they always say you are a bloody character! I know you will make the absolute most of the time you have left and I know just from your positive outlook on life that you'll be here for YEARS yet!! xxxx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:29 PM www

Big hugs from me RooBoy. Here's hoping you can give the big C a good old kick in the guts ;);) Your positive attitude will help immensely.

posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:33 PM www

Hold strong to that positive attitude Rooboy. Wishing you all the best during such a tumultuous time.

posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:35 PM www

Blimey, RooBoy! I'm really sorry to hear your bad news. That's so rotten.
But I love your attitude. Keep on fighting.
Sending you lots of good thoughts,

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posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:38 PM www

You are so strong, positive and determined.

Sending you huge amounts of fighting vibes, so you can keep that sucker at bay !
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:38 PM www

Wow Rooboy, sorry to hear this news. Stay strong and keep up the positive attitude :) Will be thinking of you xxx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:44 PM www

I'm so sorry to hear this :( Good on you though for having such a positive attitude.. it really does help when you're fighting the big "C". Take care xo
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:45 PM www

Bloody hell! If anyone deserves a MWPC right now, it's you RooBoy! OMG best wishes for you. You have an amazing attitude xx
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:46 PM www

I was speechless after reading your very candid post...
My Hubby was too...

I admire your courage in sharing this with us.

Fight the Good Fight, Peter!
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:49 PM www

All our problems seem very trivial compared to yours....all the best,all our love from my family,thinking and praying for you...
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:49 PM www

When my doctor told me to increase my colonoscopy screenings from every 2 years to every year, I thought he overdoing it. I usually wait about 18 months, but having read your story I think I will start listening to my doctor!!

Thanks for sharing your story, maybe you will save someone else from going through what you are (maybe even me!!)

Good luck, we will all be thinking of you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:50 PM www

Mine and my families thoughts are with you RooBoy.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:50 PM www

Thinking and praying for you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:50 PM www

Rooboy, I'm so very sorry to hear of your battle.
My thoughts & prayers are with you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:51 PM www

Rooboy I am so sorry to hear this. Stay positve and know your lottos family are here for you. Prayers for you.
(((((((HUGE HUGS))))))))

posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:54 PM www

Keep fighting and enjoy life rooboy xxx We are all behind you and here if you need a Hug or a chat

posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:59 PM www

Wow, you know even though I know no-one on here personally, reading stuff like this certainly brings a tear to your eyes. (I guess that's why we're called the Lottos family)
RooBoy my thoughts are with you, wishing you the best.:thumbup:
posted 22-11-2010 @ 03:59 PM www

My thoughts are with you. You are a very positive person, I hope that pays off for you.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 04:02 PM www

crap rooboy :(

Just want to know I'm thinking of you and hope you prove all the doctors wrong. Big Hug {{ }}
posted 22-11-2010 @ 04:04 PM www

You're in our thoughts. All the best, great to see such a positive spirit :)
posted 22-11-2010 @ 04:05 PM www

I dont know what to say. You seem so tough and brave. Never give up, miracles do happen. But sometimes this life can be so unfair.
Sending you heaps and heaps of love and light!
posted 22-11-2010 @ 04:07 PM www

I admire your positive outlook and I'm sure you will defy them. Thanks for sharing your story and reminding others of the importance. A friends mother passed away today suddenly... you never know whats just around the corner. Sending you positive thoughts.
posted 22-11-2010 @ 04:09 PM www

Peter that just sucks! I love your positivity and wish you a tonne of fun forever. x
posted 22-11-2010 @ 04:10 PM www

Peter, you are a much loved member of the lottos family, and when we get such shocking news about a family member it is, as you'd expect...quite shocking! :o

As many others have said already, your positive attitude is wonderful and truely inspiring.

My wish for you is that you remain strong and positive and live the rest of your life with joy in your heart, always remembering how much of a positive difference you have made and make in the lives of those you touch.

The world is a better place for you being here. Thank you for sharing your beautiful spirit and reminding those who need it of the fragility of this life... *hugs* Susan
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