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RooBoy is now fighting "The Big C"

posted 23-11-2010 @ 10:08 PM www

Thinking of you during this difficult time, RooBoy. Certainly will be keeping you in my prayers. Take care xx
posted 23-11-2010 @ 11:48 PM www

Terrible news. Thoughts are with you. Stay positive.:):):)
posted 24-11-2010 @ 07:57 AM www

This is aweful news indeed Rooboy. You are so amazingly strong, geeze I've the flu and I'm complaining! My thoughts and prayers are with you, and look forward to seeing more of your fun posts. Blessings xxx
posted 24-11-2010 @ 11:53 AM www

You are an inspiration and shining example of true courage. You humble me with your cheerful and positive attitude. I hope that the two years they've given stretch into far far distant future. You've got the type of spirit to beat the odds.
posted 24-11-2010 @ 12:09 PM www

Rooboy I feel terrible for you and yet inspired by you at the same time. My father was diagnosed with bowel cancer two years ago and luckily he is now in remission after a long recovery and chemo which he had to stop after only 2 months as it seemed to be having more of a detrimental affect on him than the risk of the cancer returning. (ie the chemo was killing him anyway so he wanted to live what life he had left). So for now our prayers have been answered and we just hope everyday that he makes it to another christmas clear of it and we are looking forward to our second this year! I guess I just wanted to let you know that your positive attitude and inner strength will take you further than any doctor could and dont ever give up hope.
I wish you the speediest recovery and heaps of love and wins!:thumbup::yes:

ps it certainly makes my whinge about migraines pale in comparisome.;)
posted 24-11-2010 @ 12:19 PM www

What an amazing person you are! You are in my thoughts and prayers and I know that your positive attitude will see you kicking around here for a little bit longer yet and I hope that the community here can be of assistance and support for you while you continue to fight this horrible disease. xxx

posted 24-11-2010 @ 01:49 PM www

Just don't know what to say rooboy!

Life is so confronting and hard at times. I do believe in reincarnation and therefore believe that it will be better for you next time round.

I shall certainly pray for not only that, but the internal peace and resilience you need right now! God Bless!
posted 25-11-2010 @ 09:37 AM www

I respect your positive attitude during this ordeal and I do send all my hugs to you xxx
posted 25-11-2010 @ 06:02 PM www

your attitude is amazing and certainly brought a tear to my eye. I will never complain about my MS again, as I know there are people out there like yourself who are much worse off.

Keep up that wonderful attitude of yours and keep those positive affirmations flowing as you certainly are an inspiration to us all.

You fight that %&^*(* terrible "C", we are all here for you. oxoxoxoxoxoxo;););););)
posted 25-11-2010 @ 06:39 PM www

Oh RooBoy! I have only just come across your post and I am absolutely in shock.

What a positive attitude you have. You are an inspiration to us all.

Still thinking of others when you have been dealt with this insideous disease:)

There is not much more I can say that has not already been said.

Sending huge (((hugs))) and positive thoughts your way:)

You are a very special member of lottos and always will be and remember we are here for you:)
posted 25-11-2010 @ 06:43 PM www

So sorry to hear, really makes lifes little annoyances so insignificant. Your positivity is a real inspiration and I am sending love and prayers your way xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
posted 25-11-2010 @ 07:42 PM www

You are a winner in our eyes as you are part of our lottos community and we all know things can go good or bad with this disease, a positive attitude is the way to go, enjoy today and look forward to tomorrow regardless. Good luck with what life has dealt you, never a problem, only a stage of life!!!! Problems are things you cannot get past, stages are something that you can get past!!! Thinking of you.
posted 27-11-2010 @ 07:33 PM www
big hug from me rooboy

wishing you lots of quality time and some wins to cheer you up!:kiss::kiss::kiss:
posted 27-11-2010 @ 07:52 PM www

Thinking of you and thanks for sharing with us
posted 4-12-2010 @ 12:33 PM www

Howdy Rooboy :)

I don't know you personally, but it's pretty plain to see you're a genuine fella and rooly rooly generous with your time sharing the comping love amongst us all :)

It's nasty bizzo the 'Big C' and I'll look forward to seeing you around here in another 5 years to say congratulations on fighting what is most likely the biggest personal battle you've ever been involved in.

Best wishes to you, and I'll be sending positive thoughts your way each day.

You're a legend around these parts, and funnily when I first started, I thought you were Andrew :lol:

Take care mate :)

posted 4-12-2010 @ 05:57 PM www

So sorry Rooboy. Wish they could find a cure for this horrible disease. Our thoughts are with you always. Love xxxx

posted 4-12-2010 @ 06:42 PM www

Hey Rooboy, I'm fairly 'new' around these parts, joined last January, but at the time so many of the comp posts were from you, that when you disappeared, I wondered what happened.

Like so many of the others, I'm stuck for words. But I do agree with what so many have said in earlier posts that if anyone can fight this, you can. I know this disease, and I do understand the diagnosis stats you've been given, but you know, they have to get that 5% from somewhere don't they? If you had a one in 20 chance of getting a $5million winning phonecall, bet you'd take an entry! Someone's gotta win it right? And someone out there beats these cancer stats everyday too. Many people in your situation give up and don't even take an entry. I can see by your spirit that you're putting in a brilliant one!

I hope that one day, you get the greatest MWPC of your life.

Keep up the good fight Peter! You've got guts boy!

P.S. And thankyou so much for the timely reminder that I need to take action and stop cancelling my colonoscopy appointments. Because of you, I've now put this top priority.
posted 4-12-2010 @ 06:59 PM www

I'm really sad to read your news Rooboy. Take care and pop into Lottos if you ever DO feel like a cry cos you don't always have to be big and brave. xxx
posted 14-12-2010 @ 09:58 AM www

I haven't posted on your thread before cos I just don't know what to say, but thats a pathetic excuse, so I'll just say that I am so sorry to hear this news, you have been a big part of lottos for most of us & you have been so generous with your new competition posts etc & are like distant family to us. I hope you are feeling better & get to enjoy Christmas. Attitude does make a difference & you are so positive so hang in there & as others said if you ever want to come on here & complain or 'cry' or whatever, know you always have lots of shoulders here to do that on! (((hugs))) cat

2005 total:$1,130-
2006 $5,500 app.
2007 $2,000 approx.
2008 $1200
2009 $930
2010 $4,200
2011 $1,473
2012 $675 :(
2013 $462 :(
2014 $2,150
2015 $120 :(
2016 $1150
2017 $210
2018 $210 at least I'm consistent!
2019 $115 still waiting for the big one!
2020 $550
2021 $3,000
All I want ... is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy! And 2024 is the year to do it!
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