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losing 25 WOL

posted 9-1-2011 @ 11:31 PM www
losing 25 WOL

Hi, here are some losing WOL's thought i'd share, must not have had enough punch, i just posted this in the wrong part of the sire whoops...

So, what sets apart ‘Pinot Noir’?
The tantalising taste is couture.
The appetising flavours are great for dining,
the grapes ripe,
ready for fine wine.

stan walker/mtv comp
Rescued out from the sea by my boyfriend, he later danced with me. Playing our favourite song Choose You by Stan Walker. Thanks to MTV.
posted 9-1-2011 @ 11:41 PM www

Thanks for sharing ;). I have lost count of the number of times I was convinced I had a winning WOL answer... only to be let down :sniffle:. Then there are answers I whip up in a flash, think are pretty ordinary and I win! Go figure :lol:

I have become a lot more relaxed about my answers now because you never really be sure what judges are after or even if they are read in the first place.

When I first started on lottos, I spent quite a bit of time reading this forum for winning WOL answers (being inspired by them, not stealing them) and great tips for answering them (thanks posters :)). Don't give up because if you are not in it, then you certainly won't win! Stick at it and I hope you have some luck soon... :thumbup:
posted 9-1-2011 @ 11:56 PM www

thanks glchuck ;) good to know your best ones weren't always the winners so i'll just keep trying then; I have what i think are better non-specific wols which i might reuse then i always think if they lost, it was for a reason but maybe it depends who is judging like you say.
posted 10-1-2011 @ 05:26 AM www

Thanks for sharing. Sometimes I read losing ones and think why did that not win and sometimes I read winning ones and think how on earth did that win. SO hard to know what they are looking for.
posted 10-1-2011 @ 06:03 AM www

I think they need to start off with something that grabs attention and finish with a great punch line.

posted 10-1-2011 @ 06:39 AM www

I thought it was a winner. Good luck, keep it up. Jeddog
posted 10-1-2011 @ 07:09 AM www

Who knows what judges are looking for?

Better to have an entry in a competition than not!

posted 10-1-2011 @ 09:30 AM www

I agree I have won a comp from something I never thought would win and others I worked on and think are great and dont win. I do beleive it can be a mix of judges taste and random drawing even when stated its judged
posted 10-1-2011 @ 04:45 PM www

Thanks for sharing lanabreepayne! Keep at it, you never know waht they're looking for. Here's a few losers of my own while we're at it. The first three are a little bit naughty, probably why they didn't win! Oh well, when you're churing out hundreds of WOL a month you get a bit desperate! Good luck to you :)

What's your Christmas wish:

That Uncle Richard won’t make a dick of himself at the Christmas table.
And that Nana will keep her dentures in, gossiping with Aunty Mabel!

What’s your exercise routine?

If I told you the honest truth.
You’d blush and choke on your tea!
For my exercise routine,
Involves a great deal of nudity!

Why do you want to watch the world cup soccer in 3D:

You can get up close and personal with more than just the ball!
When you're a desperate housewife that's the best entertainment of all!

BIGW – list your 5 wishes:

“B”oundless energy and bountiful sleep
“I”nterruption free cups of coffee and tea
“G”orgeous thighs and heavenly hips
“W”eekends free of sporting trips!
And a romantic kiss upon my lips!
posted 10-1-2011 @ 05:57 PM www

Thanks for sharing lana and louie. I had a good chuckle over your naughty WOLs, louie.

What's the best place for a BBQ (or something similar)?

At my ex-husband's house. I could grill his girlfriend, flambe his (rhymes with grass) and show off my sizzlin' new man.

I don't know why it didn't win??? Made perfect sense to me...
posted 10-1-2011 @ 08:15 PM www

I enjoy reading other members answers...thanks for sharing! :)
posted 11-1-2011 @ 12:33 PM www

What is your Christmas wish?

I wish there really was such a thing as immaculate conception, because all this practice is wearing me out!

BTW, I am neither divorced nor trying for another child. I just go with whatever springs to mind at the time.
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