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Help me win

posted 21-1-2011 @ 11:08 AM www
Help me win

I've been on lottos for about 4 months, and so far have won nothing. Those who win big how do you do it? I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. How many comps do you enter a day? I don’t have alot of money to spend on store purchases as my budget is limited. Can you please help me?
posted 21-1-2011 @ 11:18 AM www

Ive only been doing it since August and was lucky enough to win very big early on with a cash prize. Instant win just happened to be in the right place at the right time, but the main thing is that I entered. Ive won movie tickets, $200 voucher from no purchases and I guess the main thing is I just kept entering free comps and purchase products if I can afford it.
When it gets down to it you just must keep going and not give up because it could be you next.
I love winning on Lottos but the hope and surprise each day brings for you and others changes your life.
posted 21-1-2011 @ 11:19 AM www

You have to treat it as a bit of fun, there are lots of tips on here about what other members do.

If you can't afford to enter purchase comps, don't, just do the online free ones. You just need to keep entering and entering, a good day for me is about 100 comps, but when i'm lazy or distracted its waaaay less that that :)

I just enter and forget and think of everything i win as a bonus. good luck :)
posted 21-1-2011 @ 12:06 PM www

just enter everything, dont expect to win big and dont play to win big and you might be nicely surprised when you do! Remember that not everyone wins big and not everyone wins big in their first few weeks or months as a lottos member. Mostly, just enjoy every little win! Ive won 2 great cash prizes and many little prizes - but the little prizes give me joy too, I LOVE never paying to go to the movies, i LOVE inviting my friends to come with me for free!

Work on your WOL entries as less people enter these and its a skill game rather than a chance. Try to be unique, if 20 other people have a similar entry it isnt unique and will just be bore the judges so try to think outside the box a little bit or try put a unique spin on your answer. Never be negative about the product or company obviously haha.

Dont buy products you cant afford but dont discount looking at the purchase required comps because sometimes its stuff you might buy anyway and you dont need to enter lots of times to win so dont feel like you have to stock up on the product if you cant afford too one entry is better than none!....your friends might come in handy here too - I make up an excel spreadsheet with the current purchase required comp products in order of close day and every few weeks email it around to all my friends with a plea that if they buy anything in their weekly groceries and cant be bothered entering can I have the barcode and receipt. (some of them will no doubt bribe you by saying only if you share or take them on a holiday if you win with their product haha, mine do this!)

Enter comps with numerous prizes - i.e. radio stations often giving away 5 double passes to a concert or 80 double passes to movies - better chance of winning with more prizes.

I spend hours on lottos a day where i can. If i dont have after work plans or plans on a weekend and im watching tv then I have my laptop open and im also entering competitions. Some days I'll enter 5 comps, some days i'll enter 30, some days I wont get to enter any at all, it varies for me. But theres lotto's that probably enter hundreds a day and im sure it pays off, as well as lottos that enter less but focus on the more creative ones that they are good at. You just have to find what works for you and the time that you have!

It might sound lame but I find reading the winners circles and seeing what everyone is winning, especially the bigger wins, gives me inspiration to keep entering, I love seeing someone from this little community won a trip or $10,000! I also read what people post in the winning entries section of lottos - i like to hear other peoples ideas and what worked or didnt work for them.

Good luck, sorry I rambled ALOT but hope it helps a little and I will be keeping an eye out for you in the winners circle!!
posted 21-1-2011 @ 12:19 PM www

There are things you are going to buy anyway, competition or not. Like tissues or deodorant or milk. When there are competitions on these things (there's a sorbent one going right now at IGA), buy the brand for the competition rather than your normal brand. You aren't technically wasting money, cos you need the tissues anyway. But this way, you can enter!
posted 21-1-2011 @ 12:43 PM www

Thanks everyone for you tips, very motivating. :P
posted 21-1-2011 @ 08:18 PM www

Just keep trying and be positive you will win something good luck keep comping. I used to win heaps of prizes it has really slowed down. 2011 will be the year for compers.
posted 22-1-2011 @ 01:09 AM www

How many comps per day or week are you entering?
posted 22-1-2011 @ 01:50 AM www

hehe i know the feeling. i've one a DVD so far and have now entered 1,000 comps; i know some say persist but you have to weigh up how much time the obsession is taking of your life for $20 lol.
posted 22-1-2011 @ 01:52 AM www

maybe the thing to know how to do is, resist entering every single comp too i've been doing that lately and it makes you cranky when you dont win, if you only enter 5 a day like i used to it never pissed me off when i didn't win.
posted 22-1-2011 @ 10:51 AM www

I enter about 15 comps a day, I think I really need to step that up to 50 :yes:
posted 22-1-2011 @ 10:54 AM www

Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others.
Ayn Rand

Enter everything you wish to have and stay positive.
Enter and forget. We all aim for the same so do not try to beat others just try to enter at your highest ability. I find this works for me.

Jeddog XXX
posted 22-1-2011 @ 11:45 AM www

Hi there, foxgirl_mel24!

I enter anywhere between 10 and 25 competitions a day. I just enter and forget, so anything the postman or parcel man brings is a bonus. Don't bother with going back and checking what's finishing and when - spend that time entering more comps! Look forward - not back!

Almost all my competitions are from the "no purchase required" list, unless it is something I'd use anyway, so I'll enter the comp. I've only won one $50 gift card from that sort of comp.

I did win a couple of big things, and this is from WOL comps (web comps). As someone mentioned before, try entering the WOLs as many people just pass those ones by.

Above all, just stick with it!!!! You'll be so happy when you get your first win, and the excitement with winning is the same whether it's your first or your 51st!

GOOD LUCK!! Hope something comes your way VERY soon. Maybe go take a swim in the lucky dust! :lol:
posted 22-1-2011 @ 05:54 PM www

Originally posted by foxgirl_mel24
I enter about 15 comps a day, I think I really need to step that up to 50 :yes:

Thats not much at all compared to others on here.
posted 22-1-2011 @ 07:55 PM www

having said that.....I enter probably about 10 per far this year I have won 12 comps totalling nearly $1600 worth.
Probably a lucky phase. I don't enter every comp of course because I would be at the computer forever, so I enter the comps for the prizes I would like to win.
You must get your priorities right. If you enter everything listed, you will get burnout I reckon and probably become obsessed!! (who said that?) :P
posted 22-1-2011 @ 07:59 PM www


Competition is a by-product of productive work, not its goal. A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand

Love it!
posted 23-1-2011 @ 10:19 PM www

those are wise words jed dog:thumbup:
posted 25-1-2011 @ 10:55 PM www

Over my years of comping I have found there are two things that equal wins, luck and perserverence.

You can enter and enter and enter and still not win big, trust me...the biggest prize I have won in 10 years of on again off again comping (probably a total of 5 years in total I spose) was worth $1200. But the little wins still feel good and that's why I keep at it ..

Or other people join straight away and win big haha. There are lots of tips on here for increasing your chance at winning...but I think sometimes people forget that in theory you could enter a million comps and not win a thing -- that's what makes them so fun, that mystery!

So don't stress it too much, just enjoy it and eventually you'll figure out what you're doing right and wrong!
posted 25-1-2011 @ 10:58 PM www

Originally posted by frunue
If you enter everything listed, you will get burnout I reckon and probably become obsessed!! (who said that?) :P

:lol: I'm sitting around 600 comps entered...obsessed, maybe? Maybe I just want a lot:lol:
posted 7-2-2011 @ 11:17 PM www

people think its easy but sorry its not you just have to stick to it and enjoy it .you will win something soon.
posted 7-2-2011 @ 11:21 PM www

III help myself win first...... My very first prize came today in over 4 months, some pens and things. The luck of the draw, just need to enter enter enter, thats the only help I can offer you.:lol:
posted 7-2-2011 @ 11:21 PM www

Enter and forget about the comp, and keep doing it, pretty soon you will have some thing in your mail box or the delivery van in your drive way.

posted 7-2-2011 @ 11:46 PM www

Just stick with it.. I've been lucky and have won decent prizes consistently in my 6 months of comping, i have won just over $40,000 of prizes, BUT, I will have a drought soon, I'm sure and then it's someone elses turn for a huge windfall!!
I enter roughly 30 comps a day,, Some days i can't be bothered and rnter none, other days i'll top 200 ( with massive eye strain though! LOL)

Just keep at it and it will eventually happen for you..

Good luck!
posted 23-2-2011 @ 04:24 PM www

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