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Calling on purchase comp winners...

posted 31-1-2011 @ 08:11 AM www
Calling on purchase comp winners...

I have been trying to crack purchase comps for a few months now since having my second bub, because I just don't have the time to enter all the online freebies anymore... So far, have managed a couple of runners up prizes, which is great, but still trying for that big holiday or car or computer... Aren't we all?! :)

Could anyone who's been lucky enough to win share with us the number of entries? If you can remember or care to share your winning secret that is. I just want to know if I'm at least close to the mark.

By the way, congratulations to all those big winners, it must be really life-changing, and to know that eating crackers and dip for months or all those V energy hits or massive text bill actually paid off must feel SO good! :lol:
posted 31-1-2011 @ 08:19 AM www

There is no secret, it all comes down to luck. I won $20,000 on 4 entries and over 50 entries in the Nivea and didnt win a thing. There is no magic number otherwise we all would be winning. Comping is all about luck,hard work and lots of hours
posted 31-1-2011 @ 08:24 AM www

My biggest wins in purchase comps have been from 5 or less entries, only in sms have I won from what I consider sheer volume of entries.

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 31-1-2011 @ 08:42 AM www

I rarely win from purchase comps but I did win a car from 4 entries in a major supermarket comp that went of for weeks with daily and weekly prizes, it would have had tens of thousands of entries if not more.
I think their are too many people entering comps now to play a numbers game for big prizes anymore, it comes down to sheer luck. For big prizes there could be literally hundreds of thousands of entries. No way anyone can play the numbers with those kinds of odds.
Have a go at non purchase comps, even if you set aside 15 minutes a day, you might be surprised, its always worth trying 25wol even if you aren't a dab hand at words...with huge numbers of people entering they are quite often drawn!
My suggestion is to make sure you have an entry in as many comps as possible rather than trying for one particular prize.
Enter and forget...that's worked for me for 8 years now!

posted 31-1-2011 @ 09:02 AM www

I am not doing purchase comps any more, well at least not for this year.

But I have won two cars. One 4 entries the other 7.

I did ask how many entries, put in for the cars, the first got 7000, the second 15000. Now those odds are scary, and I think nowadays they would be double that if not more.

That's why I am not doing product comps any more. I'd say if there was one hint or tip it would be don't burn yourself or your budget out on any one prize.
posted 31-1-2011 @ 09:14 AM www

Each store comp that I have won has been one entry only! I don't tend to do them an awful lot as I will not buy things that I do not use and I don't buy up big as I refuse to have 50 boxes of BBQ shapes etc lying around! Luck of the draw I say! The thing is if you are looking at putting in huge amounts of entries, you may as well sit on the computer for a little while and enter all the freebies, it will take you same amount of time! ;)
posted 31-1-2011 @ 09:20 AM www

I think it takes more time to enter the purchase comps than the free ones or at least the same amount of time.
posted 31-1-2011 @ 09:28 AM www

Originally posted by harmonybree

I did ask how many entries, put in for the cars, the first got 7000, the second 15000. Now those odds are scary, and I think nowadays they would be double that if not more.

I think that's very good odds these days...I usually figure a minimum of 30,000 entries for a good prize, and Coke comps can have up to a million entries.

I used to go all out for product comps but these days (no teenagers to eat large quantities of non-nutritious foods) I just settle for one entry in each draw, and rely on luck, which it truly is with the numbers of entrants and different entry methods available. (When it was all by mail, I felt I could tweak my chances with posting dates and coloured envelopes, but it may just have been that there were far fewer entries!)
My main "tactic" these days is to enter daily and weekly draw comps as early as possible in the promotion, before it's been properly publicised, but there are plenty of members here doing the same thing, and my results reflect this!

Good luck! I think product comps still have the best prizes for the best odds.
posted 31-1-2011 @ 09:41 AM www

Hi miranda88 Do u remember the bannana comp in coles in december ?? I had never entered a comp in my life I entered 2 times that month casually and I won it the whitsundays great barrier reef holidday!!! im jetting off at the end of feb :o)
Im only going to enter 2 times on every comp as It worked once it will work again. I joined lottos at xmas and ive won a double pass to morning glory and a frisbee lol my dream is to travel the world with my little boy and I cant afford it lol so its comps all the way!!! I hope you crack the big one!!!! xxx
posted 31-1-2011 @ 09:52 AM www

The only magic formula is ......

enter, enter, enter .... and then forget!

Long gone are the days where purchasing big increased your chances of winning. We are now competing with a massive increase in the number of people entering :no:

If you browse this thread, some Lottoers have given you an indication of the number or type of entries they did to win their prizes :)

posted 31-1-2011 @ 10:41 AM www

I always keep a Comping Shopping List - and if the product comes on special before the comp has ended (AND I use the product) I will stock up. Might as well - I'm going to be buying the product anyway - so I get a few extras.

I've won one purchase comp - $100 in a Sorbent comp with four packets purchased.

All my other wins come from free on-line comps. My largest win (a $4000 holiday) came from a single entry in an on-line draw.

As 3littlepigs said - 15 mins everyday will put you in quite a few draws (which is much quicker than getting in the car and heading to the shops).

Unfortuantly there is no real trick to winning draws/purchase comps - except that you have to enter at least once. Of course, the more prizes they offer, the better the chances of getting something - but with thousands and thousands of entries these days - it's still a matter of pure luck.

Best of luck :D
posted 31-1-2011 @ 01:05 PM www

I won $5000 cash card in the IGA/Coon comp last year with only one entry. I cant afford to stock up too much on everything and I dont want stuff to go to waste, I figured one entry is better than none and it worked for me once :) dont give up!
posted 31-1-2011 @ 01:38 PM www

Most of my best wins have been with purchase comps and usually with one or two entries, although in one comp I put in 8 entries.

I only buy products I can use and don't stockpile great amounts - running out of room in the pantry :lol::lol: Also I don't buy as much now as when I had 3 big sons at home :P

I think it's better to have 1 entry in lots of comps rather than 100 entries in one!

posted 31-1-2011 @ 05:29 PM www

I won a holiday on 3 entries for deodorant...was told there were 3500 entries in total which I didn't think sounded a lot. Just got lucky I guess as I was entering thinking one of the runner up prizes of $100 would be ok never dreaming I'd win the main prize.

I just try to be in anything where I usually use the product anyway.
posted 31-1-2011 @ 05:37 PM www

No can enter for years and still not win, or you's just the way it is

3 entries/purchases here for $50,000 trip.

posted 31-1-2011 @ 05:40 PM www

luck pure luck! One entry for $20,000 last year
posted 31-1-2011 @ 07:03 PM www

I enter lots of purchase comps and do win a bit, but the only major prize I've won was from 1 entry (and I normally enter a lot more than that). Lots of similar stories of 1 entry winners proves you've got to be in it to win it!
posted 16-2-2011 @ 06:34 AM www

Luck of the draw it seems, to be sure to be sure! Thanks everyone. Hopefully there are lots of purchase comp wins around the corner for all us Lotto-ers, and no more juce comps for a while;)
posted 16-2-2011 @ 07:14 AM www

These days there are so many compers entering so the odds of winning are less.
posted 16-2-2011 @ 05:30 PM www

My most recent holiday trip was won from 2 purchases of Kleenex Flush Wipes.

The way I enter is - if there is just one prize on offer, I'll only purchase one or two items (unless it's something I usually buy - then I'll go all out!). If there are a few prizes on offer, I generally buy more, and I'm a sucker for instant wins so I usually go nuts on those :)

As long as you at least have one entry, you have a chance to win! A while back I won a $3000 travel voucher from a single purchase of Reach Dental Floss!
posted 16-2-2011 @ 05:57 PM www

2 X $1000 - less than 5 entries for both ;)
posted 24-2-2011 @ 05:30 PM www

I won $500 from 3 purchases and hubby won a trip to Spain from, wait for it, ONE sms! So you don't necessarily have to enter 100's of times :)
posted 24-2-2011 @ 05:42 PM www

I won two prizes in a recent purchase comp with two purchases. I buy what we need, if I win something, then great. Have to comp within my means, particularly with purchase comps.
posted 24-2-2011 @ 06:34 PM www

I'm a great believer in 'you've got to be in it to win it' and I tend to only enter once (unless it's something I like and use anyway)

My biggest win was 10K from one entry. It really is luck of the draw sometimes.
posted 24-2-2011 @ 06:59 PM www

I won the Neighbours big night in comp in 2008.It was a mazda3 sp23 a years supply of pizza and a meet and greet with the neighbours cast.I had 3 entries and it was worth over $38,000.I agree you just have to be in it to win it.The promoter said that some people had over 1000 entries.
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