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Multiple buys on same receipt

posted 7-7-2010 @ 11:37 AM www
Multiple buys on same receipt

Hi all,

Just wondering if there are multiple comps in one store, should I purchase separately? I think I bought about 6 different comp things in Woolies yesterday, and paid altogether. If I'm lucky enough to win more than one (if any!) :P, do you think I'd have problems?

Let us know how you all tend to do it.

PS, how much do you tend to buy? I don't think my hubby would like me stock-piling deoderant that costs $4 a bottle?!
posted 7-7-2010 @ 11:42 AM www

I try to buy on one receipt as much as possible. Less paper to keep track of. But you do need to read t&c carefully. Most promoters are happy with a photocopy of your receipt but a few want an original. Also some comps want each entry on a sep receipt, like the Musashi comp.

posted 7-7-2010 @ 11:48 AM www

I have a rule for myself, buy what we can afford and will use in a reasonable time. Plenty of people win with one or two entries, checkout the thread on that very topic, you will be amazed.

Always check the t&c's and make a note on your list if purchases need to be on separate receipts.

If you have to send in original receipts you can always send a stamped addressed envelope with it and ask for it to be returned. I've never had a problem with a promoter not returning originals when I've done that.

posted 7-7-2010 @ 02:35 PM www

I read the rules carefully and always get a separate receipt if they ask for the orginal receipt. I have missed out on prizes in the past because I have purchased more than one item on the same receipt, eg Banana Boat. I instantly won 4 Banana Boat prizes, but only two were sent out.
posted 7-7-2010 @ 02:35 PM www

Thanks for that, all great advice!
posted 7-7-2010 @ 02:53 PM www

I usually buy all my comp products in the one purchase unless a comps T&C's specifically states seperate receipts (it makes record keeping so much easier!) Haven't had a problem thus far as most promoters are happy with copies of receipts and the ones that wanted originals returned them as l sent them a SSAE.

The amount of products per comp depends on the prizes involved. I usually stick to 2-3 but if it's a product l always use anyway and the prize is awesome then l'll stock up. Though, l never eat protein bars l entered 9 times in the Musashi comp cause l really wanted a TV (and l won one:)).
posted 22-12-2010 @ 03:47 PM www

i know this thread is a few months old but posting my thoughts anyway, when theres more than one comp in the store and im buying products to enter a few of them i get it all on the one receipt but i always ask for 2 or 3 copies of the receipt to be printed and file them together.

They always do this, only once have i ever had an unenthusiastic girl at coles tell me they didnt and when i said "ive had it done here before" she smiled and printed another copy without a problem - i think she just couldnt be bothered in the first place.

but this way if i do win one of the comps and have to send the original receipt, i dont have to wonder if i'll win the other comps that close in a few weeks time and I'll still have an original receipt from the store to show.
posted 22-12-2010 @ 06:48 PM www

Betina - just be aware - not all Coles checkout staff members are actually able to reprint a receipt. The one you had was able to, but if they don't have a supervisor login number, that option is unavalable to them.
posted 22-12-2010 @ 08:28 PM www

Hey thanks for that, I didn't know they could print out copies of receipts for you.
Cadbury comps always want originals.
posted 9-2-2011 @ 06:32 PM www

We recently got the Self-Service checkouts at Woolies. I HATE using them (I worked as a Check Out Chick for 5 years - but I still find them frustrating). But they are really good when i do my comping shop as I don't feel embarassed asking for separate receipts - I can easily do two or three transactions myself! :)
posted 9-2-2011 @ 10:27 PM www

Always seperate receipts for me. Been caught before with two comp wins on the same receipt and both asking for the original.
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