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25wol - getting that brain thinking

posted 4-1-2011 @ 10:18 PM www

I too find a drink gets the creative juices flowing! Sometimes though you just CANNOT come up with an answer. The why do you deserve/want questions always leave me completely stumped. I rarely enter those ones.

I usually just enter with whatever comes into my head - if I have to work hard at it I don't really enjoy the process and I reckon it shows in the entry. Also, I want comping to remain an enjoyable hobby rather than a chore.

As you'll have gathered by now, there's no right or wrong way to enter. You never know who is judging, or even whether they are!
posted 5-1-2011 @ 08:38 AM www

I don't know if it is going to help but I have started a loose-leaf 25 wol file with dividers. On the front of each divider I paste a picture of something on my win list that often come up in 25wol. eg. coffee machine, kitchenaid, 3D tv, nice backyard makeover, kitchen etc.
Behind it I record all related words, sentences etc that I come across throughout the day in my travels, magazines conversatons. I can just add more paper as needed and more dividors as I need.
The same prizes and type of questions often come up so I can refer back and its all there.

#Don't know if it will work but worth a try.
posted 5-1-2011 @ 11:05 AM www

I've had a few wins with wol but I never spend any time on them.
When I first joined I entered lots and won prizes then over time I've entered less and less (and won less :o). One of my resolutions is to enter more wol comps.
I usually open the comp read the question, if something comes to mind I enter if not I don't. If it's a prize I really want I'll mark it to come back to but if it's just movie tickets I mark it as not interested.
I won a laptop by describing a favourite hairstyle and I said something about a braid cos it's quick and easy and you can wear it to the beach or out at night. No rhyme, nothing about the product, I thought it was pretty lame but it worked.
I think you never know what they are looking for.
Actually, I read yesterday about a comp (can't remember which one) where someone asked if it was judged or drawn and the promoter said it's drawn and then if the answer is correct and creative they win.
posted 5-1-2011 @ 11:07 AM www

Thats right Todayistheday, you should have some sort of a go because quite often in the T&Cs its actually a draw so you could win anyway.
posted 5-1-2011 @ 11:25 AM www

Originally posted by Billycat
Thats right Todayistheday, you should have some sort of a go because quite often in the T&Cs its actually a draw so you could win anyway.

Exactly!- the only way you will be certain that you won't win is if you don't enter!- no matter how lame you think your 25 WOL is!

And you never know what they are looking for, so just do it!:lol::lol:
posted 5-1-2011 @ 11:32 AM www
how to win comps 25wol getting that brain thinking

I think it just depends on that particular judge and what they like..most are just draws anyway so it pays to have a go- you never know everyone elses might be worde than yours

anyway this is how I do it with varying degrees of sucess

I start on the last line first,I try and think of something quirky then the end of line three rhymes with the last word of line four.

line 1 and 2 I use the same formula ( I use rhymezone to get the rhyming words) I always try to think quirky to get my first line, something to stand out to the judges

this is only one idea, there are heaps of ways of attacking a 25 worder
posted 5-1-2011 @ 01:26 PM www

It's really hard to know what will tickle a judge's fancy on any given day, so I try not to get too bogged down on any WOL, UNLESS it's for a big prize.

Last year in the Real Living promotion, the question was, "What does 'being real' mean to you?" I was trying for the Jamie Dury rug, and my answer was, "Being real means doing VERY IMPORTANT things with my family... like playing Monopoly on the living room rug!"
I spent about 2 minutes thinking that one up... and I won the rug!

Bottom line - you've got to be in it to win it. So, give it a go.
posted 5-1-2011 @ 01:50 PM www

I'm new to lotto, but last year just entered WOL competitions that I sourced myself with considerable success ie two overseas trips etc. Lottos is far less work and many more comps.
I agree with success being dependent on the judges mood. However I spent hours/days drafting and redrafting the two winning WOL's for those trips. For what it is worth, I have an exercise book where I scribble and refine thoughts. A final 'killer' line is always helpful.
Most importantly, you have to be in it to win it! :thumbup:
posted 26-3-2011 @ 12:26 AM www

thanks for the read guys, i'm pretty new to lottos, but had a giggle at harry potters wand lol
my only win a few years back Ijust something i did myself) was a box of goodies from nivea from a 25 wol or less... for hte life of me cant remember what i wrote.. i think it was something about needing suncream and fair skin... YAWN lol

so do you keep track of all your WOL entries in word or anything? like the question, comp and your answer?

THinking perhaps i should do that... i thought of a great one other day about oprahs hind... but couldnt submit for some reason and didnt save it :(
posted 26-3-2011 @ 11:11 AM www

OMG I've been doing 25WOL for six months now (when I started comping) and I've only just discovered RhymeZone - oh it's going to be a lot more fun now!!! Thanks!! I win a lot with 25 WOL - I don't keep any - I do them in about two minutes and the ones that I think are awesome - never win.
posted 26-3-2011 @ 01:22 PM www

Great to read everyones take on WOL. About a quarter of my wins have been from WOL (12 wins :yes: ) and most of the time i just think it up on the spot.

I keep all the WOL entries in the Personal Notes section. Did you know that a while ago Andrew added a "Export as Excel File" to the top of the Personal Notes section in the Control Panel? It makes it easy if you want to store your WOL entries in a file.

When I enter a WOL I usually write it in the Personal Notes section because it is easy to keep track of the word count. i then cut and paste into the competition box. If I win then I can go back and see what I wrote.

Still trying for the big triptrip so I suppose if I spent more time on each then I may be in with a chance.

Good luck everyone :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:
posted 26-3-2011 @ 10:34 PM www

I like quick smart answers that don't take me heaps of time
Eg Your tip for making cooking in the kitchen quicker - prize a microwave! I wrote Keep the kids out! I won 1 of 5 microwaves.
posted 30-5-2011 @ 02:08 PM www

I've been lucky with WOL comps and won heaps of prizes, including a trip for 2 to Egypt. I think it must be my good looks :lol:
posted 30-5-2011 @ 02:41 PM www

One of my first wins many years ago was a wol. I won a tumble dryer. I asked if it was judged when I went to collect and I am none the wiser. They didn't know either. It was 'why do you shop at this shopping centre?' All I write was "Parking is easy!"

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
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