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What I did to win this time

posted 12-5-2011 @ 09:22 AM www
What I did to win this time

I was wondering if there was a thread soley for How I won in creative comps! What they did or wrote? I love reading the clever ideas but find wading through every single pot is a bit tedious. Also often people say they won without saying what they wrote. I just read such a clever one from a comper who won a Bunnings voucher! Such a good sense of humour.:spin:

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 12-5-2011 @ 09:33 AM www
posted 12-5-2011 @ 09:38 AM www

you will find that most smart compers will never reveal their answers as they don't want to find them copied in another competition by someone else at a later date ;)
posted 12-5-2011 @ 10:10 AM www

Agreed psych
posted 12-5-2011 @ 10:48 AM www

Originally posted by psych
you will find that most smart compers will never reveal their answers as they don't want to find them copied in another competition by someone else at a later date ;)

Sad but true, I've seen published answers virtually copied word for word by someone else.

It's a shame that times have changed and comping has become so much harder and more competitive. The majority of compers are honest but there are many who are not.

I guess it's natural that everyone wants to win instantly and know what the "secret" is but it took me at least 2 years of trial and error to have even a vague idea of what the various promoters were looking for. Even now it's hit and miss and you still don't know for sure which comps are judged and which are drawn.

I'm still really interested in reading others' winning wols but totally understand why the majority don't feel happy to share.
posted 12-5-2011 @ 12:20 PM www

Originally posted by gr82do
I was wondering if there was a thread soley for How I won in creative comps! What they did or wrote? I love reading the clever ideas but find wading through every single pot is a bit tedious. Also often people say they won without saying what they wrote. I just read such a clever one from a comper who won a Bunnings voucher! Such a good sense of humour.:spin:

People copy them, and some like to change their answers a bit & recycle them.

posted 21-5-2011 @ 10:44 AM www

I wonder if someone will set up a website soon where promoters can post winning answers so that other promoters can check for plagiarism? Because they are very specific in some T&C now that the answer must not have been published anywhere in the world in any forum etc but how do they police that?
I think promoters should always have to publish the winning answers...I think they do that by law in the UK. At least it keeps people honest!
It would also be helpful to us because we would have more of an idea of what certain promoters look for in an answer.
posted 21-5-2011 @ 03:23 PM www

Perhaps promoters should set up a "turnitin" account for each comp so they can check the winners are original!
In 8 years of comping I've lost count of the number of copied entries I have seen as winners!

posted 21-5-2011 @ 04:50 PM www

You can normally just Google and find answers...the 2 winners who plagiarised their answers recently for the Pastiche comp just copied them from the internet. One was an old English rhyme and the other was copied from a poetry site. Both came up instantly on searching. So if the company had have been remotely interested in actually checking it took 5 seconds to do so, however, if they've been caught out choosing answers that are copied then they "care". Otherwise I don't think they give a rat's personally.
They want brand awareness and sales.

One comp I won earlier she said they would never publish answers as they get people whining that their's is better. :D So that's never going to happen re a website. I'm not sure why you're worried, write your own answers and keep entering. I don't really care what others write.

You can also request that they don't publish your answer, they can only decline.

posted 21-5-2011 @ 05:57 PM www

I won a major major comp on my 25 wols and they published it.

Can't tell you how many times I have seen it rejigged since. Peeves me to no end...but its OK - keeps me coming up with new ideas.

Really you would be mad to publish a winning 25 wols on many people have no originality and love the easy way to do things.
posted 30-5-2011 @ 06:14 PM www

Fair enough! Not only is it dishonest to steal people's creative property but I'd never be organised enough to find where i put other people' ideas!!

Fortunately I'm an ideas person myself and love doing dittys etc.

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 11-6-2011 @ 09:49 PM www

My mum always said you should be honnored if someone wants to copy you, it means they admire your work, you should take it as compliment. But it would still peeve me a bit i think :) I wish I got her creative streak that's for sure.
posted 12-6-2011 @ 07:42 PM www

Originally posted by hiponomous
My mum always said you should be honnored if someone wants to copy you, it means they admire your work, you should take it as compliment. But it would still peeve me a bit i think :) I wish I got her creative streak that's for sure.

With all due respect hiponomous, I disagree with your Mum. I'd feel more "pissed off" than "honoured" if someone copied my answer.... and if they won, I'd be so angry!!! :)
posted 13-6-2011 @ 10:15 AM www

I have won numerous comps with what I call my 'golden limerick'. I'm never sharing that puppy with anyone lol. Best 25 wols of my whole life. I can adapt it to win nearly anything.
posted 13-6-2011 @ 11:06 AM www

I think just about everyone uses someones something at one time or another if you use a popular quote or saying and tweak it or use word play using that quote its not really soley yours or original.
Eg. License to Kill used as " License to Grill " its clever but not derived from an original concept. The fact that it is a famous saying/quote is why it works.

Ive heard some using the lyrics of a song to win a cd or a quote from a movie to win a movie.
Also how do you know that you came up with a particular idea first. Ive seen certain 25wol with the idea of writing it as a recipe angle or an acrostic poem although the words change its not an original approach.

Plus when the Q is a specific to a product etc its not unusual for more than 1 person to have the same idea especially if its obvious...

I have not come across a golden WOL and if I did no way i'd share it lol... I do reuse and tweak my answers to suit certain comps it just makes it so much easier and faster when there is so many comps that are 25wol now. I keep alot in a word doc cause thats where I play with them until I like it.

All im saying is dont always assume that something you thought of couldnt also be thought of by others. Im not talking about literally word for word, but general ideas etc with all the people that enter there is likely to be similar ideas.

In saying all this I know it can be annoying not too long ago I entered a FB comp where answers were viewable and my answer posted first another was posted over an hour later so very similar to mine. Was mine copied? or did we just come up with the same idea. Is it that unusual if I thought of it that no one else could have possibly come up with it? Not to say it didnt bother me.
posted 13-6-2011 @ 12:43 PM www

Well said Babbs;)
posted 13-6-2011 @ 01:04 PM www

Just adding to Babbs comment, I entered the Student Edge comp to win a trip to Bali recently (viewable answers) and someone copied my answer word for word. I sent them an email about it. They only got back to me a day before it closed, but they said they deleted the copied entry.
posted 13-6-2011 @ 09:28 PM www

I rehash and do well by it so long as they have significant differences to make them original and thereby correct regards T&C's. My entries are 90%creative in a matrial way as my effort is more so in the physical form than the literacy. I do have a style which has kept me in holidays for 5 years which is obviously favoured by the promotors for its quirkiness. I will keep it to myself for obvious reason but will say that my entries are always commented on by promotors for their 'unique effort' rather than literacy merit! I enter mostly post in stuff and have not done much due to study. I have 6 weeks off now and am keen to enter enter enter.

posted 14-6-2011 @ 12:37 AM www

Well the answers that you have shared with us jed dog have been super. I can see why the judges choose them. Congratulations and good luck to you. May you come up with some brilliant answers in your 6 week break!!! :)
posted 14-6-2011 @ 01:17 AM www

Well everyone, I am happy to share anything I write and win with if I remember it. I rarely keep copies. However I am skeptical that all WOL are read these days. So many seem to be random draws.
Still, to borrow from a old Mortein ad, we will just keep on keeping on!

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 14-6-2011 @ 02:11 AM www

Originally posted by gr82do
Well everyone, I am happy to share anything I write and win with if I remember it. I rarely keep copies. However I am skeptical that all WOL are read these days. So many seem to be random draws.
Still, to borrow from a old Mortein ad, we will just keep on keeping on!

I think a good guide is if the WOL is once only it's likely judged. If not it's likely drawn. Glad you're willing to share gr82do, I've shared some of my entries also, but beware of the comps that are open to view (see my post above), some will just copy you word for word.
posted 19-6-2011 @ 08:49 AM www

I would have thought it obvious that an entry was copied, because it would arrive AFTER the original one. This is where we put faith in the promoters to do their jobs and check all entries. I believe they are printed out, so therefore would read the original first. I have shared a recent wol win, which was rather product specific, but will think twice about sharing in future having read everyone's comments. Karma does catch up with people though.......maybe it will rain the whole time on their holiday, so end up being a bad experience rather than perfect one!
posted 10-7-2011 @ 10:49 PM www

I have won over fifty 25 word or less comps in the last 3 or 4 years and I used to publish them here till I started getting people saying I borrowed this and that for my own comp. It didn't bother me at first but then caused a bit of a stir so I stopped.
I guess I learned my lesson as I have not posted a winning formula since.

The thing is, some of my really good ones I have used numerous times to win things, sometimes I do not even change a word, at others I just tweak it a little to suit the new comp. Now if I had published those formulas I am sure that the first win with it may have been my last.
posted 11-7-2011 @ 11:12 AM www

i have a friend that works in promotions and he has told me previously that they expect to get atleast 2 or 3 words or less answers that have more than a few entries.. not just because they are copied, but he said you would amazed how many entries are the same just because its an answer that a few people would think of..

he works for one of the large promo companies and said that they keep entries and monitor cheating... there are a few of them that sort the answers and turf the ones that are obvious web cut and pastes and remove any that dont meet the criteris (ie. too many words or dont answer the question or one entry per household and theres more than one entry from the same address) before presenting them to the judges.. they are also not allowed to check entries from friends and family cant enter anyway so that covers that each person does the right thing... they are a great bunch of people anyway and go to such lengths to ensure there is no cheating and a fair playing field, so it would be expected..

if the best answer has more than one entry, they are all still presented and if chosen as the winner, the entry that came in first is awarded the regards to creative merit, which i asked about, he said that terms and conditions allow for the entrant to interpret if they expect mail in spectacles and its quite obvious if they are allowed... they are accepted in the comps that allow it and binned or returned if not relevant for the comp (ie states clearly web entry only or written on the back of a standard envelope)... they have had some super creative mail winners, but he said they have also seen awesome creations pipped at the post by a simple online 25 wol... so i guess it just comes down to the judge..

i also keep some of my words or les entries, but am very concious of knowing that some companies state in their t&c's they own the rights to the winning entry.. it has been explained that this is one of the things that this particular company checks for, that an entry that has been submitted for the current comp they are promoting has not been used to win another promtion they have run for another prize..(keep this in mind and if you win and reuse it, maybe change a word or two)

i love seeing the mail in entries, but at the end of the day, im just not creative with my hands, so i have to rely on words long as there is an even playing field im happy with that! in regards to sharing entries, i dont share anymore as i too have been copied, but we also keep a lid on what we have won as i have found that nasty comments from "friends" and school families can be hard to deal with.. seems the less people know the better, sometimes its hard for people to be genuinely happy for you..
posted 24-11-2011 @ 12:48 PM www
Adapt or die!

I have been doing Lottos for 3 years and have won many prizes, but I feel that it isn't a matter of repeating a single idea, it is being able to adapt your answers to suit you the individual to the question being asked. over the years I have never repeated myself once; I think promoters know if plagerism is rampant and for the record, it does carry an enormous fine and imprisonment as well, the law is explicit, that once word is written to paper, those words are the property by copyright to the one who wrote it, so beware if you do commit plagerism.

Can you repeat someone else without knowing? Well, yes you can, having worked in publishing for many years, it has happened at times and the second or following author, has been given a stern warning about plagerism and the laws covering copyright. ;)

I'm not putting pressure on anyone over the subject, but if you enter a comp, then do so as yourself writing for yourself, being yourself, and that way, you will not only not cross the line, but you will find yourself in the winners circle many times. I do take interst in what people write and it is so heartwarming to read the many winner's blogs and the joy the win brings, so keep on writing, keep on winning, and I for one will take pleasure in reading your winning words of joy.
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