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Has anyone won a car from The Mag comps like That's life?

posted 24-2-2009 @ 12:59 PM www
Tl & T5

People do buy heaps of mags, remember 2 or so years ago when they had the big hamper stuff up and heaps more people won than were supposed to? Today Tonight or ACA did a story on it and people regularly bought a few copies each week (and that week won a few hampers).
posted 25-2-2009 @ 06:53 PM www

In 1995 I won - not a car but a lawn mower and $3000. It was the first time I entered the comp for That's Life - was very excited. As I was only 17 Mum got the lawn mower and the cash went to pay for uni fees.

I have had a break for 13 years and I am hoping my luck returns. Fingers crossed.

PS Mum still uses the lawn mower - it goes a treat.!:P
posted 22-10-2009 @ 11:01 AM www


My Grandma won the car from Take 5 in April this year....She has been entering ever since the mag first started and couldn't believe her luck!! She's 80 now so I'm glad it happened while her heart could cope with all the excitement!! LOL
posted 22-10-2009 @ 06:25 PM www

Good on her! That's lovely to hear.:)
posted 23-10-2009 @ 08:01 AM www

It's really encouraging to hear about people winning any prize let alone the major prizes like cars...wonderful!
I am yet to win anything at all, but I must admit I became discouraged and almost gave up on entering comps..however, that's all about to change since joining this site tonight/today:) Congrats to all who have won!:D
posted 23-10-2009 @ 08:24 AM www

I know of someone who won a car. I used to buy both mags every week and never won a thing. Didnt like the mags at all, only bought for the puzzles. Gave up though as I think you have more chance winning other comps that you can enter for free.
posted 23-10-2009 @ 10:07 AM www

Glad to hear of your Grandmas win. Hopefully, with 5 unclaimed cars recently, one of us will win soon.

I love the mags, I like the stories and the fact that there are lots of competions its a bonus. The only magazine I've ever brought regularly. I wouldn't buy it if it was only stories and I wouldn't buy it if it was only competitions. For me its a perfect mix of articles and comps. Most the prizes are rubbish though but every week there will be one lucky winner of a car...thats motivation enough.
posted 26-10-2009 @ 05:51 PM www

Unclaimed cars???? Do you actually have to look for your name in the winners list? Do they not contact you? I had no idea!:o
posted 26-10-2009 @ 07:53 PM www

no there was a comp for ten cars and only 5 were won instantly (a special card on the front of the mag) so 5 would have gone to the second chance draw, they contact you I know a person who won one (of the normal every week ones)

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 26-10-2009 @ 09:30 PM www

I did! Won a couple of months ago and I could not have been more surprised. I buy Take 5 and That's Life every week but never really expected to win any of the big prizes. I had actually been seriously contemplating whether or not I should keep buying them just two months before my win. My only wins from those mags (2 years of entering) up to that point had been a $6 puzzle book and a ceramic bath set that broke in the post.
posted 27-10-2009 @ 06:43 PM www

My sister won $4,000 in one of their comps.
posted 28-10-2009 @ 01:09 PM www

I won $200 a couple of years ago, but I've since spent more than that buying the mags and postage. :)

A friend of mine has won a few of the ring-to-wins. I was looking at the winners list in the mag the other day - and one person won two prizes in the same ring-to-win comp, so maybe they don't have so many entries (or she was really lucky!). So I've started entering the ring-to-wins to see if I have more luck (though only when I really really want the prize - i hate spending money on entries!).

I don't think there is much chance on winning with the puzzles, and I must admit, that most weeks I look through the prize list and hope that I DON'T win a lot of the prizes (cause they're crap!), but you never know, maybe one day the car - or even a TV or fridge would do nicely.
posted 28-10-2009 @ 01:16 PM www

My mum won the cars ( yes there were two of them as one prize). It was about 10 years ago when the magazine was in its early days.
posted 11-11-2009 @ 05:58 PM www

Wow, I didn't realise they gave cars away every week. I thought it was just small stuff. I might have to start buying the mags and entering. I believe there's even somewhere on here that gives the answers every week?:P
posted 11-7-2011 @ 11:59 PM www

I love the magazines, my nanna and ring each other if we are stuck on a puzzle to get the answer. She's been doing it for years and only won a take 5 tealight set. I've been doing them both each week for about 1 and a half years and won
_ A take 5 alarm clock
_A cleaning pack

small stuff but every win counts and hopefuly one day I will win something bigger. You gotta be in it to win it!!!
posted 12-7-2011 @ 10:20 AM www

Haven't won a car yet from either TL or T5 but I have won heaps of stuff.
T5 biggest I remember, wii console and games, $5000 makeover
TL lots of little prizes, ring and wins etc
I get alot of my photos printed in each mag too so $35 - $50 each time!
posted 12-7-2011 @ 10:38 AM www

No car but have one three prizes in less than a year. Two from Thats life and one from Take 5.
posted 13-7-2011 @ 10:42 PM www

Hi, Can you "winners' tell me... do they contact you when you win a decent prize or do you need to look for your name in the huge list ???
posted 13-7-2011 @ 10:58 PM www

Originally posted by Sanderling
Hi, Can you "winners' tell me... do they contact you when you win a decent prize or do you need to look for your name in the huge list ???

Hi Sanderling:)

When I won the car in 2009 I had my home phone number, work number and mobile on my entry form. They kept ringing my work number and my work collegue would answer the phone as I was out of the office. They rang about three times and he said they would not give him a return number and he said I must of won something. I relayed to him it was probably related to Scouts as I was the Secretary/treasurer at the time and laughed it off:)

I received a call on the Tuesday morning prior to the next edition of TL! being released on the Wednesday in which my name would have appeared in and yes I had won a car:) I was shaking for an hour at least and posted my win on lottos:) It was an amazing feeling and one I will never forget:) The response from this site was awesome:)
posted 14-7-2011 @ 12:16 AM www

When I was Contacted I Had entered and forgotten so when she said who she was and Rattled on about the Weather for awhile I thought It was Like a Telemarketing call and when she said why she was ringing I literally fell of my Chair because It was the last thing I expected to hear :lol::lol:

Nearly 7 years now so I'm waiting for the next car win:P
posted 14-7-2011 @ 04:59 PM www

I've won a few small things through both mags. If i win a car it will be the week after i take out a huge loan to buy a new one knowing my luck. I'm frantically entering all car comps cause my car is about to die at any moment too the point when it runs out of rego I'm selling it for parts cause its not worth reregistering.
posted 14-7-2011 @ 05:45 PM www

The biggest I have won (wii console and games) just came in the mail one day. Onlyl thing I received a WPC for was the$5000 makeover. They had to book my flights etc.
posted 9-9-2011 @ 10:17 PM www

I entered Take 5 for a few years straight and never won a thing.
Years later I gave it another go and decided I would set myself a goal of 12 months and see what happens.
As it got closer to the 12 month mark and no win i gave up.
A few months later, after putting Take 5 to the back of my mind, I received a lovely surprise in the mail of various full season DVD's from a second chance draw. I was thrilled.
Now I enter here and there, never checking the winners list, but hoping for a surprise win.
posted 10-9-2011 @ 08:59 AM www

Originally posted by gilda74
I don't know if anyone else has noticed but a lot of the major winners from Take 5 and That's Life seem to come from Alice Springs and Bunbury!!

I'm moving to Alice Springs and/or Bunbury! :P

I've won a few minor prizes in That's Life, but zip in Take 5.

I agree with langod

I won $200 a couple of years ago, but I've since spent more than that buying the mags and postage.

I don't think there is much chance on winning with the puzzles, and I must admit, that most weeks I look through the prize list and hope that I DON'T win a lot of the prizes (cause they're crap!), but you never know, maybe one day the car - or even a TV or fridge would do nicely.

I think both mags had more prizes & better prizes about 5 plus years ago and have gone downhill since then.

I can't find my copy of 'Winners are Grinners', but both mags have a circulation of circa 250,000 plus per week.

I'm thinking that I have a better chance of winning enough cash in the weekly lottories to buy a new car, at least, a barina or something around that price range. :yes:
Congratulations to people who have won a car and seriously good luck to those who have yet to. :spin:
posted 23-9-2011 @ 11:46 PM www

what a great story oneclickwonder!! I have been entering Take 5 and that's Life. Not a thing with that's Life but a few things from Take 5. I won the trip on THE GHAN $10k one winner (a year ago) and got an EReader a few months ago as a runners up prize. Love doing the puzzles, keep the mind sharp. Hoping we all have some great luck on here.
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