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When to submit an entry?

posted 2-3-2011 @ 11:47 PM www
When to submit an entry?

I can't find the thread but I remember someone suggesting that entries that were put in at the last minute might have a greater chance of winning. Has anyone had success with this method recently?

Thanks for your thoughts
posted 3-3-2011 @ 12:46 AM www

My motto is 'DO IT NOW' cause if I leave it for later it may never be done. Personally I don't think it has any effect at all but in saying that I'm not exactly rolling in cars if you know what I mean.:lol:
posted 3-3-2011 @ 07:49 AM www

I reckon you need one in the beginning some in the middle and one towards the end

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 3-3-2011 @ 08:02 AM www

The Do It NOw motto works for me - I've lost count of the times I've left things to put in at the last minute and then missed it totally. I have never won anything major doing it at the last minute - a couple of smaller things like tickets etc - which I have also won by putting in an entry whenever.
posted 3-3-2011 @ 08:03 AM www

Mine are mostly last minute entries.. not because I think that might be luckly.. more because I just can't keep up with all the comps!! :lol:
posted 3-3-2011 @ 08:50 AM www

Im sure some have won by entering last minute and some have won by entering early and others in the middle. If you have more than one entry your not going to know which one won anyway.
They are supposed to be electronically randomly drawn anyhow.

I find leaving them late in the comp caught out. Too often they close early or I forget. I cant find the receipt.
posted 3-3-2011 @ 09:19 AM www

I do them all over the place too. 25WOL I tend to do start, middle & end depending on length of comp window & how many entries you're allowed to do & yes, I might have trouble remembering to do them if I leave it too late...but sometimes I choose the end, sometimes not!!!

posted 3-3-2011 @ 11:08 AM www

I do random throughout the comp. But I know a person who won the ford berry juice comp (car) and put in one entry three days before the end. But who knows?
posted 4-3-2011 @ 09:07 AM www

Thanks for your thoughts. I think comping has changed over the last few years. People used to think that with having your entry on the top of that last mail bag or in mail bags from different locations helped.

I've rejoined after a few years in the wilderness and it's nice to be back
posted 4-3-2011 @ 09:15 AM www

I put my entries in on the last day of the Coles Lamb competition and won the major prize :) The biggest prize I've won so far :)
posted 4-3-2011 @ 07:02 PM www

I like to enter on the first day and then it's done.

Works for me.
posted 2-9-2011 @ 04:32 PM www

I found that when I started leaving them until the last minute, you would end up with heaps of competitions ending early, or the closing time hasn't been put in the heading so it closed at 8am or something before you got to it.
posted 2-9-2011 @ 06:12 PM www

I've been burnt so often leaving it til the last minute and finding it has closed I try to do the comps I'm really keen on early. Having said that I always end up with a long list of comps to enter at the last minute! I can honestly say in the last 8 years of comping I have never won anything decent from the comps I enter on the closing date. Doesn't stop me frantically entering on the last day of each month.

posted 2-9-2011 @ 10:10 PM www

I'm with Cassie. Do it now.
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