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how long 25wol

posted 7-9-2011 @ 12:37 AM www
how long 25wol

A lot of 25 wol come very quickly and are pretty easy to write, but as for some others they are painfully hard to write and seem to take ages ....I was wondering on average what is the most time people have spent writing one 25wol. Because I seem to get obsessed and it might take 2 hours to write one (Im realy wondering iff I am odd or not or do other people get caught up like this?)
posted 7-9-2011 @ 02:14 AM www

Depends...a lot of them are drawn (as we know) Once only's are usually judged and I spend some time away from the computer on these, especially if it's a good prize. Daily's or unlimited WOL's are usually drawn and I put the best that comes to mind at the time. Think TV Winners and Take 40, they are definitely drawn, we know from winners posting their answers (not on lottos) and admitting they were lame.
With these comps it's best to submit an entry each day regardless. ACP magazines will judge quite fairly, so will other once only comps. Believe it or not, Reading do judge their comps even though the prizes are small, and they look for a clever response. PEPSI definitely don't.
posted 7-9-2011 @ 08:34 AM www

similar to Fred111. I don't put in the time I used to as I think more and more are drawn with some exceptions. Its just so hard trying to work out which ones will be judged. I'll work more on 'once only' and purch required.

I wish I could come up with brilliant answers off the top of my head as some do but it rarely works for me.

I once spent an entire Sunday morning on a answer which eventually morphed into something pretty special and it won me a trip to New York so it was time well spent.
posted 7-9-2011 @ 08:34 AM www

25 seconds
posted 7-9-2011 @ 08:40 AM www

I use to spend alot of time on them but it never did me much good so now i usually just write what pops into my head
posted 7-9-2011 @ 09:27 AM www

maximum 5 minutes nowadays... I just don't have the time anymore :(

posted 7-9-2011 @ 09:53 AM www

I am living in the hope that most of the 25wol are random draws because I pretty much suck at being creative and all mine are pretty lame no matter if I spend 5 mins or 5 days on them. I still enter and enter and hope. I haven't won anything yet and have been comping extensively for about 5 whole weeks LOL so I know I should be patient and who knows I may even improve with age.
posted 7-9-2011 @ 10:15 AM www

I'm with the 25 seconds. Have won some. Lost some.
posted 7-9-2011 @ 10:33 AM www

over the years I have found that stressing over my 25WOL entries made no difference to the ones I just "throw together" - ie. I was not winning any more stressing out, so these days I just write down the first thing that pops into my mind! Still not winning- but a lot less stressed! :lol::lol::lol:
posted 7-9-2011 @ 10:45 AM www

I find that the ones which come straight into my mind always win ... and those that I spend hours and hours (or days) on and think are really good never win a thing! You just never know what the judges are looking for ... but yes, more and more are being drawn lately so I never spend much time on those.
posted 7-9-2011 @ 11:38 AM www

I haven't won many WOL, but i believe Good Taste magazine judges the entries as i've won a couple with them.

And like others, the ones that come to me straight away I have won with. I've never won anything with a WOL i've agonised over.
posted 7-9-2011 @ 08:51 PM www

I won a family trip to the gold coast with 3 words !!
posted 7-10-2011 @ 05:59 PM www

Ten minutes max. If I'm not getting anywhere I usually walk away and come back to it (or not).
posted 7-10-2011 @ 06:45 PM www

Usually about 15 or so minutes, but tend to tweak it he next day!
posted 7-10-2011 @ 07:19 PM www

0 to 10 minutes - the few I've won have pretty much jumped into my head.
posted 7-10-2011 @ 07:33 PM www

The Weather Channel definately judge

posted 7-10-2011 @ 07:47 PM www

I agree with Merivale and Loo Loo. The ones I put the most time into don't win, whereas the answers that come straight to my head are the ones that have won.

Thanks for the tip about the TV Winners being drawn, Fred 111. I have spent so many hours on my 25wol answers with them, but now I don't think I'll waste my time!
posted 7-10-2011 @ 07:57 PM www

The ones that just pop into my head are the ones I win and the ones I spend hours on, never a thing. I think those that come to my mind out of the blue, but suddenly after I read the question, are really Gods gift to me.
posted 7-10-2011 @ 09:25 PM www

I spent a month racking my brain for the recent Dr LeWinns comp that had 3 trips as prizes. A month where that was the ONLY competition I entered. I thought about it all day every day and made pages of notes of possible answers - nearly drove myself nuts thinking about "Why Old Can Wait." Of course, I didn't win.

In fact, I've never won on a WOL I put a lot into - only on "quick and dirties" so to speak!

Edit: I disagree with those who say TVWinners are drawn. I won a $5k prize a couple of years ago and when they rang, they said the judges thought it was a clever answer that had made them laugh.
posted 7-10-2011 @ 10:08 PM www

the once only comps i used to put a lot of effort into then just after i hit submit something bettr comes into my head (bummer) now i use the personal notes section, slog over my once only 25wol and then go to the entry page and write the first thing that comes into my head....a long way around it but I have had a lot more wins...:)
posted 7-10-2011 @ 10:22 PM www

pretty much a minute or so, as I find the ones I take ages on I never ever win, the first thing that pops into my head quite often wins me the prize.;)
posted 7-10-2011 @ 11:21 PM www

The ones I've won, Or should I say the few I have won have been quick answers that I know what I want to write. The times I've laboured over them until I worked out what I thought was the best WOL ever have all lost. When you spend ages you have higher hopes of winning, when you dont win you feel more let down. So I only enter now if I know instantly what I want to write
posted 7-10-2011 @ 11:23 PM www

Originally posted by possumhome5
I spent a month racking my brain for the recent Dr LeWinns comp that had 3 trips as prizes. A month where that was the ONLY competition I entered. I thought about it all day every day and made pages of notes of possible answers - nearly drove myself nuts thinking about "Why Old Can Wait." Of course, I didn't win.

In fact, I've never won on a WOL I put a lot into - only on "quick and dirties" so to speak!

Me too....I dont the same on the Dr LeWinns one, I thought I had a chance, if not then at least a runner up.....I got nothing.
posted 9-10-2011 @ 02:21 AM www

When I first started comping last year I used to spend ages... now I write whatever comes to mind, a few minutes to about 10 minutes at most. Some are harder than others and I usually come back to these, at times I have let them pass (even great prizes) because I simply can't come up with anything! I never spend very long on them now.
posted 9-10-2011 @ 08:22 AM www

Always put down the first thing that comes into my head. Don't have the time to think about it too much.
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