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wol question

posted 4-12-2011 @ 03:40 PM www
wol question

Hi guys, hope this question hasn't been posted already.

Just wondering about mentioning products/promoters in the wol. Do people put both? Any?

For example, OK mag offering Harry Potter comp to win a trip to London for the Warner Bros. studio tour. Would you mention London in the answer? Or Warner Bros? Or OK mag? Who is classed as the promoter?!? :crazy:

I'm sure it's obvious to most but I do get a little confused. Any help would be appreciated immensely, because I don't want to be doing it wrong! :)
posted 4-12-2011 @ 04:00 PM www

I've won a large prize with OK Mag and didn't use them in the answer but did use the product in the answer. I think some promoters like seeing their brand in the answer but whatever works best is what I enter.
posted 4-12-2011 @ 04:02 PM www

You can't get it "wrong".

Different promoters like different things.
posted 4-12-2011 @ 04:04 PM www

Thanks for you help hello_goodthanks, I really appreciate it. Would you class in the above example the trip as the product? Or the Warner Bros. Studio Tour? Or both?
posted 4-12-2011 @ 04:06 PM www

Thanks Quinoa :)
posted 4-12-2011 @ 04:14 PM www

I don't actually think any of them are the product in the strict sense of the term, but if is promoting a Harry Potter movie release I'd go with Harry Potter as the theme for my answer, and if you can get London in there too without forcing it too much....
But, as Quinoa says, there isn't any "wrong". It's up to what the judges like and that can vary from comp to comp.
posted 4-12-2011 @ 04:18 PM www

I'd use a Harry Potter them and make it clever!

posted 4-12-2011 @ 04:18 PM www

Based on the question I'd use mostly Harry Potter jargon with small references to either the mag or london/warner bros. The comp that I one with them, I simply answered the question using product knowledge in a really unusual and uncanny way. HTH's! :)
posted 4-12-2011 @ 05:13 PM www

Thanks zyzzyva :) kismet :) and hello_goodthanks :) Sometimes with wol's I feel like I'm missing what it is the promoter wants!
posted 5-12-2011 @ 03:27 PM www

My advice would be not to over think it. I've won a big prize without mentioning the product or promoter - they just thought it was a funny entry. I am not a fan of those cheesy formulaic entries that suck up to the promoters - I wouldn't choose them if I were judging - but they obviously float some people's boats.

I figure there is no science to WOL comps, so you might as well amuse yourself!
posted 5-12-2011 @ 09:22 PM www

Thanks desperado :) I'm quite analytical by nature so the WOLs do drive me a bit nuts! I appreciate everyone's insight, because I thought the formulaic entries were the ones most likely to win. So it's good to know there's no one way of doing it!
posted 6-12-2011 @ 12:53 AM www

Originally posted by desperado
I figure there is no science to WOL comps, so you might as well amuse yourself!

You're right about that desperado, about half of them are drawn. I've recently posted a new comp for The Knot's Hearts On Fire Diamond Ring. We know what went down with their last Hearts On Fire comp. Bet they won't be publishing the answer to this one on FB.
posted 6-12-2011 @ 07:59 AM www

I won two smaller prizes yesterday on WOL. I have been doing the rhyme thing lately but can vaguely remember what I wrote on these (I must be getting better LOL). These two I just answered the question as if someone had asked me in regular conversation, Basically wrote of real life experience. One asked about which subject I was terrible at in school and I said shorthand because I could never read it back and the other was to tell of a catch 22 situation. I said something about losing your bag with drivers licence and other id and needing id to get it back. So maybe I might just can the formula and just answer the question in future LOL.
posted 6-12-2011 @ 08:31 AM www

^ that's what I do sometimes. I think sometimes we overthink our answers. Not every single promoter wants rhyming couplets with clever double entendres and puns.

Some do, sure, but others just want an answer, lol.
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