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How do they pick a winner??

posted 16-2-2012 @ 11:58 AM www
How do they pick a winner??

Just wondering how sms comps pick the winner, is it they draw it out of a hat or box or is it they let a computer decide????????????
posted 16-2-2012 @ 12:00 PM www

and same with online comps?? just want to no cus like if i enter like 20 at a time i might get a greater chance at winning?? or should i enter like 10 a day??
posted 16-2-2012 @ 12:10 PM www

It would all be electronic - it would have no personal interaction at all.
You can enter once & win.
You can enter 50,000 times and not win.
There are no guarantees.
There is no magic formula.
It's complete luck

Other competitions will have better odds of winning than SMS comps. e.g. WOL competitions.

Lottos members have one big prizes with one call & I've entered lots of times in say one comp & not won.
Won $1000 recently with about 40-50 calls
Husband did the same - won nothing.
Won a trip to HK with approx 100 calls.
Won a trip to the Gold Coast with one call.

p.s. read the Terms & Conditions as sometimes with online entries you can't enter more than once overall, more than once per household or only once a day or once a month etc. Also with online entries there'll usually be thousands & thousands of entries because it's easy & free.

posted 16-2-2012 @ 12:12 PM www

who knows? I just try to enter, forget and move onto the next one. If I win great, if not then theres always going to be another great comp around the corner. :)
posted 16-2-2012 @ 12:59 PM www

I try and enter once for every SMS comp. My theory - you need to be in the draw to win it, so enter at least once, and if the comping gods are smiling on you, you will win it.

For ones I really really want, I'll enter a few more times, but any more than that is too much money for me. Or if a competition has a lot of prizes - there's more of a chance - so I'll enter a few more times.

As someone on here once say:

If there are 2000 entries and you enter once - you have 1 chance of winning and 1999 chances of not winning
If you enter 10 times - you have 10 chances of winning, and 1990 of not winning.

The odds don't go down that dramatically.
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