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How many entries into a online comp helped you win?

posted 24-2-2012 @ 01:14 PM www
How many entries into a online comp helped you win?

ok so theres a online comp I REALLY want to win, I have already written out 50 entries for this comp as you can enter as many times as you like.

Would this work against me, say the judges get sick of reading my dribble, or would it help to prove i really really want this prize??
posted 24-2-2012 @ 01:18 PM www

How long is a piece of string?? Every judge is different who knows what goes on their heads. Enter and forget, what will be will be.

posted 24-2-2012 @ 01:19 PM www

It depends whether the entries actually get read or just drawn - I think some 25 wol unlimited entry comps are just drawn.

Although I did win a $20,000 kitchen on one 25 wol entry (entries were unlimited). Still don't know whether they drew the winner or they really liked my entry (probably should've asked them I guess!) but I think my entry would've been quite unique.

Good luck!!!
posted 24-2-2012 @ 01:30 PM www

ive put over 1000 manually entered entries (no robo form I mean) on a comp I really wanted to win and it got me no where, it probably went to someone who entered once LOL just my luck
posted 24-2-2012 @ 01:56 PM www

Luck of the draw often. I've won comps with one entry, others with more entries.
posted 24-2-2012 @ 02:05 PM www

I truly believe that a comp is destined for certain people. If it has your name all over it, doesn't matter if you enter 5000 times or just once.
But if you really want it, try to enter as many times as you can!
posted 24-2-2012 @ 03:20 PM www

I never enter a WOL more than a couple of times and I've won with one entry from either one or two. (car (1 WOL entry) & holidays)

I think that entering 50 times is fine if it's drawn but I think it's overkill to drown them with your entries, I would feel as though they might just say "oh, no not another one!"

posted 24-2-2012 @ 05:00 PM www

there was a theory mentioned on here some time ago that each additional entry overides the previous one - who knows for sure

good luck with the comp JTOL
posted 24-2-2012 @ 06:12 PM www

I have heard the same as clover that in some cases each entry overwrites the previous one. I always HOPE that the entries are judged and just enter the once.

posted 25-2-2012 @ 01:11 AM www

I think all the unlimited WOL's are drawn, and a lot of the daily one's too. Once only's are usually judged. It's a sad set up we have here in Australia with WOL comps, no one but us really cares if they're drawn or not. WOL's don't need a permit so no one cares...
posted 12-3-2012 @ 09:16 AM www

at least u people have won something i never have so think urselves lucky
posted 12-3-2012 @ 10:29 AM www

Originally posted by fred111
I think all the unlimited WOL's are drawn, and a lot of the daily one's too. Once only's are usually judged. It's a sad set up we have here in Australia with WOL comps, no one but us really cares if they're drawn or not. WOL's don't need a permit so no one cares...

This isnt always the case. I entered a channel ten comp that was unlimited WOL's. I entered about 5 times. I would say the second or third entry I came up with something that was truly amazing, and even surprised myself. When they rang me to tell me I was a winner, sure enough, it was the WOL that I too thought was great and apparently had the entire office thinking I was brilliant.;)
posted 12-3-2012 @ 10:33 AM www

Ive won with 1, 2, 20 etc. Go with what you feel is right.
posted 11-2-2014 @ 07:07 PM www

I want the entries to be read and I reckon there's more chance of that if there are fewer entries. Accordingly I don't do multiple entries myself and I avoid comps that allow them.

A WOL comp that allows multiple entries without purchase might as well have "we just wanted to avoid permit fees; we haven't thought this through at all; we won't be judging so don't bother trying" as part of its Ts & Cs as far as I'm concerned!
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