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New member - you've all motivated me!

posted 1-3-2012 @ 10:06 AM www
New member - you've all motivated me!

I only joined yesterday after seeing this on ACA a year or so ago. We have a few financial struggles so deciding to spend the $44 to join was a bit of a point of contention between hubby and I - anyway, I'm glad i did because regardless of whether we win or lose - reading everyones posts about wins and also everyones responses is quite heartwarming! You all seem like a really lovely little comping community so I'm glad I joined in the end! Fingers crossed for some luck to come everyones way (including ours!) :spin:
posted 1-3-2012 @ 10:07 AM www

Good luck Meggsygirl, and i hope you have many wins.
posted 1-3-2012 @ 10:28 AM www

Welcome to lottos Meggsygirl! I joined 6 years ago today and have never looked back. I didn't tell my hubby either for a few weeks, I thought he'd rubbish me for spending the money to join. He doesn't complain now though, since we've just organised our sixth free holiday! :lol:

Hope you enjoy your new hobby and win lots of stuff. Just remember to hang in there, don't give up and it will happen. :)
posted 1-3-2012 @ 10:31 AM www

"All good things come to those who wait"..... usually about 6 -8 weeks (sometimes sooner) before you start to see some results .. let the journey and excitement begin :)
posted 1-3-2012 @ 11:36 AM www

Great to see you here. It is a wonderful place.
posted 1-3-2012 @ 11:43 AM www

Oh good I'm so glad :)

posted 1-3-2012 @ 11:56 AM www

Enjoy! Meggysgirl. It is fun and rewarding :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
posted 1-3-2012 @ 12:11 PM www

Welcome to our Lottos family;););)
I started 3 and a half years ago and love every moment.

Wishing you many great wins;);););););)

posted 1-3-2012 @ 12:21 PM www

You will enjoy it here. I was the same about spending the money but its the best money I ever spent and would never be without my lotto family.

You will surely win something soon worth more than your membership fee. My first year I won prizes worth thousands. I hope you can do the same. Good Luck
posted 1-3-2012 @ 01:45 PM www

Welcome! I joined after borrowing a book from my local library about winning competitions.

Lotto is full of lovely people, good luck and win lots!
posted 1-3-2012 @ 09:41 PM www

Happy Comping and may your letterbox always be full :lol:
posted 1-3-2012 @ 09:43 PM www

Welcome Meggsygirl and...

posted 1-3-2012 @ 11:13 PM www

Hi meggysgirl, I'm a newbie too! I've been here for 3 weeks and this is what I have won so far:

Sunglass hut voucher $200
Jeremy Clarkson DVD $40
Spirited DVD $30
Myer voucher $500
Hedge trimmer and accessories $798

I'm pretty happy with that so far. If I can do it, anyone can! Good luck.
posted 2-3-2012 @ 08:21 AM www

Welcome to Lottos Meggysgirl, best of luck to you. But most of all ENJOY!!!!:)
posted 2-3-2012 @ 08:26 AM www

Welcome, Meggsygirl. I joined end of 2008 and in 2009, won over$4000 worth of prizes e.g. books, makeup, DVDs etc, so i'm sure you will find the $44 was money well spent.

Enter, enter, enter,and enjoy:)
posted 2-3-2012 @ 09:08 AM www

The key to success is persistence. Never give up ... and sooner or later you WILL win something ... you just never know when or what! Let's hope you win something really good! Welcome!
posted 2-3-2012 @ 10:31 AM www

Wow! Thanks so much everyone.. I've been entering daily for 3 days now.. I'm hoping the novelty will wear off (marginally) so I dont become completely addicted. A healthy hobby I can deal with - a comping addiction? I might end up divorced! hahahah.. Best of luck to all of you too.
posted 2-3-2012 @ 12:02 PM www

Originally posted by Meggsygirl
Wow! Thanks so much everyone.. I've been entering daily for 3 days now.. I'm hoping the novelty will wear off (marginally) so I dont become completely addicted. A healthy hobby I can deal with - a comping addiction? I might end up divorced! hahahah.. Best of luck to all of you too.

YES, you do need to find a balance.

Above all...have fun & good luck.

posted 2-3-2012 @ 12:32 PM www

Yes, when you first start it is a bit of an obsession. You think in 25wol rhymes, wake up in the middle of the night when you need to write something down, and let the housework slide. Wait.... I still do that lol!!!!

But really, it does settle down and you learn a healthy balance, eventually. We still all need our daily dose of lottos or we go into withdrawals, so be prepared if lottos or your internet goes down. It's not pretty :dork::crazy::no: :)
posted 2-3-2012 @ 10:55 PM www

Welcome Meggsygirl! I'm new here myself (joined Jan 1st this year) and have found everyone is so friendly and helpful! It's a great little community :)

I used money I had made from selling a few previous prizes on eBay to pay for my membership and have already won over $800 worth of fantastic prizes since joining, including a meet and greet with Lenny Kravitz today! :)
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