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How to win kids comps such as Kzone?

posted 19-2-2012 @ 02:43 PM www
How to win kids comps such as Kzone?

Has anyone had any luck with Kzone and similar, my son is 6 and wants ti win comps but he has no idea on how to answer them. Could anyone give me any winning tips for these.

Many thanks
posted 19-2-2012 @ 04:39 PM www

I've entered loads and have never won so I would love to hear what others have to say too! My 6yo son sees all the comps on Foxtel as well and comes running asking if we can win one of these (whatever is on)... the comping bug starts early!!!
posted 19-2-2012 @ 04:59 PM www

My kids have won a few times over the years, I think you just let him type in whatever he thinks is the answer to the question would hope the judges are smart enough to spot the difference between an adults answer and a childs so would take into account age and I also think a lot of these kind of comps are drawn so any entry is better than no entry.

posted 19-2-2012 @ 05:00 PM www

Thanks very much for your replies, My son gets really excited about comps and also dissapointed when no parcel arrives lol
posted 19-2-2012 @ 05:11 PM www

Firstly let the kid's enter kid's comps, if there to young to type ask them the question and type it word for word what there answer is. My kid's have won heaps over the years doing it this way. Don't change the answer in anyway no matter how silly it is. Good luck
posted 19-2-2012 @ 05:12 PM www

keep an eye out for the freebies.... as well as comps with lots of prizes.

i enter not only me, but my kids in them so they are getting parcels occassionally as well.
posted 19-2-2012 @ 05:14 PM www

Originally posted by stardust85
Firstly let the kid's enter kid's comps, if there to young to type ask them the question and type it word for word what there answer is. My kid's have won heaps over the years doing it this way. Don't change the answer in anyway no matter how silly it is. Good luck

I agree. My son has won a few times. He has definitely been bitten by the comping bug ;)
posted 29-3-2012 @ 10:32 PM www

Same I ask my children the question and type it in for them, its silly to have a adult do it instead of a kid as I would also think a Judge can tell the difference if its a kid or adult

But be prepared for a upset kid if they get 2 winnings and their sister doesnt get a thing!

I had to go out and buy Miss 6yo something and post it to her heheh The things you do for your kids ;)
posted 29-3-2012 @ 10:45 PM www

Not winning is a lesson in itself. We don't always win.
Sometimes others win and we don't.
It's like giving a prize in every layer of pass the, the winner gets the prize at the end.

We need to help our children be happy when some-one else wins as well.

Allow them to write whatever they feel & persist, don't give up.

Lots of life lessons in entering and competing.

posted 30-3-2012 @ 09:29 AM www

I don't think adults should enter kid's competitions - they are there for the kids to win and it's a bit unfair for it to be broadcast to a comping site full of adults. It's a bit like a group of five year olds playing basketball against a professional - you guys comp everyday and are very good at it and you're competing against kids!

I'll admit I entered a few to start with but my kids love coloring in competitions and when I thought that they'd be competing with adults I saw the errors of my ways.

Leave the kids comps for the kids!
posted 30-3-2012 @ 04:06 PM www

I think that the poster was asking for suggestions for her 6 year old son. ;)

Originally posted by parker_street_mum
I don't think adults should enter kid's competitions - they are there for the kids to win and it's a bit unfair for it to be broadcast to a comping site full of adults. It's a bit like a group of five year olds playing basketball against a professional - you guys comp everyday and are very good at it and you're competing against kids!

I'll admit I entered a few to start with but my kids love coloring in competitions and when I thought that they'd be competing with adults I saw the errors of my ways.

Leave the kids comps for the kids!

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posted 30-3-2012 @ 04:30 PM www

I type whatever my son gives as his answer. I dont change it and sometimes it doesnt make much sense but we have won a few times.
posted 30-3-2012 @ 05:31 PM www

Jax Tellers Old lady was asking for suggestions for her 6 year old and I meant no offence to her :blush:- my seven year won a Hugo Colouring in competition a few months ago and I've never seen him prouder. Both my boys have tried entering Kid Zone comps and have no luck - the questions are often repeated and my boys find it hard to answer.

I did mean offence to all the adults on here who do enter kids comps!! :dork::dork: And if there are none of you then I eat my words humbly!
posted 30-3-2012 @ 07:14 PM www

I agree with kismet...

.....and it's like giving presents to the non-birthday child because they feel left out!!
As far as winning kids' comps...I agree with the advice given. Let them decide on an answer and 'you' type it in. Probably crackers of answers too!!
Good luck!!
posted 30-3-2012 @ 07:27 PM www

Both my kids have won once, I think they get alot of entries why its so hard to win... Might I suggest DMAG comps since they are no longer online and require actual drawings etc to enter he will have better odds... I buy it now and then, the last time I did both my girls won a prize from it and all they had to do was draw which they love doing, my youngests even got put in the magazine which she proudly took the prize and magazine for school news.

LOL im someone who puts a prize in every layer, I couldnt take the look on their face if there was nothing there... I also get one small gift for each child on the others birthday usually nothing over $10 and the each get it on the others day and they love it...

Im not a total softie they only get $5 pocket money and if they see something they like they can work for it or save for it. They do enter plenty of comps they dont win and they soon forget.. The local Woolies easter drawing comp they had their heart set on but didnt win, I saw one there that in my opinion a child possibly not draw, or is very incredibly talented for their age... anyway good luck hope he gets a win soon, its great when they do.
posted 30-3-2012 @ 09:02 PM www

My daughter (10) and my son (8) enter kids stuff all the time and they have each had wins over the years. My daughter however has had 'big wins'. She is very meticulous in her detail and spends literally hours on her entry whilst my son may spend 20 to 60 mins tops. My daughter always goes above and beyond in her effort especially when a trip is on offer or a prize of big value. She is particular and if the prize is large (10K) she will spend the time and effort. If it is for something small (texta pk) she spends just as much time.
(it is hard when my son's 20 minute entry beats his sisters 6 hr creation) .... I just say it "was his turn" as they are nearly always in the same age group. They are happy with this explanation.
Unfortunately there are some local comps. which regularly have "obvious adult entry" ... we avoid these. Some people are ruthless and some promotors just do not care.

posted 1-4-2012 @ 03:53 PM www

I went to my four year old niece's birthday recently and the pass the parcel had been prepared by another aunt who doesn't have kids and there was only the one prize in the middle. The first few layers there were looks of horror from the kids (and the mum's) and then the kid's dumped it and never played to the centre. No they're not all spoilt brats - it's just that pass the parcel has evolved to having one in each layer these days. We tried to coax the kids back but they felt it was "unfair".
posted 1-4-2012 @ 04:03 PM www

My son won a recent one, I woudlnt know what answer of his won. I told him the question and he told me the what he thought, I typed it up for him. His answers where not super clever but they reflected that he has actually watched the show and where simple answers. I was so proud of him for winning because he put in a lot of effort to make sure he saw each episode, got the codeword (screaming at me to hurry to see it) and told me what his answer was.
It has been harder for my daughter to win, she only won once compared to my son winning 3-4 over the last couple of years. Probably because she is in an older age group.
posted 1-4-2012 @ 04:11 PM www

the pride my kids get when they win is worth far more than the prize itself. Last weekend I had a huge headache with my son. He wanted to put in a picture to the Woolies comp that I could clearly see he didn't draw (his nana helped) I argued with him that there was no way I was going to let him enter it. My sister got a bit grumpy with me for upsetting him and said so what, let him enter it. Im said no way, he is not putting in a picture he clearly didn't draw. The comp was already over anyway, he eventually put his own in so it could go on the wall with the others.
My daughter had already won her age catagory. I thought she won because no one else entered. I looked at their wall and there was several other entries, a few of which I thought where way better than hers. So you never know what the judges are looking for. Maybe they didn't think the other kids done them on their own, or they thought my daughters was a little bit different. The prize is worth nothing to us (an old DVD they have already seen), but the cetificate she got is amazing. She is now in the state draw but she doesn't expect to win because she doesn't even think her picture is good enough.
posted 1-4-2012 @ 04:25 PM www

My son entered one through Mix fm, he read the question and told me what his answer was and I typed it in for him, it went something along the lines of "Why does your Dad need a $100 Kmart voucher?" and he wrote "He needs it to buy some pyjamas becasue he doesnt have any and sleeps in the nude" anyway he won so I think honesty is the best policy, just ask the kids and put in their exact answer
posted 1-4-2012 @ 05:51 PM www

Originally posted by flindy1
My son entered one through Mix fm, he read the question and told me what his answer was and I typed it in for him, it went something along the lines of "Why does your Dad need a $100 Kmart voucher?" and he wrote "He needs it to buy some pyjamas becasue he doesnt have any and sleeps in the nude" anyway he won so I think honesty is the best policy, just ask the kids and put in their exact answer

Thanks such a funny answer flindy1. Only a kid would probably come up with that anyway!! :)
posted 4-4-2012 @ 11:16 AM www

I've been comping for 3 months and won 6 little things. Two of these were kids. Dinosour videos and a pack of 20 story books. My kids are 5 and 6. I write the question down in a scrapbook and they go away and think up the anwer which I type in for them. It's a good project for them to work on when it's rainy. My 5 year old is a creative genius and writes fantastic answers and my 6 year old does the spelling and writing bit. I take turns putting their name on the form because they work on it together. So far a package has come for each of them but they know that it's always for sharing!!
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