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Just a thank you

posted 20-10-2004 @ 05:47 PM www
Just a thank you

Thanks to all you guys for sharing your tips and tricks with a newbie like myself. I can see I'm really only a beginner and have lots to learn. But I will get there.
Keep up the good work!
posted 20-10-2004 @ 06:25 PM www

Good luck beaglefruigen! Is that username German???
posted 20-10-2004 @ 11:41 PM www

It's a made up word. My mil used to call everything that was dear to her by that.
posted 15-12-2004 @ 08:54 AM www

you arent the only one beaglefruigen! Ive ben reading through them all and they are fantastic! I can see that Im just an amature here and I have to study up hard! :)

Thanks guys, the tips and tricks are so clever!
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