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winning entry for DP

posted 2-10-2012 @ 04:05 PM www
winning entry for DP

just received a DP to On the Road.
Question: who is your favourite character in On the Road and why?
My answer: Dean, of course, wild and charismatic, just like me!!
I haven't even seen the movie and in the blurb about the movie, it said that Dean was wild and charismatic, so I just added the extra bit!!!
posted 2-10-2012 @ 04:08 PM www

Good on you!
posted 2-10-2012 @ 05:51 PM www

Congratulations and thanks for sharing! :)
posted 2-10-2012 @ 05:59 PM www

Congratulations mamamarg. I just got a wem for the jack daniels jacktember comp. If anyone else has been entering you would know that the questions are just mostly plain stupid so I have just been answering plain stupid back thinking I am never going to win this so I will just write any old thing. Had to blink three times when I got the WEM LOL. Only wish I knew what I wrote to what inane question to win it.
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