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tips for success

posted 30-1-2005 @ 05:55 PM www

If we are all sending rhymes (I know I do), perhaps something that doesn't rhyme would stand out :D
posted 6-3-2005 @ 01:55 PM www

I actually found that with some of the 25wol comps, just tell them the truth. I won 3 cook books worth $80 by telling them that I was a cook book freak because it is true. I have sooooooooo many.
posted 6-3-2005 @ 07:41 PM www

I used to stay away from 25wol until I joined lottos premium and found that the support from the forum gives u the confidence - I won my first 25wol in February and then won another won in the same week, both with just honest one line answers - neither rhymed

:sing: :sing: :sing:
posted 23-4-2005 @ 06:52 PM www

I've been a member for nearly a month now. I used to dislike the 25wol comps.

However, just lately, I have started to enjoy the task. I have just done a 50wol for the Cadbury's hamper and quite enjoyed doing it. I spent a while thinking about it, but probably won't win.

The important thing is, I am now starting to relish these types of comps as they are (like someone else said) using my brain.

I now try to evoke a feeling in what I write as well as rhyming. However, I don't always go for rhymes.

Sometimes I go for the funny or slightly cheeky option. I just go with my gut, depending on the nature of the site or competition.

I hope that I will get lucky soon and get my first 25wol or 50wol comp.

I do believe that a good eprcentage of these are just drawn out of the hat though.

posted 28-4-2005 @ 11:01 AM www
25 words don't have to rhyme

I love 25 worders because not as many people enter them. I never use rhyming. Just smart and snappy one liners. I win around 20k each year in 25 unryhming words and have for the past 6 years. Maybe judges are sick of rhyming.:P
PS I count we'd as one word. By definition it is one word.
posted 28-4-2005 @ 02:27 PM www

I love 25 WOL. To my friends I am known as the Limerick Queen.

Every party, wedding etc I have to come up with limericks and some are hysterical. So I prefer to enter the 25 WOL and I have had some good wins. I agree that alot of people find them daunting and don't enter which make the odds better for the ones who relish in the challenge. I don't always use limericks/rhymes. It depends on what wacky stuff enters the noggin.

I too often wonder how many really get "judged" or just randomly picked. I would be very dissapointed to find out they just get picked as some people really put alot of effort into their entries and there are some super one liners. I guess we will never really know but I will just hope they take the time to read them as we have taken the time to come up with them.

But I think compers should give it a shot anyway. You never know what works and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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