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Anniversary & Birthday Reminder

posted 1-2-2005 @ 08:23 PM www
Anniversary & Birthday Reminder

Hey all I have come across a site that I have found very helpful in remembering peoples birthdays

you can also get public holiday reminders and play games and send e-cards with the site too..

posted 1-2-2005 @ 10:10 PM www

very freaky you mentioned this, I got an email from my cousins ex girlfriend in England just today with this exact same link on it for me to type in my birthday (cue twilight zone music lol)
posted 1-2-2005 @ 10:51 PM www

Originally posted by twinkle_twinkle
very freaky you mentioned this, I got an email from my cousins ex girlfriend in England just today with this exact same link on it for me to type in my birthday (cue twilight zone music lol)


its really not a bad site to use, just watch the games, they are addictive and take your attention off entering comps hehe
posted 2-2-2005 @ 12:09 AM www

This will come in real handy...thanks!

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