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Poll: How long before your first win?
Less than a week --- 84 (18.1%)
Less than a fortnight --- 80 (17.24%)
Less than a month --- 91 (19.61%)
Less than 3 months --- 55 (11.85%)
Less than a year --- 14 (3.02%)
Still waiting! --- 140 (30.17%)

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How long before your first win?

posted 25-7-2012 @ 09:15 PM www

Well done Lucky2011...great attitude = KARMA Have a blast! JD
posted 25-7-2012 @ 09:47 PM www

I have been comping for about ten years fairly consitently although it has dropped off in the last two years as I have been studying and working four days a week plus kids!

I joined lottos after I had one a years worth of movies from a radio station and a years worth of groceries and 20 box's of tim tams (144 packets) within a six month period.

I average about 150 wins a year and at approx an average of about $25,000 a year worth. My biggest year was $36,000 my lowest $ 4, 500 .I average about one 5 digit $ win a year but in saying that I haven't had a really big win for about two years. Maybe it is the study!!Plenty of small ones though.
Just keep entering - it happens eventually
posted 18-12-2012 @ 05:19 PM www

Honestly? I subscribed to this site at 6pm last night, entered a few competitions over the next couple of hours, including one (15x Sanity Ice Age prize packs) which was being drawn at midnight.

Got an email at 1pm this afternoon to notify me as one of the winners :o I nearly fell over in shock.

So a winner here within just over 12 hours of joining lottos!!! How lucky is that? :)
posted 21-12-2012 @ 02:17 PM www

I started just before Fathers Day last September and won a Swiss Eagle watch worth $500 with a WOL after 7 days of starting. Since then I have won just over $8,000 worth of goodies in the last 3 -4 months (some big and some small). Got a Jerry Lewis Doco DVD in today's mail. Love Jerry. Still waiting to win a holiday.

I personally have more luck with winning the WOL comps. Hate the facebook ones that you have to suck up to and the endless posts you have to keep scrolling through to see if you've won.

Apart from that I am very blessed to have found and am grateful to all the posters.

Keep at it and think positive and the winnings will come. :thumbup:
posted 16-10-2013 @ 04:52 PM www

Oh whoops, I voted wrong. I think it took only a week or two before I won my first prize. A month in I have won about fourteen prizes. But I'm not working right now so I probably spend wayyyy too much time entering them.

I voted "One month" because that's how long it took me to have my first BIG win (concert tickets) and I was reading another thread about big wins and got muddled up!
posted 21-10-2013 @ 02:30 PM www

LESS than a week... won a few little things already :)
posted 19-9-2014 @ 03:15 PM www

Been here 1 week, nothing yet, but have entered close to 200, plus loads of magazine ones too. Thanks heaps to all the helpers for these ones!!
posted 19-9-2014 @ 05:36 PM www

It took me 3 months to win something, just before xmas, my niece was at my house and wanted to enter some comps. She did about 30 comps and won twice. This week I have won nothing znd I have been on lottos for 6 years. I'm still waiting for a mega win. So the people who win in a week should think themselves so lucky because you are not guarenteed a win.
posted 30-4-2015 @ 12:30 AM www

Thought I'd chime in. I joined just over two weeks ago now and am still waiting for my elusive first win. I've probably entered 200+ in that time. Hoping the phone will ring any day now :thumbup:

Wonderful site! Thanks to everyone for making it so great :)
posted 30-4-2015 @ 11:01 AM www

Comping has changed in the last couple of years, so wins are not as a regular as they used to be. Just keep entering.
posted 5-2-2023 @ 11:33 AM www

I will let You know. I let my membership lapse last year,funnily enough didn't win anything ! and joined again today, I plan to enter at least 20 a day, amd see what I get .
posted 5-2-2023 @ 12:52 PM www

Yes I also had been comping for years prior to joining lottos and have never regretted a day since joining this wonderful site.

My first lottos win after joining came approximately a week after it was a Ziegler BBQ and in the same week a luxury trip to Hawaii.

Winning really is like anything else in life the more work you put in the more you get out so keep at it giantguineapig :)
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