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How do people win so much?

posted 12-2-2005 @ 08:35 PM www
How do people win so much?

I just joined the forum because i woke up this morning and i was feeling lucky. I decided my new hobby was to enter as many competitions as i possibly could.

Is that how everyone else wins all these prizes? by continually entering competitions?

Please let me know.

posted 12-2-2005 @ 08:45 PM www
I Just Joined To!!

If u are talking about non 25 wol then u are right!! But if you aren't then it is just luck!!:)
posted 12-2-2005 @ 08:53 PM www

Just enter enter enter and then enter some more ;)

Good Luck and Welcome to Lottos....
posted 12-2-2005 @ 08:56 PM www

Thanks for the replies. Trust me I have been entering like crazy. I think I would have entered at least 50 comps tonight.
posted 12-2-2005 @ 09:11 PM www

Since I joined lotto's I've won a prize in both Take 5 and That's Life AND one on line and thats in one month alone

Lotto's in fantastic

posted 12-2-2005 @ 10:56 PM www

Organisation, teamwork with other lottos members, and just pure effort to get the entries in.
posted 12-2-2005 @ 11:04 PM www

hmmmmmmmmm I think I shared this winning hint with another newbie in the past who has since gone onto win hundreds of thousands of dollars!

You have to run around your house naked three times... with cotton buds sticking out of your ears whilst singing "tip toe through the tulips"....

I don't really like to advertise that too much because you can win sooooooooooo much from doing it....

Try it and let us know how you go.


PS: Welcome to Lottos!!;)
posted 12-2-2005 @ 11:17 PM www

You can trust tyecart! :lol: :lol:
posted 13-2-2005 @ 12:58 AM www

Don't be scared to change your strategy. Sometimes I get fixated on entering certain comps, only to realise I've been neglecting other comps.

Now my fixation is on comps that I really really want to win (holidays, cars, PS2s lol)

You'll find you just keep learning. Read people's advice and get in on discussions because even our biggest winners will tell you that you can always learn more important tips!

There is currently a forum comp running where people submit their tips... click here... it's well worth reading!
posted 13-2-2005 @ 01:12 AM www

Start off small such as dvds, movie tickets etc, if you aim to high and dont win you can be disappointed after awhile.

Enter them for sure, but always enter for the little prizes as they are what you keep going whilst your waiting for other competitions to be drawn.

Another is jump under the lucky dust it might help.Best of luck throught the year.

posted 13-2-2005 @ 09:12 AM www

I too am wondering if I am ever going to win anything!! Have been registered on here for about a month and as yet, bit fat nothing!! I'll just be patient and see.

Good luck everyone!!:cool:
posted 13-2-2005 @ 09:56 AM www

hey strikeitlucky just hang in there... I too have been on about a month or so and was reading about everyone else winning here and there and I was feeling like i'd never win... but i've kept on entering like crazy and the other day I got my first win (dinner and show) and then the next day I got movie tickets... I was just stoked... may not seem much but it made me happy and keeps my hopes up for bigger things down the track... just keep on entering!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL
posted 13-2-2005 @ 11:23 AM www

Contributing to the forum brings good karma ... and just enter enter enter!

If you can help someone with an answer - help.

If you find a comp - post it.

If you have an opinion - give it.

Be part of this great place and I find the rewards will come in.

AND ENTER ENTER ENTER ... friends say "I never win anything" and now I just look at them and say "Get off you %$^* and enter something then!"

:D Good luck one and all - hope Feb ends up being a brilliant one for the regulars and the newbies-on-their-way-to-being-regulars! :P

posted 13-2-2005 @ 01:15 PM www
Sounds like Boot Camp has put a fire up your....


Good on ya!!
posted 13-2-2005 @ 04:13 PM www

just enter everything you want to win.
some people win alot of small and big prizes all the time. everyone has there own skills of winning and this will help you win. a fair bit and luck of course will help. or grab some lucky dust
posted 14-2-2005 @ 03:08 PM www

It helps to enter competitions non-stop, until you are so addicted it becomes some sort of mind-numbing, competition crazed existence that controls your every waking moment, forever fueling you on with the neverending passionate desire for that car, trip or cruise around the world.

Or cash. Big, smelly piles of cash to roll around it naked, throwing it high into the air and screaming "Mine, it's all mine" over and over again as it cascades down over your quivering body...

Um. Or maybe that's just my fantasy...

Yes, well.

<walking away whistling innocently>
posted 16-2-2005 @ 12:13 AM www

once you start to win the big prizes those dvd prizes and cd prizes you will forget about may get a bit fussy on what you want to enter chase the big stuff .:D:D:D
posted 17-2-2005 @ 09:04 AM www

I agree..........enter enter enter!;)
posted 17-2-2005 @ 09:24 AM www

Welcome to Lottos.....

I'm only a newbie too but I'm absolutely hooked. Sure I've won a $5 phonecard but hey that's $5 worth of calls in my pocket not Telstra's !!!!!

I agree with everything everyone else has said above especially about helping each other out. It gives everyone more time to enter more comps!!!

Enter, enter, enter......

Ps... it's also a fantastic way to fill in the work day! I love getting paid to do this!!!!
posted 13-3-2005 @ 11:27 AM www
Hey :)

I Just joined, so wish me luck :)
posted 13-3-2005 @ 12:40 PM www

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL @ tyecart you are just tooooo funny girl!!!! :D:D
posted 19-3-2005 @ 02:27 PM www

Yeah enter, enter, enter lol

Eventually you'll win something:)
posted 19-3-2005 @ 02:45 PM www

Originally posted by Skuzzo
It helps to enter competitions non-stop, until you are so addicted it becomes some sort of mind-numbing, competition crazed existence that controls your every waking moment, forever fueling you on with the neverending passionate desire for that car, trip or cruise around the world.

Or cash. Big, smelly piles of cash to roll around it naked, throwing it high into the air and screaming "Mine, it's all mine" over and over again as it cascades down over your quivering body...

Um. Or maybe that's just my fantasy...

Yes, well.

<walking away whistling innocently>

MAN, you have a thing about being naked Skuzzo :o Will you still be using a mirror and a video camera this time? ;)
posted 26-3-2005 @ 11:27 AM www

Originally posted by chardie2
Thanks for the replies. Trust me I have been entering like crazy. I think I would have entered at least 50 comps tonight.
hello you have come to the right place. dont give up if you dont win straight away give it time.remember now you have entered those 50 comps. you have to do it again.enter for hubby/partner family friends or your kids if you win not for yourself you can make someone else happy this is what it is all about good luck to you. grab some lucky dust :D:D:D
posted 22-6-2005 @ 01:09 PM www

our competition triad find throwing a GOOD TANTRUM ( THAT IS , ON THE FLOOR ....kicking AND screaming .. " iT'S not fair ) WORKS WELL AHHHHH!!!:P
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