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posted 5-6-2004 @ 12:53 AM www

I want to enter a comp with a coloured envelope - but it is a little bigger than a DL envelope. That's the standard size right?

It doesn't say in the Terms and Conditions about the envelopes, so do you think I can use it? It's only 1 cm bigger in width....

Thanks! :D
posted 5-6-2004 @ 02:04 AM www

Back in the old days (pre internet), I used to buy all sorts of pretty coloured paper, craft pads, A4 designer paper etc and make my own envelopes. It's not hard, I think you can even get a template online somewhere. But now I just stick to plain white, as I'm just too lazy! LOL
posted 5-6-2004 @ 09:59 AM www

One thing to remember is that anything bigger than DL costs $1 to post, not 50c - this is the case for most birthday card envelopes...

I only use plain ones as I don't want to risk being disqualified, and the only comps I've ever won are mail-ins - so it must depend on the comp. I think if it's being drawn, it really doesn't matter, but 25wol might be another matter.

My sister actually uses those annoyingly small envelopes (like half the size of C6... (would that make them C7?)) and she has won things with those, but I'm sticking to my trusty old DLs. :)
posted 5-6-2004 @ 12:47 PM www

I must be boring too because all i use is the standard business sized envelopes and in boring old white colour.. I have won heaps of mail in competitions though so really its just a matter of luck in the end??? maybe???/ :D
posted 11-8-2004 @ 04:33 PM www

i just use plain white, but with these tips, i will try some colours. thanks guys
posted 13-8-2004 @ 10:00 PM www
When to post.

:Does anyone know the best time to post entries? I'm getting a bit desperate-no wins for me and I've been trying so hard!Perhaps I'm sending my entries at the wrong time.
posted 13-8-2004 @ 10:29 PM www

I have no Idea when is the best time but I seem to leave it until the last few day's to send off most competitions, I enter heaps and heaps of mail in competitions, I think the best advice is just enter as many as you can when you remember and the biggest thing YOU ONLY NEED ONE ENTRY. Good Luck!
posted 15-8-2004 @ 07:14 PM www

Thanks Norie,I was wondering because in one post I read that it's not the type of envelopes you use but the when and where of posting.
posted 7-9-2004 @ 12:38 AM www

I don't enter too many comps that require to send send in an envelope. Seems too much trouble to me, however, I have won some prizes using plain white envelopes on which I have printed a small caricature of me.

Maybe the people selecting the winners just needed a good laugh, because God knows my 25wol are pretty pathetic
posted 15-9-2004 @ 12:11 AM www

I have friend who works for a greeting card company so she gives me all the spare envelopes from the newsagency's she goes too. So I use lots and lots of different colours!!!

:) Megan
posted 22-9-2004 @ 03:16 PM www

actually for the ski comp - i had to send one entry via express, cause the close off was the next day, i sent the other normal mail, but it will be pretty cool if i win! :) otherwise i just wasted a lot of money (haha)

just will wait till ski gets draw. i only had 2 entries. really only 1 the express one, im sure the other got there monday and the close off was friday. :(
posted 25-9-2004 @ 08:46 PM www

Originally posted by missmegan1974
I have friend who works for a greeting card company so she gives me all the spare envelopes from the newsagency's she goes too. So I use lots and lots of different colours!!!

:) Megan

Me too! anything that takes a $0.50c stamp is a standard envelope in my book -I reason that Aust Post sets the bench mark with their pricing.

I reckon I'd have about 15 or 20 different sized envelopes and the same in colours, patterns, borders etc.

As for posting entries, I like to spread my store comp entries out, and as for mag comps usually just posting them is a win for me!
posted 29-9-2004 @ 09:56 AM www
What about the barrel??

Sometimes I wonder if the barrel the entries are drawn from isn't see through what does it matter what colour or size the envelopes are?
Or are they clear. Does anyone have any info on this? Just curious.

I use lots od different shapes and sizes of envelopes. i love the ones from office works but they are expensive so save these for special comps....which doesn't seem to have helped me much:(
I used to decorate some envelopes with bright texta and stickers etc, eg Deveondale Moo (from ages ago) we did cow print all over the envelopes but didn't win anything!
posted 7-2-2005 @ 10:07 AM www

After reading rychbytch's account of witnessing a draw, I was wondering how many lottos compers use large padded, or other non-standard envelopes, and if they have ever won a draw using envelopes like that?

EDIT: PS.. I have only ever used white plain envelopes, but I have never one a major draw either!!
posted 7-2-2005 @ 05:42 PM www

I use plain white standard sized envelopes;)
posted 7-2-2005 @ 07:59 PM www

Originally posted by JACuzzi
After reading rychbytch's account of witnessing a draw, I was wondering how many lottos compers use large padded, or other non-standard envelopes, and if they have ever won a draw using envelopes like that?

I think the easiest way to find out is to try a combination of envelopes. If you have a family (husband and children) use a different family members name on each sort of envelope and then you will know what has won and what has not. Also keep a track of the extra postage it is costing you and if you buy stickers and coloured envelopes keep track of that expense also, and you will soon figure out if it is working out for you or if it is just costing you a fortune for no extra wins ;)
posted 1-3-2005 @ 03:36 AM www

I heard that scrunching or folding your envelopes work well. I guess because it stands out and is easier for the drawer to pick up.
posted 1-3-2005 @ 08:03 AM www

Originally posted by blacktulipfee
I heard that scrunching or folding your envelopes work well. I guess because it stands out and is easier for the drawer to pick up.

who told you that?
posted 2-3-2005 @ 03:14 AM www

My mum told me... I don't know where she heard it from.... but my mum comes up with some pretty nifty ideas.
posted 2-3-2005 @ 09:06 AM www

i have been using colour envelopes for months STILL no luck !!! but a friend of mine wins all the time !!! also coloured envelopes most news agents about $3.00 a pkt . and there are also Dearer ones available..
posted 2-3-2005 @ 09:25 AM www

i only use plain boring white ones, may be it's time for a colourful change?:)
posted 2-3-2005 @ 09:38 AM www

Scrunching or folding the envelopes may cause the envelope to get stuck in the postal sorter.
posted 9-3-2005 @ 06:25 AM www

The postal workers always sort out, flatten and put the envelopes the right way up before they go through the sorter.

Maybe she just meant for non-mailing entries like instore raffles and such.
posted 9-3-2005 @ 08:53 AM www

A friend who runs a promotions company that does in store competitions said definitely fold the entries so that they stick up because they shove their hand in to draw the comp and they need grab one entry so if they are sticking up a bit they are easy to grab!
I saw a lady fold her entries at a comp in one of our big shopping centres firstly in half straight across and then one half folded back diagonally across itself (try it on a piece of paper) and that definitely made an edge stand out!
:pig: :pig: :pig:

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