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How to keep everything organised all in one easy way!

posted 14-11-2003 @ 04:48 PM www
How to keep everything organised all in one easy way!

Here's my tip for being organised

It sound a little complicated but it works for me and is actually very easy.

Whenever I see a competition I want to enter on the forum I print it out, and so on

I have manilla folders titled: Phone, Web, Mail, Email, Shop - and I sort my printed sheets into the folder that they belong in.

I then go through each folder and highlight the important details, eg close date, things to purchase, etc.

With the Mail folder, they are mostly 25 wol. I write my answers next to the competition details, and when I have entered the comp I tick next to the comp info also - I do this bit for all comps.

I have a file with the months written on it so I can then put all the competitions that close in a certain month there, eg if a comp closes 27/10 I put it in the October file.

This way I know where to find my entry, 25 wol answer, details inc value, and the person who posted it so I can thank them and send a U2U.

I clean out the folders about every 4-6 months (depending on how long prizes take to arrive) and for any comps that I have won - I put the comp info with the Congratulations letter.

I hope this has made sense!
posted 14-11-2003 @ 05:17 PM www

wow your so organised, its a great system thankyou:D
posted 19-11-2003 @ 04:53 PM www
Good Lord!!

My God nicolejane...and my husband has the nerve to call me anal!

I'm jealous of your ingenuity and dedication, but I must admit, that since joing premium, it's actually a little easier to keep on top of things...but I love your style girl!
My you win lots and BIG!
love susan x
posted 21-11-2003 @ 02:42 PM www
Your a darling

Thanks for the hints. I'm working towards getting my own secretary and when I do she can do it. (I wish) I think I will give it a go though, it makes so much sense and I'm so unorganised.
Best of luck. :sing:
posted 24-11-2003 @ 05:10 PM www

I know I probably sound obsessed and yes a bit anal, but if I didn't have it organised like this I'd have piles of stuff everywhere and be totally un-organised.

At least this way I remember to enter comps and can easily find the info if I need it.
posted 11-3-2005 @ 11:21 AM www

What a fantastic idea! I'm sure I'd probably win a lot more if I was organised like this so you have inspired me to get myself organised and hopefully start winning a lot more, especially as I'll have no excuse for missing a comp! Thanks!!!
posted 11-3-2005 @ 12:07 PM www

Originally posted by nicolejane
I know I probably sound obsessed and yes a bit anal, but if I didn't have it organised like this I'd have piles of stuff everywhere and be totally un-organised.

At least this way I remember to enter comps and can easily find the info if I need it.

Welcome to my world ;) LOLLLLL am in the process of getting it together again (hubby being home for six weeks put things a bit out of whack ;)lol) and only have two weeks to do it b4 hes home for 8 weeks again
posted 11-3-2005 @ 05:10 PM www

Thanks for sharing your brilliant system, nicolejane. If you saw my "system" you would probably faint, as it consists of barcodes and entry forms scattered everywhere, and lots of comps I forget to enter. This sounds like it would work well for me. I'll give it a try, and see you in the winner's circle.:D
posted 11-3-2005 @ 06:36 PM www

OMG !!!

I just enter using premium

Good luck to you
posted 11-3-2005 @ 07:24 PM www

Talk about organised. If I want to enter a comp I just make it a favourite in the Lottos list and work from the top down each day. :D

Perhaps I need to get more organised. ;)
posted 12-3-2005 @ 12:41 AM www

I'm disorganised also.. I have yellow sticky notes with what I need to purchase and by when on my desk, and envelopes with sticky notes on with the 25 wol question I need to answer write the closing date in pencil where the stamp goes...these are on the other side of the desk!

Although being disorganised I do miss a lot......I should get organised...
posted 12-3-2005 @ 01:13 AM www

I have only been doing this for a few weeks but this is what is working for me so far.

My time at the shops is absolutely precious/frantic having twin babies and a four year old.

So, to be organised I jot the info on store/product comps into a little book I keep in my bag. I have a few pages for each store - Woolies, Coles, Kmart, BigW etc. and one where you can buy the product from anywhere.

I make sure I include the closing date and if a form is needed.

With 25wols I cut and paste the closing date, web address, and the question from the lotto post into a WORD document (one for each month) and write up the answer where I can check the spelling and do a word count.

I change the font to red when I have entered the competition and move the paragraph to the end of the document so that the ones I need to work on are at the top of the document. This works well and I have a record of what I wrote – just in case I ever win….
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