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How do people win so much?

posted 22-6-2005 @ 01:24 PM www

It is a hobbie ENJOY IT

Have as much fun entering as winning.
The more obscure the competiiton the biger chance of winning.
Eh writing a song
Making a screen saver
Sending off models

The whole family get involved

It's fun ( and addictive)
posted 28-6-2005 @ 06:41 PM www

My advice is to change addresses and preferably names every 6 months and you will continue to win .
posted 28-6-2005 @ 09:39 PM www

Also engage the help of the family , my son now knows never to throw out a box or can till I have got the barcodes & also looks out for entry forms when in the shops , his girlfriend is even bringing barcodes , picking up coke bottles & taking off the labels for me .Other then that just enter as many comps as you can .But be warned once you have a win it can become addictive .:D

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

I'm unsure of my mood right now!

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 28-6-2005 @ 10:45 PM www

Well I changed my address 2 months ago and I'm winning less.
posted 5-7-2005 @ 10:58 PM www

hey, ive been a member for say.... about a month to 2 months. I have won a wordsearch book from Thats Life magazine. I was excited when i got it as i saw it as a new beginning (i used to comp and win then stopped so now im back i thought my luck may be back too) I really want that car as im going for my lisence next week. But for now ill just keep going for every comp i see. Good luck to everyone else, just enter enter enter.
posted 18-3-2007 @ 12:51 AM www

I hate 25 word or less comps. Too hard????
I enter store comps. I had only had small wins. But? over a 6 month period last year I won a computor, printer, camera, bbq, outdoor setting, trip for 20 people to grand prix, trip for 2 to commonwealth games, trip to sydney for 2 with airfare, accomodation, $500 cash and a camera. $7000 of dvds.
All pure luck. Things have been quiet over the last 6 months. So I can only guess luck runs in cycles? So enter everything and be in it with a chance.
I know when I look at the winners list and see the same names over and over. I presume they do 25 wol? But maybe it is just their turn to win???? Good Luck
posted 18-3-2007 @ 07:56 AM www

Hi I just enter everything :) I win stacks more little prizes like under $100 then big but it is still fun :)

I think Im due for a big win sooon :)good luck

posted 18-3-2007 @ 09:20 AM www

I only enter stuff that I am interested in....I haven't won anything big....its all luck! I'm not addicted I just having a go ocassionally when I see something worthwhile entering:)
posted 18-3-2007 @ 10:13 AM www
Patience, Persistance, and


GREAT combination and in my opinion, works every time! :)

Hope this helps
posted 17-4-2007 @ 02:27 PM www

Thanks for all the advice. I have been a member for a couple of months now and have been entering heaps of comps. Starting to get a bit down as I haven't one a thing yet. Reading all the tips,tricksand advice has got me motivated again!
posted 26-8-2007 @ 02:56 PM www

My family and I have always entered by mail where we have put a lot of time and effort into making things. My daughter has had huge success, using her drawings etc, and my son with his 25WOL limericks. We have been successful this way having won over 80 comps. This way of entering online seems strange. I think I'd rather put in the time and feel as though I have some control over it. Time will tell.
posted 26-8-2007 @ 03:39 PM www

You have to live, breath, eat and dream competitions.. No entry form can be overlooked, no phone number or sms can be ignored.. Lottos must be the center of your universe.. clothes will spill over in clothes baskets, food will become permanent takeaways, husbands become a fading distant memory, the kids will have to learn to become independent at a very young age and friends will just have to understand your addictive obsession and just be available when it suits you. You will jump into the comping vortex and your life will spiral out of control till you have not only lost your mind but all dignity and self respect. Your soul will then belong to Andrew and the cult that lottos is.. then you will be reduced to a prize hording, parcel man grabbing and postie hugging fool just waiting for that adrenalin rush that says your a winner. Yes.. Yes.. it's all mine you'll say..
Anyway good luck :D:D:D:D:D
posted 26-8-2007 @ 04:26 PM www

posted 26-8-2007 @ 05:26 PM www

ENTER, ENTER, ENTER - When that's not working I throw a tanty or go on strike and usually something turns up in the mail!! LOl :P:P

Good Luck!;)
posted 26-8-2007 @ 05:31 PM www

Originally posted by vagary
You have to live, breath, eat and dream competitions.. No entry form can be overlooked, no phone number or sms can be ignored.. Lottos must be the center of your universe.. clothes will spill over in clothes baskets, food will become permanent takeaways, husbands become a fading distant memory, the kids will have to learn to become independent at a very young age and friends will just have to understand your addictive obsession and just be available when it suits you. You will jump into the comping vortex and your life will spiral out of control till you have not only lost your mind but all dignity and self respect. Your soul will then belong to Andrew and the cult that lottos is.. then you will be reduced to a prize hording, parcel man grabbing and postie hugging fool just waiting for that adrenalin rush that says your a winner. Yes.. Yes.. it's all mine you'll say..
Anyway good luck :D:D:D:D:D

lol that is hilarious vagary and very close to the truth :)
posted 26-8-2007 @ 06:21 PM www

I think I have a new strategy!

Everytime I decide to buy something, I have put it off for awhile, and then , poof, I won it.

I was going to buy my son a ps3 for his birthday, then I entered the pepsi comp, and 2 days later, I won it.

Last week I had resigned myself to the fact that
I needed to buy a desktop computer and printer,
was going to buy it this weekend, and then poof,
I got my first wpc and won both.

So, now Im going to start looking at new cars to buy,
and a nice lcd tv, and a holiday to tahiti, and hope like
heck that my strategy works.....lmao....

Enter , enter , enter, enter until you fall asleep over
the keyboard ( I have done that a few times)

Vagary is right, forget your kids, nights out, cooking
dinner, cleaning; glue those hands of yours to your phone,
pc, and sms like crazy. It keeps me from being too depressed when I dont win anything for awhile.

Good luck everyone!
posted 23-4-2008 @ 11:01 AM www

Hi everyone,

I've been a premium member for almost a week, and read it was good karma to post on the forum... so karma me up! I'm ready to win!

I wanted to ask how long it takes from the date the comps close to you finding out you have won anything?
posted 23-4-2008 @ 11:04 AM www

It could be any time!! Sometimes promoters ring or email straight away, sometimes things just show up in the mail & you're not even sure what comp it's from, sometimes a letter will show up weeks if not months later!! Just keep entering & entering & something will show up soon!
posted 23-4-2008 @ 11:10 AM www

Thanks, I wasn't sure how long it would take!

I'm still trying to work out a system for the daily's! I haven't quite got the hang of it yet!
posted 23-4-2008 @ 11:27 AM www

lol, very funny comments........and I agree with them all, especially vagary! I moved into a new house in December, and I still haven't finished
But, I have won loads of prizes in the last couple of months!

This is my third year with Lottos. The first year I won $150 cash. Hubby thought that was great, coz it well and truly paid the membership, so encouraged me to keep at it. The second year I won $1,000 worth of prizes and cash, and this year so far I'm over $1,500 worth already.
It's hard to work out a system, but remember to use the Premium reports to left of screen (especially the posts since last visit - to keep up to date), and the comp-tracker in your control panel, to keep track of comps to follow up.
And, like everyone else has said........ENTER, ENTER, ENTER!!

posted 23-4-2008 @ 08:46 PM www

When I first started entering competitions, many years ago -pre lottos, I was fantastically motivated to keep records. For six weeks I logged all my comps this is pre internet days and all my COSTS. Then I sat and looked at what i had spent $100 + and what i had won NADA and thought what a waste of time. Back then i didnt have a LOTTOs support crew. So I considered giving it up.
Next day Hubby rang me at work to say that I had won a 3 night family holiday to Dubbo zoofari and assorted other attractions, flights, hire car, etc worth about $4000.
I didnt give up for a long time after that and went on to win quite a few nice prizes including four tickets to the Sydney Olympics Opening ceremony.
Then i lost interest and surprise my wins dropped right off too.
One day I watched Curent affair saw Andrew? in action and became a lootos member. I would love to say I havent looked back but after a year i have covered my membership and comping costs but once again im still trying for that next elusive big win. I know that its out there just waiting for me.
Thanks to all the LOTTOs member who keep me motivated and amused
And my catrchphrase is ENTER:mad::):cool::P:D
Good luck to all I think its time to check out the lucky dust again
posted 23-4-2008 @ 09:18 PM www

nothing more exciting then hearing the post mans bike in the morning..
seeing a white truck infront of your house
hearing your comping mobile actually ringing
might take a while but when it does the thrills last forever
posted 23-4-2008 @ 09:44 PM www

& even if you win little it's still fun being part of lottos!!! :D:D:):)

Not sure if the originator of the post kept going though???

posted 25-4-2008 @ 12:20 PM www

I agree. Seeing a courier van pull up out front is exciting. Coming home and finding a note in the letterbox keeps us all guessing til the pick up. I too go through stages of entering then nothing for ages. Me daughter enters regularly and has won a huge amount. My son now only enters the ones he really wants. It is fun. Lots of luck to everyone. :cool::P
posted 25-4-2008 @ 01:25 PM www

Reading all of your comments makes me feel like I'm not alone!
I think my friends think I'm crazy, and really the buzz and excitement of winning something cannot be described.
I won a holiday yesterday, and have only been a lottos member for about 6 weeks, and have been lucky enough to win a makeover on tv, holiday and other things. I was just adding it up and with all the extras they threw in for the television makeover I'm up to about $8,000 worth of prizes in 6 weeks. Well and truly paid for my membership!
I may be crazy, but I'm happy!:D And my whole family has now joined me in the madness!:mad:
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