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What's the best way to comp an hour a day?

posted 12-7-2005 @ 03:31 PM www
What's the best way to comp an hour a day?

I've just gone back to work part-time and finding it increasingly difficult to enter all the comps I want. I'm not very organised with 'what' to enter, so for people like me and to help out newbies to start, here's a thread to give your hints and tips to people who've only got about an hour a day to enter.

I'll start another thread for the 'once-a-weekers'!

posted 12-7-2005 @ 04:13 PM www

ok, here's my tip.

I don't get much time, I enter the daily competitions at night when my daughter is in bed, like take40 etc and then i go through premium all comps ending in 10 days and enter as many as i like.

On a quiet Sunday i do all the mail in comps i like, to send on a Monday..

I have been getting success too. You've got to be in it to win it.

posted 12-7-2005 @ 05:03 PM www

i do phone comps while cooking dinner, mail outs when watching TV and grab an hour on the PC when kids are asleep. And if I have to get up in the night for someone thats when I do any instant win comps.
posted 12-7-2005 @ 07:18 PM www

My tip:

Check through last 24 hour posts and enter immediately anything that interests you or is easy.

Enter all daily comps in my visit again/follow up file.

Then check through web comps by close date and enter all those closing today and then scroll through pages and enter all those that interest me until I run out of computer time for the night.

One night a week get answers for all Magazine comp's that I have forms for.

All mail ins fill in whilst watching TV

Make sure that you enter 10-15 comps per day, making sure that at you enter at least 2-5 that end on the last day of the month otherwise you may miss some by trying to do them all at the end

Good Luck Everyone
posted 12-7-2005 @ 08:32 PM www

I work full time and have 3 kids.

Every Monday night I enter all of the weekly comps, and early every morning I try and enter all of the daily comps.

I usually live on the 'web comps closing in 10 days' thread!

I have net access at work too, so when I'm not busy I can sneak into lottos ;)
posted 12-7-2005 @ 09:00 PM www

I usually use the 'comps ending in 10days' thread, that way i know i havent missed any. I also do all my magazine comps in one sitting so im not getting up and down looking for them all the time.
posted 12-7-2005 @ 09:00 PM www

Run a premium report for last 24 hours without the non comping stuff - I get too caught up reading goss and other OT info that I never enter as nearly as much as I should!
posted 12-7-2005 @ 10:13 PM www

I'm a bit nocturnal, so I start doing all the daily entries at about 10-11pm and then once its past midnight I do them all over again! That way I get a night off the computer every second night (if I want!)
posted 12-7-2005 @ 11:26 PM www

Originally posted by price8
I'm a bit nocturnal, so I start doing all the daily entries at about 10-11pm and then once its past midnight I do them all over again! That way I get a night off the computer every second night (if I want!)

I like that idea :)

I am also nocternal as I work nights and afternoons

might have to try this out to see if it works for me
cheers for that idea

see you can teach an old dog new tricks
I have been here for over a year and NEVER thought of doing that LOL

posted 13-7-2005 @ 06:05 AM www

First do your daily entry comps then two days of web comps by close date before you skip to the end of the month and do ten of those web comps per day. This way when it gets to the end of the month you have already entered most of them and its no mad rush!

Any time you may have after this you can do mail ins, instant win etc.

posted 18-10-2005 @ 11:51 AM www

I to spend a lot of time on my computer but mainly it is reading not entering I spend maybe 1-2 hours entering during the day. But to help you enter.

Spend one or two days (time you have) and go thru every section just off of the name of the comp and region etc. Mark not interested of visit again... Once you have it all done.
Each day sign into last 7 days added or new posted in last 24 hrs. (I use 7 days just in it was a bit longer) and again make not interested and visit again.

Once this is done go to your control panel to visit again. They are then in date order and you can get as far as you want each day. I am always at least a week in front but most night I try and finish the months worth.

So each day you do this there may be 15-20 added for the new month......

You can always add the daily ones to favourites so You can visit them each day.....

Well thats how I operate and keeo up to day with all new comps added...
Hope it helps all other compers out there..........
posted 18-10-2005 @ 05:31 PM www

I couldnt begin to give advice I spend 10 hours a day at it LOL and could never cram it into an hour however hard I tried GOOD LUCK

When the world says give up


try it one more time.......
posted 18-10-2005 @ 05:52 PM www

Just remember to enjoy whatever time you have and not to make it a chore.
posted 18-10-2005 @ 07:50 PM www

THAT is the absolute best piece of advice you could give any comper

Thx for sharing!
posted 18-10-2005 @ 08:40 PM www

That's a very interesting way to do it leah, I just might give it a try as I feel I've got less and less time to comp and I just love my hobby and don't want to give it up.

posted 28-1-2008 @ 11:25 AM www
mail comps

Where do i find the mail comps? are they in a section on their own? Im struggling to win....
posted 28-1-2008 @ 11:31 AM www

Here's where you'll find the mail in comps, good luck.
posted 28-1-2008 @ 11:40 AM www

Thank you bannana
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