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WOL answering the question that is asked, actually important?

posted 18-1-2020 @ 12:08 AM www
WOL answering the question that is asked, actually important?

am feeling a bit disheartened by the number of winning WOLs I am seeing that are just generic rhymes and do not answer the question asked.
Surely judges must see tons of those sort of answers that are all same same. How do they get considered original or creative?
What do others think? Is the effort put in to answering each individual WOL question important or worth the time? Anyone have any insider knowledge on this one
posted 18-1-2020 @ 01:52 AM www

I've found the one's I've won do answer the question and I'd like to think are reasonably creative. I think sometimes my answer is not blatantly obvious, but an answer is still there. I love my rhymes, have the most success with them.

I sometimes wonder though if they really just do a random draw, however say it's a WOL comp because some of the winners are the most non creative entry there. I remember one for a cleaning product and the most creative answer was something along the lines of "I like this product because it makes my house smell nice." Or the winner they 'choose' happens to be 30 words over the limit.
posted 18-1-2020 @ 08:38 AM www

it just depends what the promoters think and like
posted 18-1-2020 @ 09:39 AM www

I will always abide by the T and C and answer the question asked. You never know if promoters will stick to their T and C though. I think it pays to do the right thing. But then again . . .
posted 18-1-2020 @ 09:56 AM www

I haven't won many wol comps, so I can't generalise, but I get too clever with my answer, I definitely don't win, and several times when I've just thrown together a response and thought that it didn't really answer the question, then I have won. So I try to keep things very simple and obvious, although it's hard to resist being clever when it's a prize I desperately want!
posted 18-1-2020 @ 10:26 AM www

I personally haven't have huge success with WOL and often wonder the same Gigondasgirl.

To answer your question I believe it's no different to any other aspect of life " it's in the eye of the beholder" the person observing gets to decide what is beautiful or in this case creative or clever.:)
posted 18-1-2020 @ 10:30 AM www

I too would really love to hear of the firsthand experience of a “real life ‘judge”-
Even though obviously all comps are ‘judged’ differently- it would definitely be interesting to gain some insight.
posted 18-1-2020 @ 11:00 AM www

I usually only enter WOLS. All of my big wins ie overseas trips etc have been won with them. I usually try to make them funny and always try to 'creatively' answer the question. Some of these I know have been judged because the promoter has commented on their reaction to my entry, the judging process and one used each line of one entry for a year in an online tourism campaign. One particular WOL (tweaked slightly) has won me two overseas trips.

However I think these days the volume of entries makes winning more difficult. There's more competition out there.

Today I tend to only enter holiday comps. I've read some great winning WOLS recently. I'm sure though that some WOL comps are just drawn or judged from a selection of entries too. Some judges loathe rhymes, some love them etc

You just have to keep plugging along! I really enjoy the writing process. Winning is a bonus!
posted 18-1-2020 @ 12:11 PM www

Its frustrating that WOLs are asked for game os skill - there's no requirement in most states. Online competitions in Victoria do not require a permit so no WOLs for games of skills for example.

Misreading of the law has lead to competition organisers running WOLs by default - they just have to ask a question - multiple choice fits the criteria.:yes:

I assume the judge randomly picks and decides if the WOL is good enough anyway. So when I feel creative I participate and have won mostly on WOLs so go figure.

Facebook is the most frustrating because it breaks all their terms and conditions running a competition on there.:grind:

It wouldn't be hard to find and regulate these competitions being run against rules we don't have that many competitions in Australia.
posted 18-1-2020 @ 12:42 PM www

I've only had luck once with a WOL competition. I have entered 1000's but it's obviously just not my thing. :fake sniffle:

The one I did win, the lady told me that it made them laugh and fitted so well with their company and competition so it stood out. Not sure if that helps but I thought it was good feedback, knowing it was actually read and judged accordingly. ;)
posted 18-1-2020 @ 12:52 PM www

I've had reasonable success with WOL including overseas trips and some decent prizes BUT

as others said.. you have no idea who judges, IF they actually do judge or just draw OR what they like. All comps are different: run by different people and drawn or judged by different people. There is no rule.. for us or for them. Some follow their own T&Cs and some do not

SO just enter and forget and cross your fingers I reckon.

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
posted 18-1-2020 @ 01:30 PM www

I have a great deal of trouble with the 'enter and forget' advice.

I have won quite a few good trips etc with WOL's. I hardly ever win other types.

I enjoy the feeling of entering what I think is a well thought out WOL. I like anticipating the judging date, and the little bit of hope it brings. However when I find out I have not won I usually feel a bit gutted!

posted 18-1-2020 @ 02:05 PM www

I know for sure now that some companies do not read all the entries, on Facebook at least, after an experience I had during the Christmas comps. I won't say which company it was, but what happened was they chose a winner who had not written anything creative, despite the terms saying they would choose something creative.

I'll give an arbitrary example to explain. If the question had been 'what is your favourite Christmas food', this person effectively just wrote 'Turkey'. Whereas I answered in a creative way, I wrote 'Turkey', but wrote my answer in a poem. After they announced this person was the winner, I felt so annoyed, especially as I had written my answer two hours prior to this person.

I contacted them and pointed out that they had given the prize to someone who had written nothing creative, and I quoted their terms to them. They replied saying after reading my answer they agreed it was more creative than the winner (dur...).

They said they wanted to send me the same prize to make up for it. I was pleased to receive the prize, as well as an extra prize they sent to make up for what happened, although it made me realise they had never even read my answer until I contacted them!
posted 18-1-2020 @ 09:38 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by busyplanningotherthings  
I know for sure now that some companies do not read all the entries, on Facebook at least, after an experience I had during the Christmas comps. I won't say which company it was, but what happened was they chose a winner who had not written anything creative, despite the terms saying they would choose something creative.

I'll give an arbitrary example to explain. If the question had been 'what is your favourite Christmas food', this person effectively just wrote 'Turkey'. Whereas I answered in a creative way, I wrote 'Turkey', but wrote my answer in a poem. After they announced this person was the winner, I felt so annoyed, especially as I had written my answer two hours prior to this person.

I contacted them and pointed out that they had given the prize to someone who had written nothing creative, and I quoted their terms to them. They replied saying after reading my answer they agreed it was more creative than the winner (dur...).

They said they wanted to send me the same prize to make up for it. I was pleased to receive the prize, as well as an extra prize they sent to make up for what happened, although it made me realise they had never even read my answer until I contacted them!
Says it all, it's no different in my cooking world, sometimes a dish that looks like dog food & would taste like dog food wins, when the t&c's state creative, original, styled ... I remember one comp, where the winning entries "Original" recipe came straight from the comp product web page & the cheesecake (supposedly home cooked) was a Costco original (and in no way related to the recipe, apart from being strawberry) ... for that someone won $5000, I'm so happy you ended up with a prize, at the end of it all :)
posted 19-1-2020 @ 08:35 AM www

No insider knowledge unfortunately.

I have won big and small prizes with random draws and with WOL’s. Some of the WOL I worked hours on and some I just wrote something, anything so I could have an entry. Sometimes I stare and stare at the question and just come up with nothing, thats when I enter any old answer and hope it’s not really judged.

And there’s the rub! You will never know how or why one entry wins over another. At some point probably a lot of the lotto members have won with a so-so WOL entry. Could have been a fabulous trip, could have been a book!

In my personal opinion, comps that have daily WOL, comps on the TV or with wide publicity, the judges will never read the thousands of entries, do they start at the beginning and judge till they find one they like? Do they start at the end and do the same? Do they do a random selection and find a winner out of 100,500 entries? Do they want sincere? Funny? Witty? You will never know and just send yourself crazy trying to figure it out. I have written poems, one line, sincere,irreverant, every style you can think of. Yes there will be some comps that do judge, my recent win in the SBS Once Upon a time in LA was that, the promoter said they loved my answer but did they read every entry? Who knows?

Keep at it. Use small prize comps (books, tickets, etc) as a way to practice your WOL answers. Don’t take it personally, the judges don’t know you. You might comp for years and never win a big prize or next Monday you may get a phone call out of the blue from a number you don’t recognise and someone says “hello you recently entered......congratulations”

posted 19-1-2020 @ 10:18 AM www

I think that WOLs used to be mostly judged, but now they are mostly drawn (the "creative answer" just being a way to get past having to pay for a comping permit).

I've won with clever answers and I've won with lame ones. My advice, if you can think of something particularly funny and clever - use it. But if you can't think of anything quickly and easily - still enter with whatever comes to mind - you still might win. Don't worry too much about it, just keep entering. The only "trick" to WOL comps - is the more you enter - the better chance you have of winning.

Then again, I don't win that many, so I may be wrong :D
posted 19-1-2020 @ 10:23 AM www

Just went to enter a competition - and here's a perfect example of the line "most creative entry wins" not meaning anything at all (cause how can your favourite emoji be creative????) :

All you have to do is
1. Follow @changsasianfood
2. Tag a friend AND comment with your favourite emoji

The competition ends on 19th January and we’ll pick the most creative answer to win
posted 19-1-2020 @ 02:21 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by langod  
Just went to enter a competition - and here's a perfect example of the line "most creative entry wins" not meaning anything at all (cause how can your favourite emoji be creative????) :

All you have to do is
1. Follow @changsasianfood
2. Tag a friend AND comment with your favourite emoji

The competition ends on 19th January and we’ll pick the most creative answer to win

posted 19-1-2020 @ 03:20 PM www

I've found with the emoji one's you need to also write about it, which was highly annoying when you've been doing everything you can to stick to the instructions. I often ask them if written content is judged as well, so far all have said yes.
posted 21-1-2020 @ 03:28 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by 7LittleAustralians  
I've found with the emoji one's you need to also write about it, which was highly annoying when you've been doing everything you can to stick to the instructions. I often ask them if written content is judged as well, so far all have said yes.

Interesting. I've always assumed that putting anything in besides an emoji would disqualify you. Thanks for the info 7LittleAustralians
posted 21-1-2020 @ 05:38 PM www

I think at the end of the day there are many that are judged and clearly many that aren't. However, I think it's really important to remember that the choice of the winner is very subjective. I sometimes spend hours finessing an entry only to have family members say that they think it sounds crap. Quite hurtful to us compers that treat these 25 wol as our pride and joy. :lol::lol: Its taken me awhile but I'm finally learning to tell myself that there are lots of witty, clever people out there. From my own experiences I really think my wins have come from entries that really are different or stand out. I always try to avoid rhymes just for the sake of rhyming. A good place to see this is on 25wol FB comps. Often there's many,many, many brilliant rhyming entries that honestly all sound worthy of winning. However, they all end up rolling into one. My suggestion is to stand out and think outside the box. Good luck everyone
posted 21-1-2020 @ 08:28 PM www

it is if they care 2 hoots about answers!
posted 2-3-2020 @ 11:56 AM www

I only enter WOLs, I always try to answer the question, and I've been very fortunate with some great wins. Sure some or many get randomly drawn, but plenty don't.

However I always try to answer in a way that others don't, you need to stand out somehow from the many almost identical entries.
posted 2-3-2020 @ 01:12 PM www

There is a current purchase Comp that requires a WOL answer asking for what product you would like to see them make. I have a head full of ideas, so thought it a great chance to put them out there. Thing is, you can also get 'extra' entries for liking and sharing on FB & Instagram (which are not my thing).
I emailed them for clarification on whether the answers were relevant, or read, given someone could buy 1 product and potentially end up with triple entries via Social Media, against my 1 purchase, and 1 entry if not liked, shared, followed etc. Annoying because I would always be 3 times less entries than the Social Media mob.
Got conflicting answers:
Firstly: 'The Social Media Extra Adds DO NOT affect the Competition Entries, however it will help you to get extra vote' and 'It is completely up to you whether you want to use those extra votes'
I then asked what the 'adds' are and what votes do/what they are for (given the wol are not for all to see).
Response: 'it will give you an ADDITIONAL entry to win INCREASING YOUR CHANCES'.:(
I just didn't get it. First they don't affect the Competition entries, then they do.:grind:
I replied saying given it is not a level playing field, WOL is not read or judged and T&C's state it is a random draw, and I will keep with my 3 purchase and WOL entries entered so far, and will save my ideas in my head for another opportunity.
The reply: Good luck in the Competition. All entries WILL be read.

:oGREAT! Felt like answering back and asking; why bother reading them if you are doing a random draw and not judging them? Just decided to let it go. Win Win for them with free Social Media advertising via the followers and sharers, and via ideas submitted. Incredibly frustrating. I finally found an opportunity to put some good ideas out there for products I can't find exist, that I want to use - with potential reward. Wish I could retract them!
I wish the Gov't and gaming authority had some balls and got their s#*% together and cracked down on these 'popularity' Contests, or 'too lazy to do properly' Comps that have inconsistent T&C interpretations even the Company running it cannot clarify in plain English, or follow. More and more are becoming far from good, well run, legitimate Competitions. They get away with it as long as they are not accountable to a non existent, or toothless Govt gaming authority. Imagine if there was a fine for not following T&C's or misleading entrants which was larger than the permit price?! That would clean it all up! We wish!
It is a minefield. I have done well with WOL in the past. If I enter multiple times I do a cross section of rhyme, mottos, life, funny and real answers to cover all bases. Can never tell what they are looking for.

posted 2-3-2020 @ 11:44 PM www

I have won big with simple honest answers to WOL and equally won with rhyming answers that I spent time crafting to answer a particular competition - you never know on the day what judges will like so I say follow your heart and what you feel at the time of the competition.

Good luck
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