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What's the lamest entry you've ever written that resulted in a win?

posted 10-3-2005 @ 05:05 PM www
What's the lamest entry you've ever written that resulted in a win?

What's the lamest entry you've ever written that resulted in a win?

posted 10-3-2005 @ 06:37 PM www

posted 10-3-2005 @ 06:42 PM www

lollllllllll RooBoy now that is lame :o hehehehehe
posted 10-3-2005 @ 07:32 PM www

Spot on rooboy... lmfao
posted 11-3-2005 @ 09:23 AM www

Thats given me the biggest laugh this morning...and there is absolutely nothing to read...

thanks rooboy:D:D
posted 11-3-2005 @ 11:06 PM www

I loved your entry Rooboy! Concise and very witty!:D
:pig: :pig: :pig:

posted 12-3-2005 @ 01:37 AM www

Knowing his luck it will probably win as well:D:D:D:D

posted 6-4-2005 @ 04:24 PM www

ive only just started to enter stuff, and i won movietickets to precinct 13,

the question was : name 13 reasons why you want to see this movie

i wrote stuff like:
1 - i like movies
2 - my girlfriend likes movies
3 - i like popcorn
4 - my girlfriend likes popcorn
5 - it will be fun

etc, just lame answers like that, but i won some :) i got sick of thinking of real answers
posted 6-4-2005 @ 04:34 PM www

Lol @ Rooboy there were times when that may have been a better answer than any I wrote. :D

AK47 I'm so glad you brought up that comp I was the same. Who could think of 13 reasons ? I still wanted to enter though so I wrote:
1. I want to see it
2. I want to see it
3. I want to see it
4. I want to see it
5. I want to see it
6. I want to see it
7. I want to see it
8. I want to see it
9. I want to see it
10. I want to see it
11. I want to see it
12. I want to see it
13. and my partner wants to see it too.

They must have been looking for lame I think.

Most of my answers are pretty lame but every now and then they win anyway.

:duh: :P
posted 6-4-2005 @ 11:02 PM www

hehe, yea if only the really big prizes wanted lame answers, we'd probably win all the cars and holidays, well im just a beginner and 4 small prizes in my first week, its a good start :)
posted 7-4-2005 @ 09:44 AM www

I recently won a Vanity Fair prize pack and it asked why I should win and I wrote...because I'm fair and vain! I think I entered this late at night and I'm embarassed that I wrote such a lame answer :o But maybe they judged it late at night thats why they liked it:P
posted 7-4-2005 @ 09:55 AM www

25 wol when you need a SWAT team and why ...

answer was for hubby and was ... "Once a month, Every month - when the wife has PMT she may be little but needs a SWAT team to control her!!!

posted 7-4-2005 @ 10:42 AM www

lmao Wenchy.. nothing lame about that answer :lol: :lol: :lol:
posted 11-7-2005 @ 10:45 PM www

I did one only today, but doubt it will win for obvious reasons. However, I thought I'd try the minimalist approach.

I think the question was something like:

What do you want to be when you grow up?

My answer:



A whole 24 words unused!!!
posted 12-7-2005 @ 12:56 AM www

I thought that way when I entered a Hoyts comp Roysterini. The question was
1. In 25 words or less, tell us what has been your greatest adventure?

My answer: Living

It was a winner. Only a small prize of movie tix and a book, but it showed me that one word can do.
posted 12-7-2005 @ 01:03 AM www

"Sunflowers" won me a DVD! (as in, What is your favourite flower?)
posted 12-7-2005 @ 01:20 AM www

HAHA, cool.

So, I'm in with a chance then!? hehe :P

Originally posted by munchkin
I thought that way when I entered a Hoyts comp Roysterini. The question was
1. In 25 words or less, tell us what has been your greatest adventure?

My answer: Living

It was a winner. Only a small prize of movie tix and a book, but it showed me that one word can do.
posted 26-8-2005 @ 12:49 AM www

hi from a newbie, have to chat with the mickeydownunder as I worked for Disney long...long...long time ago. Anyhow...

My lamest entry was a few years ago when I did a 25 words or less for some auto store. (You had to use the word auto as many times as possible. )Can't remember what I put, phone call to say I won...I was the ONLY entry!! Still enjoying the am/fm radio cd player hehehehehehehehe
posted 1-9-2005 @ 04:02 PM www

only today received dvd christmas with the kranks

my son wrote "haven't seen it but sounds funny and has great stars in it"

thought i didn't have a chance as competing against so many talented lottos members.

didn't any of you enter?:D
posted 1-9-2005 @ 05:31 PM www

I got so peeved with the "Answer in 25 words why you want one" I picked up a BIG pen and wrote:

"words" 23 times all over the back of the envelope, then put in the middle "just cos"

I won a Cappucino Machine !

And there i was thinking I had been far too obscure.
posted 1-9-2005 @ 09:12 PM www

I won a School of Rock pack with three little words "Jack Black sux"
posted 6-9-2005 @ 09:42 PM www

Originally posted by Phinnieatshop
I got so peeved with the "Answer in 25 words why you want one" I picked up a BIG pen and wrote:

"words" 23 times all over the back of the envelope, then put in the middle "just cos"

I won a Cappucino Machine !

And there i was thinking I had been far too obscure.

I like that!

My lame entry that won a 2 for 1 pass to PS from maxtv:

What keeps you coming back to the movies:

I keep winning tickets to them.

and it's true, I've won a few lately, otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to see so many

posted 6-9-2005 @ 10:22 PM www

my first 2 25 words or less both won and were displayed on the web pages, haven't entered one since as it was just too embarressing lol
posted 8-9-2005 @ 01:51 PM www

Simply brilliant Scalliwag!

How's this for lame.....I won a magna doodle pro for kids with "The more they doodle, the better their noodle!"
posted 14-9-2005 @ 05:35 PM www

that's another good 'un!
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