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Originally Posted By Andrew - MSGTAG - email notification of recipient opening your email

posted 14-9-2005 @ 08:38 AM www
Originally Posted By Andrew - MSGTAG - email notification of recipient opening your email

Message tags notify you the moment your messages are opened.

When your email is viewed at its destination, MSGTAG lets you know. You receive notification from MSGTAG telling you that your message has been opened. The notification also details when the message was sent, when it was viewed, and what the delay has been in between.

How is MSGTAG different from the read receipts you already get in Outlook and other email programs?
Unlike traditional read receipts, MSGTAG doesn't hassle your recipient with pop-up boxes — it's completely automatic — and you can send tagged messages to practically any email address, including Hotmail and Yahoo addresses.

Please note that MSGTAG is not currently available for Hotmail, Yahoo!, AOL or similar services. Tagged messages may be sent to these addresses, but not from them
posted 14-9-2005 @ 08:41 AM www
Comments by members


This is an exceleent program! I have been using it for quite a while - extremely handy for eBayers..... you know buyers who never got a e-mail from you etc


Thanks Andrew - I downloaded the freebie of this a few weeks ago and
it is very handy. And like icebox said it's great for auctions as
I'm having that prob at the moment - a winning bidder who doesn't
respond after 2 weeks but now I know she's getting my emails

Today I got the message tag newsletter offering the PLUS version for
half price - it only works out to $13.65 aussie dollars so I've just
bought it. What I like about the PLUS version is that you can hide
the fact that you have tagged the message.


Yes it would be very good for auctions! I have not heard from the
seller of an auction I have won! I have sent it to her two email
addresses and I notice she has still been bidding on things so I am
assuming she has changed her mind.... eitherway it would be good to
know if she has read my email

I have the free version and I think it's great... I think you can
get away with just the free version. I sell on ebay too (and buy way
to much as well) - and I like the fact they KNOW as soon as they
click on that message I will know..... It has helped me out heaps of
times now and it is amazing how quickly you get a reply as soon as
you use it.

It is good for promoters who are slack sending out prizes too hee


Will be downloading this , I had the winning bid on an e-bay item
over two weeks ago , was given very strict instructions from the
seller on what to do , did a transfer of the money online then &
there plus sent him an email telling him it had been done . Has had
my money all this time & despite sending several polite emails have
recieved nothing at all from him , yet his feedback shows he has a
perfect record . Will download & send another email & see what
happens this time .



I've learnt a very expensive lesson and wish I'd used it. I was the
winner of a portable DVD player and the t&c's stated that an email
would be sent to the winner and if there was no reply within a month
the prize winner would forfeit the prize. I waited a week or so for
the email (which they claim they sent) but it didn't come so I sent
several emails which were ignored (they claim they didn't receive
them) and last week after putting a plea for help in the subject box
saying my emails were being ignored, lo and behold, I get an answer
stating I had forfeited my prize!
If I had not sent my emails from a link on their site and sent them
in the usual way and saved them in my sent folder I'd have more
concrete proof and if I'd tagged them that would have been better
Emails have flying furiously between the company and myself in the
last few days but today I think they have the idea if they ignore me
I'll go away because communication has ceased. I have proof I knew I
was a winner and that I sent emails by the way of threads I printed
out when I won but they haven't asked to see them. They are
basically implying in their answers that I didn't know that I'd won
and have just discovered this and want my prize!
If only I'd tagged my emails.


to get msgtag plus for half price, put KMFAYC in the promotional
code when you order. This code is found at and also at

and to get msgtag status for half price, type GMAAYM. This code is
found at
(although it says in the webpage that it has expired, it hasnt! )


So glad I found this again , had installed it before getting a new
tower built & so wanted it again , is so good for my dealings on


I am in a similar situation here
I recently won an auction and transfered the money the next day.
I have requested that the seller let me know the money has arrived
and they have posted the items.
but they have not responded after a week and it is making me nervous
as the amount is over $100
I work hard for my money and just want to be acknowledged that it
has been received and don't feel that is too much to ask.

I hope thias tagging this works and will love the fact that they now
know I have their details and also that when they read the message,
I will know that as well.
hopefully this will make them pull their finger out

thanks peoples and also Andrew for the original post

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