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How many comps a week do you enter to win?

posted 16-9-2023 @ 11:59 PM www
How many comps a week do you enter to win?

I have been entering so may comps but haven't won anything recently.What is going on?

how do you guarantee a win?:(
posted 17-9-2023 @ 12:18 AM www

There's no guarantee unfortunately. I've gone for several months several times without a win. I just hope the next one is a big one
posted 17-9-2023 @ 12:22 AM www

Quote: Originally posted by KJcompchamp74  
I have been entering so may comps but haven't won anything recently.What is going on?

how do you guarantee a win?:(

you can never guarantee a win, best thing to do is enter and forget, and hopefully a prizes will arrive at your door or mailbox :)

posted 17-9-2023 @ 08:20 AM www

I only enter the comps I want to win. Haven’t won since December last year. But something will be around the corner!
posted 17-9-2023 @ 09:01 AM www

I not sure how many comps I enter each week to win? I just know I do at least 1 or 2 a day and some days maybe up to 6 or something ? It's random with me ,same with winning it random all over the place lol, I just keep trying as I live for it it's my religion .
posted 17-9-2023 @ 10:12 AM www

I used to count but it was time consuming to keep tally. Now I just put my head down and enter, enter, enter as fast as I can :lol:

Comping is changing for a number of reasons: more cheating, fewer big prizes, more people entering, social media becoming more popular. BUT there are still lots of prizes out there for the taking.

Promoters can't possibly look through thousands of entries, therefore winning a WOL nowadays is difficult not to mention very subjective anyway. You can write a winning WOL and yet not win. If they don't see your entry, how can it win?

My advice: have fun comping. If you don't enjoy it, stop entering. Celebrate with those you know who do win prizes. Enjoy the social aspects (Thanks Andrew for this great platform).

I will forever be a comper and always live in hope of the next big win. Until then, I enter, forget about it and move on. I wish everyone a BIG win soon. Blessings to all xxx


posted 17-9-2023 @ 10:37 AM www

Perfectly said KimmyWimmy.
Comping has changed a lot but it's still a lot of fun. Great advice KimmyWimmy! I just enter as much as time allows me too. Sometimes that's not much! I have had to put a few rules in place for myself as I can get a bit obsessed :lol:

So now I don't enter any instagram, alcohol comps and anything I don't want to win or don't care for. I also cannot enter many holiday comps at the moment as I'm going through a serious medical diagnosis and can't go away, so that has cut down a lot for me too. Which is fine! I also don't commit to enter all the daily comps, I just choose a couple I really like and try to do those, the rest is a token entry. Balancing life with hobbies you love is something a lot of people have to consider.

Comping is something I really enjoy and fits into my busy life - lots of other hobbies don't! Wishing you the bet of luck to KimmyWimmy and glad you are enjoying your comping time! :):) I love hearing about others wins and find it exciting. Something wonderful is just around the corner - you never know :):):):):):)

Everything will be okay in the end. And if it's not okay, than it's not the end.

Just keep going, one foot in front of the other. Step by step, you will get there.

Something wonderful is just around the corner.
posted 17-9-2023 @ 11:43 AM www

The number of comps I enter varies from week to week, month to month and year to year. Sometimes life gets in the way (hope things go well for you Naturegirl). I didn't have time/energy to enter at all for over a year. But I always seem to come back to it. I no longer enter every comp I can as stuff builds up and I would rather leave those wins to people who would appreciate the prize. I have had about 20 big wins (say $500-15000) over the years and lots and lots of little ones. Whether small or large, there is a thrill in winning and it is better than gambling because you don't have to put any money in to lose and there is always the prospect that you might win!

I think Australia has an ideal population size for comping because there are enough people to make the prizes worthwhile but not so many that the chances of winning a nationwide contest are infinitesimal!

Keep trying and one day it will happen!;)
posted 17-9-2023 @ 12:32 PM www

Well said by everyone above.

Now those who know me know that I like statistics and keep running spreadsheets. Yes it is a bit of a numbers game, ie. the more you enter, the more chances to win, however, 'chance' is the operative word here. You can't just go by number of entries or number of comps entered. You also need to look at how many entries the comp is likely to get and how many prizes are up for grabs. Promoters don't give us many details anymore but years ago some promoters would announce how many entries they received. For example, a comp promoted on tv to win a big prize like a car, holiday or big cash would attract millions of entries. And back then we'd be making phone entries. Same went for popular purchase comps. Can't remember all the details now but Coke had a long running comp with a few huge prizes that attracted 10 million entries! So you can imagine my shock when I once won a major Pepsi Max comp. I had just 7 entries and they would've received millions.

If I look at some of my stats over the past year, in January I entered 120 different comps and won nothing.
In July I entered 124 different comps and won 8 prizes. There was a Kenwood mixer in that bunch but the rest were all small vouchers.

Like others have said, don't worry about numbers too much. Enjoy your comping hobby. Enter for what you'd like to win and move onto the next comp. And if there are certain prizes you're after, use the Lottos Search feature to help you find them quicker. As long as you enter, you'll eventually win something.
posted 17-9-2023 @ 02:13 PM www

I aim to enter 30 a day, 6 days a week. I don't enter competitions I wouldn't use either for myself or for one of my family. I would rather that someone who really wants to win it does so.

That being said, I have 9 kids and a baby on the way ranging in age from young adult to toddler, plus extended family such as parents, and children's partners. So there is a lot of variety for me in what I would be interested in entering. if it's not something I'm interested in, then one of my kids probably would be.

Prize totals:
2017: $37,521
2018: $9,375
2019: $23,955
2020: $22,765
2021 $32,484
2022: $41,760
2023: $58,522
posted 17-9-2023 @ 02:42 PM www

When I first started I always had to be over 200 comps entered but for a few years now I am selective in the comps I enter. I am currently only on 29 comps entered. I still win prizes, not as much as before but I ve won heaps this years. Won $1000 of prezee gift cards last week and off to NZ in a few weeks. I am on lottos every day fluffing around but might only enter 1 or 2 a day but I love it. I’ll always be a comper just much more relaxed about it now.

As they always say just enter and forget. And have fun.
Good luck.
posted 17-9-2023 @ 10:23 PM www

I find there's just not the volume of comps to enter a lot every day now. I just did a review of comps last 24 hours, and there's less than 2 pages. Used to be 6 minimum!
posted 2-10-2023 @ 11:28 PM www

I have just come back to comping after a 5 year seems there has been lots of changes since then. I hope I might win something over the next year.
posted 3-10-2023 @ 12:39 PM www

I find it is all relative. Everytime I do an entry blitz for a few months, the wins happen, when I back off, so do the wins. Good luck. Keep entering. You have to be in it to win it, and sometimes it only takes that one lucky entry. You will be rewarded for your effort, but good things do take time. Enjoy the process. :)
posted 23-1-2024 @ 03:38 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by KatieR  
I have just come back to comping after a 5 year seems there has been lots of changes since then. I hope I might win something over the next year.

I too have come back after about 6 years break. I started on this site in 2005……use to win lots. They were the days when you posted in barcodes and entry forms etc. and wow comps were actually read.
comping I noticed has changed heaps. But I want to give it a go again.
posted 23-1-2024 @ 03:47 PM www

Hardly any. Only enter for prizes I really want. Winning is so difficult these days as others have said.

Enjoy writing WOLs even though these days it usually for my own enjoyment. Lucky I've won heaps in the past.
posted 24-1-2024 @ 12:33 AM www

Quote: Originally posted by KJcompchamp74  
I have been entering so may comps but haven't won anything recently.What is going on?

how do you guarantee a win?:(

You can't guarantee a win.
posted 24-1-2024 @ 07:44 AM www

The more you enter the more likely you will win.

But well said by everyone

I do feel there is a change around the corner, moving away from social media comment style and back to secure form. Surely the promoters must be getting sick of being hacked all the time

Comping since 1980.......
posted 24-1-2024 @ 06:02 PM www

I hear you KJcompchamp74, I haven't won a single thing since the beginning of 2022 even though I keep plugging away at it. I had some good prizes in 2021 and only one prize in the beginning of 2022 but since then zilch, nothing.

posted 28-2-2024 @ 06:28 PM www

Hi everyone, I was a comper many moons ago. I started slowly and won a dvd after a few weeks, my curiosity was aroused and I put a little more effort into my entries. Gradually the prizes started to flow, mainly small stuff but all welcome. My favourites were the 25 words or less which definitely gave me an edge because I'm a published author and poet. Within the next few months I had won 5 holidays, all included flights, accommodation and spending money. My wife nearly had a fit when I won a trip to Paris for the French open which included centre court seats. We saw Roger Federer at his peak toy with a young pretender, truly wonderful. Spent a day in the louvre and saw all the usual sights. After about 4 years or so I was spending 5 or 6 hours a day on the computer doing entries. I won a truck load of assorted prizes and appeared on tv being interviewed about my rewarding hobby. Eventually my interest started to dwindle and I quit. I have a new wife now and she's never had an overseas holiday. I enjoy a challenge and even though I'm 78 the brain cells are still firing at full capacity so I've returned to see if I can take my better half for her greatest wish, the big trip overseas. My advice, in life you get back what you put in. More entries returns more prizes and your ability improves. Stick at it guys and the rewards will surely come.
posted 28-2-2024 @ 11:21 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by pinklescat  
The more you enter the more likely you will win.

But well said by everyone

I do feel there is a change around the corner, moving away from social media comment style and back to secure form. Surely the promoters must be getting sick of being hacked all the time

Agreed pinklescat
posted 28-2-2024 @ 11:32 PM www

All social media platforms no-go-zones for us since very outset - no Social Media by choice. Very happy with that, just cannot be stuffed being insta/face/twit puppets and can clearly see it for-what-it-is after a very, very, very, very long IT security career.

Enter much, much less comps per week now. Targeted a few biggies and almost always slayed by same surnames that are very often drawn as major winners in a staggering amount of purchase comps.

On the verge of ditching comping after a very long time and trying something else creative, less expensive, more lucrative and fulfilling.

Hoping there'll be Federal-level change-for-the-better in comp entry formats/T&Cs soon, creating a level playing field for all entrants around Australia - 100% transparency vital.

posted 28-2-2024 @ 11:48 PM www

Quote: Originally posted by Lazarus 44  
....and she's never had an overseas holiday. I enjoy a challenge and even though I'm 78 the brain cells are still firing at full capacity so I've returned to see if I can take my better half for her greatest wish, the big trip overseas. My advice, in life you get back what you put in. More entries returns more prizes and your ability improves. Stick at it guys and the rewards will surely come.

Good luck Lazarus!!!
posted 29-2-2024 @ 08:23 AM www

I consider it a numbers game. The more you enter the better the chance. Yes even most of those comps that are suppose to be judged on skill.

Prize wins 2014: $37680
Prize wins 2011: $13000
previous years about $25000

The harder you work the luckier you get
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