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Global Travel Products - Win a Calvin Klein Carry-on bag

posted 15-10-2024 @ 07:25 PM www
Global Travel Products - Win a Calvin Klein Carry-on bag
Entry methods: Online, Freq: Once Only, Closes 24/10/2024

Enter: Link not available to Guests - Click here to upgrade Now!

WIN this gorgeous Calvin Klein Carry-on.

Become a VIP Club member to enter competitions (including this one) and receive exclusive discounts and new product alerts each month! It's free to join.

Join our VIP Club by 25 OCT 2024 to enter.

We will draw this competition on 25th October.
posted 18-10-2024 @ 11:30 PM www

Terms & Conditions:
VIP Club Competition / Bag - 1 Winner!
Global Travel Products - Terms & Conditions

VIP Club Competition / Universal Travel Adaptor

Promoter Details
1. The "Global Travel Products” (“Promotion") is conducted by Logical Distribution Pty Ltd trading as Global Travel Products Pty Ltd, ABN 93 268 095 155, 17/49 Corporate Blvd, Bayswater VIC 3153 ("Promoter").

Competition Commencement and Closing Time
2. The Competition will commence on 23rd June 2020 at 3:00pm, and will close at 11:59pm on 31st July 2020 (“Competition Period"). All times and dates are times and dates in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia which may be AEST or AEDT depending on the date. A winner will be announced on or within 30 days of 31st July 2020.

3. There is 1 winner in total and the prize (“Prize”) consists of:
- 1 x bag of the winners choice valued up to $99.

4. The Prize is not transferable or redeemable for cash. The Prize or any element of the Prize cannot be exchanged for any other prize/s. The Prize is subject to the terms and conditions of the entities supplying the Prize or components of the Prize.

5. The Promoter will post the Prize to the winner.

6. In the event that the Prize is not available for any reason, the Promoter, in its discretion, reserves the right to substitute the Prize with a prize that is equal in value.

7. The Competition is only open to eligible entrants. An eligible entrant is an individual who:

(a) is a resident of Australia aged at least 18 years, as at the time of entry in the Competition;

(b) has a current and valid email address, as at the time of entry in the Competition;

(c) is a member of the Global Travel Products VIP Club at the time of Competition Closing Time.

Entry and Participation
8. To submit an entry in the Competition, an Entrant must, at the time of the Competition Closing Time, be subscribed to the Global Travel Products VIP Club, via the Global Travel Products VIP Club sign up / subscription form. This form is made available via areas of the Global Travel Products Facebook page ( and the Global Travel Products website (

9. All Entrants must ensure that their entries are received by the Promoter during the Competition Period. The Promoter takes no responsibility for any late or misdirected entry or for any delays or failures in any telecommunications service or equipment.

10. Any costs associated with accessing the Competition website are the responsibility of the person seeking access and are dependent on the internet service provider used.

11. An Entrant must not submit more than one (1) entry in the Competition.

12. All entries to the Competition may be subject to verification by the Promoter. An Entrant MUST deliver to the Promoter (by a means determined by the Promoter) copies of any documents the Promoter may request establishing eligibility to enter or win, including evidence of age, residence and identity. The Promoter may make one or more requests for such documents and an Entrant must deliver requested copies within 7 days of being asked to do so. At the Promoter's request, an Entrant MUST also, within 7 days of being asked, allow the Promoter to inspect and copy the original of any such document.

13. The Promoter may, at its absolute discretion, declare any entry invalid if the Entrant:

(a) fails to establish their eligibility to enter the Competition to the Promoter's reasonable satisfaction;

(b) fails to produce items as required by clause 12 or produces items that, in the Promoter's reasonable opinion, are illegible, stolen, forged, reconstructed, altered, incomplete or tampered with in any way;

(c) in the Promoter's reasonable opinion, tampers with the entry process or benefits from any tampering; or

(d) in the Promoter's reasonable opinion, submits an entry which is not in accordance with these terms and conditions.

14. Entry into the Competition constitutes the Entrant’s unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions.

15. The Competition will be drawn randomly by a representative of the Promoter at Logical Distribution Pty Ltd, 17/49 Corporate Blvd, Bayswater VIC 3153.

16. The winners, once chosen, will be notified in writing via entry email and/or on the Global Travel Products Facebook page. The notification will request the winners to advise the Promoter of a contact phone number for confirmation, and postal address to send their prize.

17. Subject to any directions given under any law regulating the Competition, if the Prize is not claimed by the winners in accordance with clause 16 within 7 days of the winner being notified, the winners will forfeit the Prize and the Promoter reserves the right to award the Prize to other eligible Entrants in accordance with the judging criteria in clause

18. The procedure in clause 16 will apply in respect to notifying the Prize winners and claiming of the Prize by the new winners.

Entrant's Acknowledgement
19. Entrants’ acknowledge and agree that:

(a) the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook;

(b) by entering the Competition, each Entrant releases Facebook from any and all liability to the Entrant arising in any way from or in connection with the conduct of the Competition; and

(c) all information provided by an Entrant is provided to the Promoter and not to Facebook.

(d) the Competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, MailChimp;

(e) by entering the Competition, each Entrant releases MailChimp from any and all liability to the Entrant arising in any way from or in connection with the conduct of the Competition; and

(f) all information provided by an Entrant is provided to the Promoter and not to MailChimp.

20. If for any reason the conduct or operation of the Competition is interfered with or disrupted in any way by a cause outside the reasonable control of the Promoter (including by vandalism, power failures, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strikes, tampering, computer bugs or viruses or technical failures), the Promoter reserves the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend or recommence the Competition.

21. The Promoter reserves the right to waive any of the eligibility requirements for entry into the Competition.

22. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for:

(a) any error, omission, interruption, or delay in the operation or transmission of any communication sent to (or by) the Promoter or any Entrant whether caused by problems with communication networks or lines, computer systems, software or internet service providers, congestion on any carrier network or otherwise;

(b) any theft, destruction or unauthorised access to, or alteration of such communications; and

(c) any problem with, or technical malfunction of, any computer system or other equipment used for the conduct of the Competition.


24. All of the Promoter's decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

25. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax liability incurred as a result of an Entrant participating in the Competition. Entrants should obtain independent tax and financial advice.

26. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Promoter, its associated companies and agencies and all those entities' personnel (each a "Relevant Party") exclude all liability for any loss (including without limitation any damage, claim, injury, death, cost or expense) which is suffered or incurred by any Entrant arising out of or in connection with the administration of or participation in the Competition or the Prize (including the using of the Prize), including but not limited to:

(a) any indirect, economic or consequential loss;

(b) any loss arising from the negligence of a Relevant Party;

(c) any liability for personal injury or death.

27. If any of these terms and conditions is unenforceable for any reason, the condition or the offending part of the condition will be severed from these terms and conditions and the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect.

28. The winners:

(a) consents to the Promoter using the winners’ name, likeness, image and/or voice (including any photograph, film and/or recording of them) in any media at any time or times without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this Competition, the Promoter and/or any of the Promoter's products or services; and

(b) agrees to participate in all reasonable promotional activities in relation to the Competition and the winning of the Prize as requested by the Promoter or its agents.

29. Entrants' personal information will be collected by or on behalf of the Promoter to enable it to administer the Competition and publicise the winner and each Entrant consents to such information used to market the Promoter’s products and services to the Entrant. The personal information of the winner may be provided to others assisting in the conduct of the Competition, including the Competition administrator, Prize supplier and deliverer, and to regulatory authorities.

"My spirit is free. But I'll always be near. As long as I'm alive in your heart " That you will be my caring sons .

MY LOTTO MOTTO ~ We are here to help each other , have fun & hopefully win a few prizes along the way .~

I'm unsure of my mood right now!

“Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart.”

"Set an intention...make space...surrender the outcome...and open your arms to receive."

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Fear is False Evidence About Reality

Some people dream about WINNING while others wake up and WORK HARD at it!

If you can't find a partner, find a wooden
chair!? RIP Duane


Try for 3 days referral link:
posted 20-10-2024 @ 06:57 PM www

I can't seem to submit, is anyone else having this problem? TIA
posted 21-10-2024 @ 08:06 AM www

Quote: Originally posted by itspossible  
I can't seem to submit, is anyone else having this problem? TIA

posted 21-10-2024 @ 05:11 PM www

Yes, I can't either and I've tried everything.
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