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Question re winning holidays

posted 23-1-2006 @ 07:31 AM www
Question re winning holidays

Sorry to be a bit of a board hog atm, but I have heaps of newbie questions.

I wanted to know whether if you enter holiday prize comps and you can't take the holiday yourself, are you allowed to give it to someone else (or even sell it on here?). I know it's probably dependent on the T&C, but in general can you do it?
posted 23-1-2006 @ 07:36 AM www
hi there and welcome

generally you cant sell a holiday but u usually can give it to a family member like mother or daughter

posted 23-1-2006 @ 07:44 AM www

ok thx sweetheart - so if I win a holiday, I can't come onto the swap board and swap it for something else or sell it?

I desperately want a new fridge and I am trying to win something of roughly equal value to swap or sell.
posted 23-1-2006 @ 07:49 AM www

It depends on the promotor but usually in the t&c it says if it is transferrable or not. Most holidays can't be sold on.

My son won an airline ticket and it was transferrable to the family so if he couldn't use it, my daughter or I could have used it.
posted 23-1-2006 @ 12:16 PM www

thx dbz - looks like my BIL will be having a great year if I win any holidays!
posted 28-1-2006 @ 09:31 PM www

If they do let you give the holiday to someone else it is usually only from the same state as you. Although one promotor did let me give my mum and dad a holiday and they are in a state quite far from me, but it was for 4 people and because there are only 2 of them it saved the promotors money :D so it does depend on who the promotor is and what the circumstances are, I certainly would never admit to them you were going to sell it.
posted 29-1-2006 @ 12:37 AM www

maybe your brother in law could buy it from you? and you can get white goods?
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